Baker College of Muskegon Reviews

  • 0 Reviews
  • Muskegon (MI)
0% of 0 students said this degree improved their career prospects
0% of 0 students said they would recommend this school to others
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Student & Graduate Reviews

  • Reviewed: 8/26/2017
  • Degree: Baking & Pastry Arts
"This college is honestly terrible. I attended their baking and pastry program for two quarters and one teacher refused to pass me. I completed every assignment to the best of my ability with her vague instructions and she continually failed me. Finally, the school forced me to switch to a different major! It was ridiculous! They said to either switch my major or move to the other culinary location across the state! The office staff are unhelpful and difficult. They will defend the teachers, even if you have valid proof of them using favoritism or singling out students. The teachers are vague and the tutors are useless. Rather than trying to help, they will just tell you you're hopeless and send you on your way. It's a darn good thing they're free. I have recently dropped out of this college, as I refuse to pay for a degree I do not want. I am getting an education that is hundreds of times better from a community college that is a fourth of the cost."