Arizona Automotive Institute Reviews
5 Reviews - Glendale (AZ)
- Annual Tuition: $19,220

100% of 5 students said this degree improved their career prospects
40% of 5 students said they would recommend this school to others
Student Reviews
Ryan Peluso
- Reviewed: 1/16/2021
- Degree: Automotive Technology
- Graduation Year: 1999
"I recommend AAI to anyone who is designed to be an automotive Technician. Most student I studied with did not care or were too young to make any good of this experience. I tried college for 6 years before I came to AAI and I took advantage of each teacher's knowledge graduating with presidents honors. I have been in the industry for 20years plus and I see people starting from lube tech failing. Thank you AAI for your instruction and knowledge."
Brandon Yates
- Reviewed: 1/12/2020
- Degree: Automotive Technology
- Graduation Year: 2009
"Completely misled, I wish that I would’ve known that everything that I learned was completely useless in a actual shop. $20k plus loan interest is absolutely not worth it. Thinking your going to walk into a job that’s not a lube tech or level 1 tech is completely absurd. After 3 years of trying to find a decent job that could actually support anything (after tool payments, and repaying a loan) at hopefully talking your way into a $13-15 an hour job I left the profession moved across country and now work as a laborer where even with no school I made at minimum $5-7 an hour more than any shop plus no tool payments. If you really wanna become a auto tech please do yourself a favor and just find a shop and start at the bottom and learn the ways things are really done, same way you’ll start after a tech school."
Matthew Mabery
- Reviewed: 11/6/2017
- Degree: Welding
- Graduation Year: 2018
"Shop around first, see what else is out there. I'm paying 20,000$ to play where's Waldo with the teachers who just can't seem to be pulled off thier cell phones to actually teach something. It's a joke, it really is. Not very funny, but still a joke. I will repeat myself, SEE WHAT ELSE IS OUT THERE BEFORE YOU DECIDE ON THIS "SCHOOL"."
Glen Carpenter
- Reviewed: 10/11/2016
- Degree: Automotive Technology
- Graduation Year: 1982
"When I at tented AAI in 1981- 82 i found it to be an excellent school. The teachers were knowledgeable competent and up to the task of teaching the teacher especially comes to mind Mel Wine burg taught transmission class .There Mr Wineburg taught me how too rebuild and perform performance upgrades.Im glad I attended AAI two of my children attended that school a daughter and a son"
Josh Lopez
- Reviewed: 1/26/2010
- Degree:
- Graduation Year:
"as a 19 year old diesle student I would not recommend this school to anyone!!! unless your between the ages of 30 to 40 and it's your first time out of jail in 10 years, Because this is their target market. They do the least possible to become an accredid school I have had three teachers now and 2 of them tell me all the time bare with them because they don't know it either. the addministration at this school is a joke People do drugs right in front of them and administation knows who posseses it but "they can't do anything to stop it". I was promised three Refrigeration trailors to work on but now my time there is coming to an end 16 months later do your think their there? the one we do have we can't work on why? because "that works and we don't wanna mess it up." My hydrolics course is coming up and they went out and got us a ditch with not a commercial one but probable 3'by3' Where's my tractor! Overall this school is half ass and does the least possible to be accrdedid. I was in high school doing algebra 3-4 now im in "college" learning 4*4 It's a joke if you want an associates degree for paying 25k come here if you wanna learn something and work for that degree find another school!( everyone in my class but two have a 99% and the phase is a week from over, impossible, my teachers have told me they get told they have to pass students)"