Austin College Reviews
12 Reviews - Sherman (TX)
- Annual Tuition: $44,950

71% of 12 students said this degree improved their career prospects
100% of 12 students said they would recommend this school to others
Student Reviews
- Reviewed: 4/17/2019
- Degree: Communications
- Graduation Year: 2011
"At the risk of sounding dramatic - going to this college ruined my life. The degree has shown to be useless - not a single prospective employer has known the school and I've been informed many a time that they didn't reach out as they assumed it was a community college. The financial services office is genuinely abhorrent. They offer no options to help and have been the one negative mark on my credit report for nearly ten years. Advisors were useless; school was overpriced and worthless. I genuinely believe I'd be better off with just a HS diploma than attempting to pay back the ridiculous amounts I owe this school on extremely low salaries as my degree is a laughing stock to potential employers. The only positive at this school was being in the presence of RT during English classes. Otherwise I think you'd be better off genuinely anywhere else than this school."
Shelbie Monkres
- Reviewed: 3/27/2017
- Degree: Business Administration
- Graduation Year: 2014
"I greatly appreciated my education and advising at Austin College. For a high quality liberal arts education, I would recommend attending this school. Austin College prepares you for graduate school, and has excellent pre-law and pre-med programs. Student life is amazing and I can sincerely say that I have made life long friendships. With one of the top Study Abroad programs in the nation, I was able to travel to Italy for my studies. Jan-terms allow students to travel and take courses outside of their comfort zones. Austin College is a college that prepares the global citizen for engagement and discussion beyond the classroom."
- Reviewed: 2/7/2017
- Degree: Business Administration
- Graduation Year: 2010
"I came out of high school an unsophisticated dunce driven by naive, literally, not knowing a thing about the world. When I consider how much Austin College has influenced and affected my life I am overwhelmed with gratitude. Austin College is a shining light for scholarship and an advocate for the rising leader."
Bekkah Crisp
- Reviewed: 1/30/2017
- Degree: Business Administration
- Graduation Year: 2009
"Austin College was a great choice for my academic career. I was challenged academically and saw the power of diversity through first hand experiences engaging in friendships with students from around the world. I would recommend Austin College to anyone who wants to be challenged to better themselves."
Jane Toh
- Reviewed: 7/18/2016
- Degree: History
- Graduation Year: 2013
"Austin College offered a great curriculum. I believe it is a great school, my only objection would be how small the school is. While closely located to Dallas, the small town of Sherman boasts very little, and as such networking is almost impossible. The school makes for this by inviting notable presenters and officials to the campus. I enjoyed my time there, but I don't think I was really prepared for the job market afterwards."
- Reviewed: 4/23/2015
- Degree: Biology
- Graduation Year: 2012
"Great program. Lots of hands on experience in the laboratory with modern equipment. Internship at the end ensure you have a carrier start. I found that this program gives students all nessesary information to land an entry level position as a biotechnology laboratory technician."
Chrissy Ray
- Reviewed: 8/7/2014
- Degree: Communications
- Graduation Year: 2016
"While Austin College is not known as well for there Communication's department, it still offers a variety of courses you can take that helps you further your knowledge in this area. The professors in this department go above and beyond what they need to do to help you find the path you are looking for."
- Reviewed: 8/5/2014
- Degree: English
- Graduation Year: 2015
"Austin College was the best decision I could have made for my college years. Between the amount of genuine friends I made, the team that became more like a family, and the professors that were willing to take any amount of time to make sure their students succeeded, I would not have wanted my college experience to be anywhere else. The small class sizes made it easy to speak up in class and feel like your voice is being heard at all times. The faculty, whether it was professors or others involved on campus, were all very helpful and enjoyable to be around. The campus life at AC allowed for every student to see familar faces every single day and find a group that they could easily fit in with. The diversity allowed for everyone on campus to understand or at least have a better look at different view points and work together at one common goal: graduation. If you enjoy small class sizes, meeting a variety of people, making friends that will last a lifetime, and working hard (at any aspect of life), AC is the place for you."
HILARY Wilkerson
- Reviewed: 7/14/2014
- Degree: Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2014
"Austin College has a great program going. Workload is rigorous but fantastic preparation for life."
Hilary Wilkerson
- Reviewed: 7/14/2014
- Degree: Teaching
- Graduation Year: 2014
"Austin College has a fantastic teaching program. The work is rigorous but is wonderful preparation for the future."
Chelsea Wylie
- Reviewed: 5/7/2013
- Degree: Education
- Graduation Year: 2014
"The graduate program at Austin College is excellent if you are looking to learn a lot, stay on top of the ever-changing field of education, and have close relationships with professors. The fast-track setup helps you get in and get out. Almost everyone gets a job right after graduation and their resume stands out against the rest. As a graduate student, the cons of undergrad are non-existant (cafeteria food, living on campus, etc...). I love it."
Emily Johnson
- Reviewed: 3/6/2013
- Degree: Teaching
- Graduation Year: 2014
"I love the Austin College Teacher program and believe that it is perfect for anyone who is serious about receiving the best master's teacher training in the United States. The list of pros can go on forever. The staff is incredibly well-informed and experienced in teaching k-12 education, plus they make everyone in the program feel empowered and give us the tools to be the best professional educators we can be. The only major con to this program is the price. Unlike undergraduate schools, the ATP requires you to pay per course and with a required 9 credits to fulfill, that price can be a deal breaker for many considering the program."