Brown University Reviews

  • 9 Reviews
  • Providence (RI)
  • Annual Tuition: $65,146
100% of 9 students said this degree improved their career prospects
89% of 9 students said they would recommend this program to others
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Student Reviews - in Computer Science

Student Reviews - in Computer Science

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Brown Bear
  • Reviewed: 4/23/2018
  • Degree: Computer Science
"Brown is an amazing place. If ever you get into, go for Brown.. Go Bruno :) CS dept is like a great community in itself. Because of Brown's smaller student intake, most people know everyone in CS dept by name and person. :) Nelson gym is a great place to hang out too!"
Hua Guo
  • Reviewed: 12/7/2014
  • Degree: Computer Science
"Brown has one of the most generous Computer Science graduate program: all PhD students have guaranteed 5-year funding, which is not true for many of the places that I looked at when applying. PhD students are matched to advisors as soon as they enter, so no one needs to worry about not being able to find an advisor, but it is also not difficult to switch advisors if research interest changes later. The atmosphere in the department is really friendly, open, and supportive. Grad students are encouraged to voice their opinions in many issues in the department, ranging from office renovation to faculty recruitment. Many social events happen on a weekly basis, as well as research and industry talks. The cost of living is quite affordable in Providence."
Cansu Aslantas
  • Reviewed: 12/4/2014
  • Degree: Computer Science
"Brown CS has a great network for research in the New England area, including MIT, UPenn, Brandeis etc. Also the department administration works very hard to connect students to potential employers and good job/internship opportunities."
yeounoh chung
  • Reviewed: 12/4/2014
  • Degree: Computer Science
"Brown CS is a small but very focused program. Faculties and the department itself are very committed to not only achieving excellence in their research, but also teaching and advising their graduate students."
Hongkai Sun
  • Reviewed: 11/10/2014
  • Degree: Computer Science
"The department is small, which means we have more connections with the faculty members and peers, but it also means that sometimes the courses are not comprehensive."
Kumud Nepal
  • Reviewed: 11/10/2014
  • Degree: Computer Science
"Small program with helpful and easily accessible faculty."
Chen Lin
  • Reviewed: 11/10/2014
  • Degree: Computer Science
"Engineering is a small department, but definitely an excellent one!"
Yiming Li
  • Reviewed: 12/17/2013
  • Degree: Computer Science
"There is a free environment to choose your advisor. Graduate courses are suitable for Phd to improve the ability of research. Industrial Partners Program (IPP) provides a great opportunity for Master. However, the department is small."
Ammar Hattab
  • Reviewed: 4/8/2013
  • Degree: Computer Science
"Master of Electrical Engineering in Brown university is a great program, but not as much strong as other programs in Brown university (for example Computer Science) Its still under development but could give the student all the chances for success, and could provide him with various research and work opportunities."