Career Quest Learning Centers Reviews
26 Reviews - Lansing (MI)

17% of 26 students said this degree improved their career prospects
23% of 26 students said they would recommend this school to others
Student Reviews
- Reviewed: 7/31/2023
- Degree: Optical/Optometric Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2017
"I paid over $15,000 for the course only to make $25,000 a year income. I was deceived right from the very beginning, there was no state certification at the end of the class only a diploma that says they completed the class. I enjoyed the job, but not the money that came with it and I had to repeat the same training through the company. What was the point?"
- Reviewed: 2/25/2020
- Degree:
- Graduation Year: 2018
"During my time of attending Career Quest I will say there were a few excellent instructors and genuinely cared for their students and wanted them to succeed. My issues were with constant staff changes (Including the multiple swaps of presidents of the campus), poor communication from the financial department and the feeling of being pushed aside. Whenever I received an email about financial aid I asked the person that was in the department at that time what it meant and they didn't even look at what I showed them they just said "Don't worry about it I'll take care of it." It did bug me but I pushed it off to the side. Moving forward when it was time for my externship (which your monthly payments had to be caught up before you could begin it) I was told I was go. During that time we had another campus president step in due to the absence of the president that was there. I wasn't informed of where I would be placed for my externship and it was the last day for seniors (most of the seniors new where they were going except for myself and a few others) so I figured I'd talk with the president. I told them what the issue was and they looked up my information they asserted that I was mistaken and that I had other classes to take and that I would not be going out for my externship even though my instructors, classmates and myself knew otherwise. After about minute of going back and forth they finally looked up the information and realized that I was finished with classes. The person said that they would see what they could do to get me an externsite in such short notice. Two weeks pass and I finally get word back of where I would be going but it wasn't a place where I could use the set of skills that I've learned. They assured me that I would be able to do what I was taught in class, in the end all I was doing was filling paperwork and answering phones. I felt as if I was just shoved into a place so I would be out of their hair. Just about a month later I was looking for help finding a job ( a "benefit" that is apart of being an Alum) after leaving a few voicemails and an email to the president (that was also the one who was filling in at the time) they finally reached out two weeks later and scheduled to meet with me at the end of the week. Once again when I arrived at the campus and there was multiple issues. The main issue that I had was this president once again went back and forth with me yet again because they couldn't find my information and asked me multiple times if I was sure I was a student at this campus. After they find my information they wanted to revamp my resume, so instead of putting actual work into my resume they copied and pasted from a former students and slapped my name on it. I felt insulted and as if I didn't matter. Long story short I'm in debt for a certificate that I wasn't properly trained for and can't use. Please do your research and find other places to further your career."
- Reviewed: 11/8/2018
- Degree: Information Technology
- Graduation Year: 2013
"Worst place I have ever attended and they are very dishonest people. I am extremely embarrassed that I went here. I had half of a certification paid for. Then they refused to pay for the other half. Which would have been fine, but I showed up to test and that is when I was notified. I had a job riding on that certification which they knew, and I believe that they wanted to prevent me from obtaining employment. Some of the teachers were ok and cared. Others were the exact opposite. I literally had a teacher come into the classroom and say, "I was up late last night, you guys are on your own today." After daily complaints, they offered to let us take the course again for free. But I was told I am no longer allowed on their campus. They then sent a debt to collections without notifying me of the debt. When I tried to call the school to obtain information, they wouldn't take my calls. I disputed this several times and it was removed from my credit report. Now they are taking me to court for me breaching the contract... I don't understand how that's possible since I'm not allowed on their campus. I will be fighting this in court and will do my best to ensure they never see a cent from me."
No name
- Reviewed: 10/4/2017
- Degree: Legal Office Administration
- Graduation Year: 2017
"I am currently finishing my Legal Secretary certificate at Career Quest. Let me just say, this is a great place if you love scams. I received a less than 24 hour notice about my externship (anyone ever hear of the word externship? I've heard of internship...) They placed me last minute into something that doesn't even involve my field. There were a handful of nice people that did provide some helpful information, but employees were leaving left and right, HERE'S YOUR SIGN. I have had former employees come to me directly and say how much potential I have, and that if I were their daughter, they would not let me continue at Career Quest. That says something when the former employees are coming after you and trying to let you know. I am not sure that I will be continuing my education at Career Quest, because I feel it has been a waste of my time and money. Really disappointed, because I thought that I would be able to use what I have learned. Will not recommend this school to anyone else."
M Lewis
- Reviewed: 5/31/2017
- Degree: Information Technology
- Graduation Year: 2014
"This school is horrible. When I first went in to speak to the student advisors, I got N. B. I made it extremely clear to her that my interest was in hardware repair only. She talked a good talk and had me under the impression that I would be learning how to repair your computer if your tower starts smoking or stops working etc etc. Well, I was put in I.t classes to learn networking, linux and such things. This was NOT what I wanted nor was I anywhere near computer savy enough to be placed in such classes. Their putting me in these classes was the equivalent of putting a kindergarten child into a college level physics class. Had I known then what I know now, no way would I have "signed the dotted line". I currently need a loan to save my house and can't get one due to bad credit over student loans. From where? Oh yeah, Career quest. Thank you so much for misleading me so badly and in addition, thank you for destroying my credit. I hold up my hand and ask you to read between the lines."
- Reviewed: 1/25/2017
- Degree: Pharmacy Technician
- Graduation Year: 2013
"I had the best 8 months at Career Quest. This school is not for everyone. It is just like being an online student. You have to put in 110% to pass and do a lot of reading and studying on your own. They give you the tools you need to learn. It is not the schools fault if you fail or pass. They cannot hold your hand. Either study and do the work or you will not pass, period. If you have a tendency to slack off or procrastinate, this school along with online schools is not for you. I am a single parent and I graduated and I am certified as a Pharmacy Technician CPhT. I made straight A's because I am very well disciplined with my studies. I am now enrolled in the Associates degree program for Medical Office Administration. I have never had any of these bad things happen to me while being a student. This school is amazing and so much cheaper tuition wise that anyone would be fools not to come here and be apart of accelerated learning environment. I had fun and because I put my nose to the books every day I am where I am today 3 years later."
- Reviewed: 1/19/2017
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2017
"I feel very bad for the people who have had bad experiences at this school. I am a current student and am very grateful for them, I attended a larger college in Ann Arbor - where I wasted time and money on pre-requisite classes. What I love about career quest is it is an accelerated program, you don't need to waste time on pre-req's ( therefore saving money too) and the teachers are they ALL the time to help you if you ask. The campus director is also always available! If you are struggling with classes you can go to ANY staff member and they will make sure you get the help you need. I was advised NOT to come here but decided I'd take a chance, and needless to say I'm glad I did. My instructors are truly concerned when I'm not in class (I have health issues) at WCC - NO ONE CARED if you didn't come to class once they had your money! Here they do - they WANT you to succeed! BUT, no one can do it for you.....YOU have to do the work. Thank you staff at Jackson Career Quest for inspiring me to want to make a positive change and pushing me to do my best."
Brian Kleyn
- Reviewed: 11/26/2016
- Degree: Accounting
- Graduation Year: 2013
"This school was a JOKE !!! Most of the exercises we were to do could not be done because the internet at the school would not allow actions to be performed. The class I had to take for Lenox programing was a complete bust for the same reasons. When I Graduated I did not have the certifications or the knowledge needed for a entry level position anywhere. It was a waste of 9 months of my life and 15000 dollars. If your thinking of going to this place, think again....DON'T waste your time and money. Find a real school."
Former student
- Reviewed: 9/1/2016
- Degree: Nursing
- Graduation Year: 2016
"This is a horrible school they tell nothing but lies to students the DON Rebecca doesn't even work from San Antonio where the school is at she is in Dallas. Teachers don't care for my senior rotation we didn't even have a teacher. Test are giving for material that isn't even covered. I wish I didn't go to this school and I even graduated."
Polly Good
- Reviewed: 2/20/2016
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2016
"You get out what you put in. Please do not expect to have high test scores and a cream-puff job just handed to you. Those who are well-rounded and constantly improving themselves in *every* way are getting the jobs those on here are complaining about NOT getting. Career Quest and the Faculty they employ should be considered a lighthouse, not a rescue boat. Learn to, and expect to, kick your feet and paddle to rescue yourself. My instructors have been amazing and I have zero doubt my dreams will come to fruition having them in my corner."
- Reviewed: 6/10/2015
- Degree: Licensed Vocational Nurse
- Graduation Year: 2016
"If your going to go to this school don't. Teachers jump around alot in their teaching. They don't listen when you need help. They care less. They pass their teaching to students who don't know what they are saying or talking about instead of teaching themselves. They give you all your items for school late in the school year. If you ask for an explanation about the assignment they get upset. How do you learn your mistakes.List goes on."
- Reviewed: 6/10/2015
- Degree: Business
- Graduation Year: 2015
"I attended Quest College and received an Associates Degree in Business Administration. This school is very unorganized and non professional. I tried to get physical custody of my Degree and had a problem because they said I owe money which I didn't. One person would tell you one thing and someone else would tell you something else. The director of the school came to talk to our class and when one lady asked a question he told her, " If you don't like it just don't come here." Very unprofessional. I would not recommend this school to anyone."
Rick from Lansing
- Reviewed: 3/21/2015
- Degree: Information Technology
- Graduation Year: 2013
"Well it will be guaranteed that Career Quest will respond to this because they troll these sites trying desperately to do damage control. Everything that has been said regarding the fact that this is nothing but a rip off facility. One that suckers you in with grandiose promises, They feed on those that are down and least able to afford the time and fees of a regular college institution. They get you so far in, then you can't claim shenanigans to get refunded, and then they change policy. In my case they too went through teachers that didn't even know the subject matter, encouraging us to "GOOGLE IT." They also altered certification process demanding that the certification for IT be done when the class ends despite that CompTia (the certification people) ask that you do interning hours in the lab before doing so. They also lack the equipment needed to teach the basic functions of the class, hoping for the donation of students personal equipment. They promise a starter tool kit that is all of about 3 dollars of crap, you pay for books that you don't keep and then are recycled to the next class where they pay for the same books again. Talk about illegal practices. There is no integrity with the school personnel. We protested the changes and they reluctantly met with us and then blew off our demands. The "DEAN" of IT has NO EXPERIENCE IN THE FIELD, knows nothing of the curriculum nor requirements. He is a key holder and Dean, for the purpose of probably one of the few people that might have a college degree of any kind (though not in IT), probably liberal arts or something. DO not waste time, money or effort. They are nothing but a succubus of a business that disguises itself as a school. Oh, and I was reading some other comments that mentioned how they graduated with honors. You get 90% scores just by showing up to class. EVERYONE that gives half effort can get 95%+. I ended up on a National Honor Society from them. They wanted more money for my certificate from them. If you go to this place, they position you in jobs that are mostly below market wages. Computer tech for $12/hr? Come on! Health field people were going out at $9 and $10 per hour. The job placement office consisted of them cutting out want adds or printing them from websites. No serious efforts are made after they have your money. They also will ask you when you are signing up for you to give them a list of friends that might want to come there too. They are worse than hard pressure health club sales scams. Yes I am a fool for falling for it, but I was desperate at the time. Not a day now that I don't regret going there. 9 months I will never get back. If I could score them less than 1 star I would! STAY THE HELL AWAY! DO NOT SIGN. DO NOT DO IT"
- Reviewed: 3/1/2015
- Degree: Education
- Graduation Year: 2014
"Career Quest is an awesome place! You can tell just after walking through the doors that they truly care about their students and employees. It is a wonderful place to attend if you prefer a smaller class size. Instructors are there to help in any way that they can and help students to achieve their goals. There are many fun programs and activities Career Quest holds to help their students. If you are interested in going back to school, I highly recommend going to Career Quest!"
- Reviewed: 2/17/2015
- Degree: Information Technology
- Graduation Year: 2015
"Very deceiving, I was duped into false promises, I was 6 months in the course, the school claimed a company endorsed career quest and hire their graduates, I called the company liquid web to see if they really did, it turns out they never heard of the school or ever hire their graduates. I felt scammed and the school took too much financial aid from me and wanted me to pay them. Immediately left and canceled all my loans going to the school, their degrees and certificates are nothing but paper weights and don't mean anything, this school is a all out scam, beware!!!!!!!!"
- Reviewed: 1/11/2015
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2010
"$10 grand in debt from there and I graduated with honors and top test score in my class. Do not waste your money. I am currently in school working towards my masters in psychology."
- Reviewed: 12/8/2014
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2014
"Please do your research before choosing a school. I made a mistake and I'm paying for it."
- Reviewed: 11/24/2014
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2014
"They prey on the poor its a sales team after your there for awhile they pretend not to know you. I told a university were I went to get my cert they laughed I had to do the program all over again at a community collage. Paid 20,000 rollers for a useless cert. Buyer beware!"
Shayla Ward
- Reviewed: 10/23/2014
- Degree: Office Management
- Graduation Year: 2014
"The school is awful. Basically 16,000 dollars just to have something to add to your resume. The "instructors" only have an associates degree, most of them have no field experience. They hire students to be instructors right after graduating. You take nothing from the classes. You only get a week and a half for each course. The student teacher relations are horrible. Admissions lies to you. They basically just want to take your money. You never get the help you need. And while you may have a certificate when you go into a job you will have no idea what you're doing and may end up losing that job because of it. My suggestion, go to a university like ITT Tech. It may take longer but you will be thankful in the long run."
- Reviewed: 10/23/2014
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2014
"This place is a joke. It is barely accredited. Your credits will not transfer anywhere, and employers in the area know the bad reputation of the school so they will not hire you. You will pay less to get ab actual degree from a community college. CQLC is a FOR PROFIT college - aka they are a business that sells education. They get your money at the beginning so your success is not important to them. The classes are thrown together and not taught by qualified people. You have to use outdated equipment and work amongst endless OSHA violations."