Centura College Reviews
0 Reviews - Multiple Locations

0% of 0 students said this degree improved their career prospects
0% of 0 students said they would recommend this school to others
Student Reviews
Chandler V Luke
- Reviewed: 7/13/2023
- Degree:
- Graduation Year: 2023
"Biggest regret and waste of money going here for the wind program. First thing you learn is that just about everything you do and learn at that school is pointless on the job and just about every cert. Offered is something a company will make you re take when you get hired. Was told I'd be set up for a job at Dominion power after I left not true. Dominion visited and said how the program needs to be changed, six months later no changes. The administration's general attitude is that they are unaware of any issues and it feels as a student that they don't care after you've paid. I'm graduating in 5 weeks from here and everything I learned could've been taught in a month elsewhere, literally. If you wanna pocket VA money for going to school go here. If you want to learn how to be a wind tech you'd be better going anywhere else or even just entering the field green. You do not need this school to get a job in wind and the knowledge you will gain here is minimal and so spread out with nonsense knowledge you leave feeling like you wasted a year of your life and a chunk of change lighter."
- Reviewed: 3/25/2023
- Degree: Criminal Justice
- Graduation Year: 2011
"This school is a joke! I was pregnant having complications, could only email my teacher and would get responses 24 hours later same with when I had questions she would not respond for 24 hours. Some assignments were due the next day so if I was stuck on something and needed help I would not be able to finish assignments because of the lack of response. I attended for 2 months and was failing miserably because the teachers did not help. It's as if they were expecting us to just know everything. When I did get responses the teachers were very rude. I called to explain I was having complications with my pregnancy and that I would like to know what I can do about school so that my money wasn't going to waste and I wasn't paying for something that I didn't even get to finish. I only remember getting the pell grant and another grant but ended up paying $20,000 for nothing! I never saw any documentation of the grants or the loan they claim I applied for. I know the pell grant covered my computer and the other grant covered my books. I never got to pick the books or the computer. They were just sent to my house. I never saw a bill of how much they cost or if there was a balance left. The way it was explained to me was o would get these grants and be able to buy a computer or my books not them choose."
- Reviewed: 8/28/2022
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2023
"I would not recommend Centura College to anybody that really wants to start their career off in the medical field . Unorganized , teachers do not teach , not enough teachers. Basically a survival game for 12 months . They expect us to understand information the at had not been taught to us in the class setting . They always tell us it’s up to us to get the information we don’t get but we pay money to go to school to get taught ."
Debtfully Disgusted
- Reviewed: 10/6/2021
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2012
"Financial Aid department was a joke! Messed up records and Aid packages often, Office staff was rude, teachers didn’t know what they were teaching half the time, labs weren’t stocked with materials needed to have the proper hands on training. The few good teachers they did have, that gave a rats ass about us, left because of management and unethical company policies, if we had a teacher at all sometimes. Myself, and seven other students in my batch that I knew/know, none of us found any work doing what we were going to school for. Was told we would be given externships doing what we went to school for… I ended up serving lunches and cleaning tables in a nursing home! Medical Assistant, yeahhh, right! What they also didn’t tell us, was at the time, hospitals and Doctors offices were no longer looking for MA’s they were hiring LPN’s instead. Deans list, Honor Roll… you name it! I was on it! Single mom, of two babies, 16 months apart, full time job, full time student, caretaker of my double stroke, dialysis, diabetic Godfather, barely making ends meet, all of that hard work and determination to do better for my children, to end up a glorified waitress at an old folks home for two weeks, (not that I mind helping senior citizens) but seriously! Here I am, $40k in debt and no experience because no one would hire without externships and 6 months experience! Didn’t even make it past first interviews, found out what school I had attended don’t call us, we’ll call you. In one interview, quite literally, I was practically laughed out of the building… should have went to TCC and took the course, I’d be about $30k less in debt! Sick to my stomach every time I have to think about it!"
Sharon H.
- Reviewed: 1/25/2020
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2012
"The worst school ever, I am victim of financial aid fraud the campus I went to is close now kidney dialysis place in Richmond, VA. I got book smart but as for skills I never learn unfortunately I lost two jobs due to this matter. I got inform by doctors to my face that I didn't have the skills to do the job. I never forgot when I talk to auditor tell me the school is under investigation for financial aid fraud. They discover I was one of them."
- Reviewed: 9/16/2019
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2019
"I was looking for a school after I graduate,and I was so stupid to enter to this joke school,Im a student at Chesapeake campus,they don't even know how to work,teachers get out of the class room and come back when never they want, mean office people, sometime I wounder if they are teacher. Oh my God why I enrolled in this terrible school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
- Reviewed: 8/19/2019
- Degree: Massage Therapy
- Graduation Year: 2017
"DO NOT waste your GI Bill here. I could not transfer credits and had to repeat school and owe $11,000 because nothing would transfer. The turnover rate was insane just for being there for 15 months. I had three different coordinators. The administration team mixed my info up with other students multiple times. They do however have a handful of instructors that do care but that can’t change the operations of the school. Now two years later I am looking to further my education and no one will accept my degree unless I go back to Centura and that’s NOT happening. I will have to start over AGAIN and earn a degree that’s from a more professional and accredited school. So if you are happy with getting a trade under your belt and working for 10$ an hour knowing you have had the education then Centura is for you. If you want to dive deep into a professional career and chase that salary then go to a real college."
Pamela Holt
- Reviewed: 1/31/2018
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2018
"I'm a current student. I was leery at first, but after my appointment with my admission advisor along with my tour I was convinced that this was the educational choice/ facility I needed to try. Everyone (staff) is different compared to the reviews.The staff here now at the Norfolk location are wonderful and caring and I feel they want to make sure you're understanding the material. They show great interest in making sure that your successful in your future, and can represent. I love'em Keep up the good work Centura College Norfolk!"
- Reviewed: 1/31/2018
- Degree: Medical Billing & Coding
- Graduation Year: 2014
"This school is a complete joke, waste of time and money. I graduated with honors in Medical Billing and Coding. Prior to graduating, we were told an internship program would be starting. What a swift kick in the butt to hear this after completing the program and no internship was available prior. NO ONE and I mean NO ONE will hire you because you have no experience. Today I am paying back a loan with resentment. I wouldnt recommend this school to NO ONE."
Cheyanne Walters (Smith)
- Reviewed: 1/27/2018
- Degree: Dental Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2016
"Please AVOID this school! It was the worst mistake I made. It is not worth the time or the money, which is WAY too much. I still owe them $13,000 and I do not even have a certificate to show for it because I was not provided a teacher for my last set of classes and I was still expected to attend internship without learning the rest of the material. This school is a joke! The credits will not transfer to other schools either!"
- Reviewed: 3/10/2017
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2017
"Where do I begin? This school is a waste of both time and money. Its not worth the 2 years and 30+ that you spend. They constantly mess up your financial paperwork, charge you where you shouldn't be. By the time I realized I would have to restart school, because credits don't transfer it was too late. I was 7 months in and had already wasted a quarter of my GI Bill. There are very FEW teachers that actually know what they're doing. Please please do not just jump in because you want to be done with school quick. ITS NOT WORTH IT. Take your money to school that is actually professional and not a money hungry place. I can only hope they get shut down as ITT tech did. I've written a review before, and when I did that they were not too happy with me. I was asked to see the director and when I did and explained to her what me and my other classmates were thinking, all she said was "I will see what I can do" Yet NOTHING was done. They have messed up on tax forms, putting incorrect numbers in causing those who used it to have to go in and amend their taxes, they have unenrolled students then quickly reenrolled them without their knowledge. Policies are constantly changing. There is a huge turnover rate. The only 2 good teachers that were there were driven out by others over things that were not even relevant to students success. The minute they feel like you're getting to know their antics, they do something to shut it down. They have no idea what they're doing and they don't care as long as they get a paycheck. They have no concern for students or their well being. The only reason they call you if you've been out to long is because they know they're going to lose money if they loose you. I can only hope that the future potential students do their research before enrolling in this awful school. Its not worth it, take it from someone who is graduating. STAY AWAY from this hack place they try to call a college."
- Reviewed: 2/23/2017
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2011
"This school is a total joke. I went there without doing enough research and by the time I realize that I was wasting my time and money, it was too late. I graduated with a 4.0 and never able to get a job. No help with career services because there is a new employee in there every month. I was $18, 000 in debt when I finished. I said 18K after all financial aid. The worst mistake of my life!!!!!! So I went back to working in retail, because I now have a student loan to pay off every month in addition to my regular bills. I was so disgusted and disappointed after this that I almost gave up my dream to work in the medical field forever. But I pulled myself together after a while and decided to go to nursing school. NO COMMUNITY COLLEGE OR PUBLIC UNIVERSITY WOULD LET ME TRANSFER MY CREDITS FROM CENTURA COLLEGE!!!!!!! I almost fainted when I learned this. Of course I was assured at Centura college that I will be able to take my credits anywhere, and I trusted them. So I started school all over as if I never set foot in a class beyond high school. I will be graduating from nursing school in May 2018. It has been a long road for me because of the mistake I have made attending Centura college. I will not advise even my worse enemy to spend 18 months of their life, and 18 k without counting interest on a fictitious degree! I have already saved a few people who were thinking of attending this college and I will continue to use my experience to help other unsuspecting victims."
- Reviewed: 1/12/2017
- Degree: Massage Therapy
- Graduation Year: 2010
"Avoid!!! You will be in debt and have nothing to show for it! I was told Centura was accredited and I'd be able to transfer my credits when ready to further my education. It wasn't until I tried transferring my credits to another school that I realized it was all a lie. I would not have wasted my time if I knew better. I hope the department of Education cracks down on schools getting away with this. It will save a lot of people from this same disappointment and massive debt that has nothing to show for it."
- Reviewed: 9/7/2016
- Degree: Nursing
- Graduation Year: 2016
"This school is a students nightmare. This school only cares about money. That's it. They charge you monthly when you're already struggling to work and go to school. During my time there the teachers had no experience in the subjects they taught, cussed, and told us they "didn't care whether we passed or failed" 90% of my class to this day have DROPPED OUT. There are currently 2 students still in the class. They change education rules daily. We are not aloud to review tests because people were cheating and they were too lazy to just remake a new test but continue using tests from 2010. This school literally tries anything to make you fail. I had all A's and was in the national technical society and was forced to leave because the level of education, and respect I was promised was not given to me. For 30,000 I should not have to sit in my Direct's office everyday because she nor her faculty wants to do their job. To these people it is just a job and you are just a dollar bill. Nothing more. I would not recommend ANYONE to this horrific school. I was threatened via text message and staff did nothing to further protect me not to mention the Richmond campus is in a bad part of town. I honest to God regret ever coming there. OH AND THEY ARE NOT ACCREDITED and admissions will LIE to you and say that they are."
- Reviewed: 1/29/2016
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2011
"I would not recommend going here, they lie to you and just cost you a bunch of money. I now owe student loans for a medical assistant degree that expired after a year and was frowned apon by hospitals in my area. What a waste of time and money run fast.....I returned back after two years of not finding a job only for them to tell me oh I'm sorry we didn't give you all the information you needed to succeed but come spend another 9 thousand dollars so we can teach you again"
T Williams
- Reviewed: 10/25/2014
- Degree: Business
- Graduation Year: 2010
"I chose business management as my degree. However, through the process of pursuing my degree I came across many hurdles; such as, assignment completion time frames, no advice as far as creating a successful path after graduation. Career services was a mess and until this day have done me no justice nor does the college provide continued assistance. That haven't even contacted me yo follow up with my present status or if I'm having any luck landing a job. When I called for help with job searching they did nothing but told me to send my resume so that they could critique it. They haven't done so yet and this was years ago. Its been more then four years almost five now that I've been out of school and I haven't had no luck landing a job in my field of study nor in general.this school is an embarrassment to me and my life as I now know it to be, "unsuccessful", I'll just call it that.I wouldn't recommend this college to anyone ever in my life. Don't make the same mistake I did."