Concord Law School Reviews of Doctorates in Law

  • 38 Reviews
  • Los Angeles (CA)
  • Annual Tuition: $11,493
53% of 38 students said this degree improved their career prospects
66% of 38 students said they would recommend this program to others
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Reviews - Doctorates in Law

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manoutchehri, amir h
  • Reviewed: 8/12/2024
  • Degree: Law
"I am a professional in another field (i.e. MD) yet, I was also a student transfer from another online law school to Purdue. Attended school for one semester and decided not to pursue any further. The school structure of teaching materials is unique and in my experience very best for learning, among others, hard subjects. The required online learning for ways and means is very difficult to the point that it can adversely affect your first semester grades simply because you wouldn't be able to get from A--to--B or do the requirements in the "sea of" online clicks. The teaching staff (I only experienced three professors) sum up to anywhere from good to excellent, in teaching. If this was going to be my career, I knew that I would have elected the right path to that end. Best to anyone who reads this and good luck with your plans"
  • Reviewed: 7/2/2024
  • Degree: Law
"I attend Concord - or now Purdue - University Global Law School and I am in my second year. I enrolled as a 4.0 student, completing my undergraduate degree summa cum laude. I was prepared for difficult. I was prepared for Cs even. I was not prepared to find myself on academic probation after my first term. As many others have mentioned, the grading scale is extremely rigorous in comparison to other schools. And, unfortunately, decent grades do not equate to a decent gpa. After my first term with no other grade points to help balance my cumulative GPA I entered the world of probation and I will admit, it was disheartening! I was very upset and concerned I wouldn’t do well in my second term. I did do much better though, but still not enough. I was approved for a second probation term and with a lot of hard work was able to bring my gpa above the 2.5 required to be in good standing. Talk about not easy though! The material itself is hard but that’s okay, and the professors are very helpful. It’s just that the final exam is worth more than half your grade leaving no room for error and if you’re an anxious person combined with the high standards, it’s challenging. You CAN do it. But as others said, you have to want it at almost any cost and be prepared to work hard."
BaDonna Jarvis
  • Reviewed: 7/4/2023
  • Degree: Law
"I am convinced that I am receiving a top tier legal education for a fraction of the cost. I just had an assignment that threw me for a total loop, and I thought I had nailed it. Nope. I totally did not apply a sub rule to a fact pattern, I saw the issue but I intentionally overlooked it because my application skills are lacking. Whenever a person is attending an educational institution that exposes their deficiencies and provides them with practical ways on how to correct them, you know you are in the right place. The professors are awesome, they go above and beyond to make sure you get the information and develop the skills to apply the information. Law School is all about comprehension and application. This is certainly not for the faint hearted. After seeing how I missed the issue in this assignment, that wasn't necessarily clear cut, it took a little bit of work to find it, I will no longer refer to Concord Law School as a shade tree Law School. I will be happy to tell people from now on that I am receiving an excellent legal education. FYI: I have been reading at a college level comprehension since I was 11 years old so I thought I was going to go to Law School and be a straight "A" student from the beginning. I am a straight "C" student in Law School now and proud of it. I am proud to be a student of Concord Law School. I am receiving an excellent legal education, period."
Matthew Mark
  • Reviewed: 3/7/2023
  • Degree: Law
"Professors are immensely inexperienced, unethical, corrupt and disengaged with the level of demand professional empathy and respect for student regards. Mistake warning letters. Mistake grading outcomes. Erroneous grading rubric in one course where formatting was heavily unprepared for up until after an essay assignment. Stringent grading policies whereas resubmissions are not allowed. Insensitive professors. Overall need of Professor and administrative official reform."
  • Reviewed: 5/27/2022
  • Degree: Law
"I just completed my first term at Concord Law School. The program is certainly rigorous. I highly recommend that you have a serious determination to graduate because you can be very easily discouraged, not by what you are learning, or by the study load, but by the school’s grading system. Another student’s review stated it clearly by expressing that you do not get the grades that you deserve. I would say you do not get the grades you earn. The program is most definitely set up for you to learn and you most definitely are challenged, but, if you do not have an extremely positive attitude with significant support from those close to you, you may easily sink into a negative attitude, even depression. Do the research yourself. It has been established that law school students can plunge into depression and that, even in a career in law, there may be unusually high rates of dissatisfaction. Be prepared to encounter a grading system based on the California Bar Exam. You will be informed by professors that what appears to be a “C” grade on many of your essay exams is actually considered a very good and passing score on the bar exam. Here are the issues: 1) that good “bar exam” score does not translate to a good GPA. You guessed it, it translates to an average GPA at Concord Law, 2) if you have other responsibilities in your life such as a full-time job and children at home, this grading system can weigh heavily on your morale 3) yes, the professors are great and, yes, you will certainly learn law in a challenging environment, but you better have the stamina to deal with an average GPA which can place you on the border of academic probation regardless of how hard you work and how well you progressed, 4) consider that the grading standard applies to all students regardless of whether you are first year or fourth year. You are required to meet the grading standards of the bar exam. This is dogmatic. On the final exam grade for one of my essay exams, my professor commented “Very good!” On my multiple choice final exam for another class I did quite well. Regardless of this, I was placed on academic probation. I fully accept, as a student, being challenged by being placed in a position which pushes you to improve and do better. I do not want grades handed to me. I want to learn. I want to excel. The problem I observe with Concord Law is that it is highly deficient in a positive and holistic learning environment. It’s grading system is outdated. Does not anyone question the very real fact that scoring your exams based on the bar exam scoring standard translates to a low GPA? I think as a student progresses through the program and gains aptitude the grades likely improve, but I am so terribly concerned for my emotional well-being after what I experienced the first term. I do not feel prepared to experience depression yet another 16 weeks. That is too long of a time. Life is precious. The program can certainly succeed at weeding out slackers, but it fails miserably at fostering an environment where a student can thrive on encouragement and self-motivation. I took a leave of absence, but I am wary of returning. My recommendation is for the school to re-evaluate the grading standards. Maybe some of the essay exams should be graded according to the standards of the CA bar, but not every single assignment. Also, the school should have more mercy on first year students. Law school is an academic experience like no other. A student could hardly know precisely what to expect. It is akin to learning a new language at the speed of light, yet, a weight is placed on a student’s shoulder to produce above average outcomes immediately. It is black and white. It is dogmatic. I think it would be fair to progressively use the CA bar standards for grading essay exams. By the fourth year, it would be fair to apply those standards consistently. The program should find a middle ground. These times are no longer the days of “no pain, no gain.” We live in a different world where organizations go so far as to implement fasting from food for their employees, places to nap during the work day, a fitness room, and so on. This is the holistic age, but there is no doubt that many institutions and organizations adhere to some kind of wartime mentality of survival of the fittest. This does not work anymore. We now consider a person’s well-being at many levels and design organizations, including schools, to encourage success at all levels, including mental and emotional levels, not just academic levels. Too much objectivity is rigid and detrimental. Certainly, by the other reviews and by the documented success stories, you can do it, but you best have a dogged determination to graduate though the means to that end may require a persistent positive outlook that is so poorly fostered at the school, if at all. Multiple choice quizzes can assist you in balancing average essay exam scores, but be prepared to master those. They are not easy and they are based on the bar exam as well. I performed above average on them quite consistently, but, now I realize I needed to perform almost perfectly to counterbalance the dogged grading standards on the essay exams. Simply consider these factors if you choose to attend. You better want it at almost any cost."
Amy CT
  • Reviewed: 5/12/2022
  • Degree: Law
"For the motivated and action-plan oriented student, CLS works! As with anything, creating a plan is important. Create a study group to spend your law school years with and schedule professor office hours time to provide your study group extra help, clarification, and improve your knowledge. EACH professor/instructor offered office hours and study group time. Professors Shandrea Williams and Scott Johnson we’re particularly helpful, inclusive, and always available. There is no part of the real world that works well with last minute scheduling, thus plan accordingly. A career in law requires planning and scheduling, so start your legal education that way as well. This degree was not easy, was not a walk in the park, nor is it for everyone; however, the professors/instructors were more than helpful and offered a well-rounded education. I cannot stress enough - create a study group and utilize your professor’s time productively. Give them the courtesy of a study session agenda/ outline when seeking office hours time. Prepare for class, do your outlines and where you are struggling, get professor scheduled time before you get behind. It wasn’t easy but I did graduate as a Distinguished Scholar and I attribute that to planning, scheduling, quality professor office hours, and study group! Were there challenges? Of course, but nothing that I didn’t get over and plan for better the next time."
  • Reviewed: 5/3/2022
  • Degree: Law
"Rigorous program, but still flexible on time! I completed 1L (first year) at Concord Law School and just began my 2L year. I work full time and a single parent of 2 children 50% of the time. Attending an ABA school is not possible for me because of my work and personal schedule not to mention ABA schools are cost prohibitive for someone who is older. Concord's education is fully online, which is amazing because I otherwise would not be able to attend and I will not be drowning in student debt as I would from a traditional school because its about one-third of the total cost! There are live weekly webinars led by the professors of each course, the professors provide feedback on the assignments, and they always reply to my emails within a day or so. Many of the textbooks are the same that some of my friends use at their ABA schools. It really is a high quality of education required, but it does require a lot of time to be successful and I've had to restructure my schedule or miss out on an evening event because of my studies; but then I think how much more I would have to miss if I had to attend on-campus and remain happy with my decision."
  • Reviewed: 4/24/2022
  • Degree: Law
"I graduated from CLS knowing that I would not be able to sit for the bar in my state. That was represented to me before I started the program. I went to CLS because they had the highest pass rate for the FYLSE. I did everything that the teachers and administrators asked that I do the first year and I passed the FYLSE. It was not easy and it took a lot of time so do not expect this to be easy just because it is online. It is probably harder than a brick-and-mortar school. I was able to work while going to CLS but I only slept 5 hours a night and I spent two weeks of vacation a year in a condo in Park City by myself studying 16 hours a day. I am certain that had I been allowed to take the bar exam in my state I would have passed it. Having the JD has brought many opportunities to me and has increased my income. The degree has paid for itself many times over even though I am not a practicing attorney. If I had to do it over again I would choose CLS and get my JD even knowing the difficult road that would be ahead of me. CLS was not easy but it was worth it."
Robert Shane Jones
  • Reviewed: 4/20/2022
  • Degree: Law
"I found my experience at Concord Law School suitable and a complement to my MBA, BBA as well as my years of business experience. Even though I am not a practicing attorney, I have utilized my legal education in a variety of situations and circumstances. For business owners, entrepreneurs, and senior level executives I highly recommend a legal education. Thank you"
Gene Knippers
  • Reviewed: 4/13/2022
  • Degree: Law
"I attended Concord Law School 2009-2013. My experience was very positive. It's a world-class institution with world-class instructors. I am proud to be an alum of Concord Law School at Purdue University Global. I always felt that I was getting a first-rate education and the value was incredible."
MaryAnn A.
  • Reviewed: 4/13/2022
  • Degree: Law
"I am delighted that Concord is now accredited. That is a great step for the school! I graduated back before the school was accredited, but the experience was beneficial to me. At the time I graduated, I was in school administration. The law foundation I received at Concord was a huge asset to me in that position. Then, after retiring from education, I went to work for the court system. I have been very successful there. At the time I attended, online education was in its infancy, so there were some "bumps" in the technology. The tech support was always available and worked through every issue. Now, with the development of online education, it sounds like things are going well."
Conan J. Higgins, ESQ.
  • Reviewed: 4/13/2022
  • Degree: Law
"Concord Law School provided the opportunity for me to complete law school in spite of the demands of a regular job, military reserve service, combat deployments, and a family with small kids. Perhaps online learning isn't for everyone, such as those who benefit from, or simply require the structure of a brick-and-mortar institution. However, the flexibility of the asynchronous delivery of classes, lectures, and assignments allowed me to work at my own pace, often at all hours of the night and in different countries around the world. The quality of the education is top-notch; the professors and faculty even better than that. Since graduating 12 years ago, I have been able to realize my dream of working internationally in law and I owe it all to the unique, challenging, and unparalleled experience I got through Concord."
  • Reviewed: 4/13/2022
  • Degree: Law
"Superior education for a fraction of the cost. Well paced and vigorous education for busy individuals looking for a challenge with lots of support and excellent instruction programs. I’m currently a practicing Attorney and never regret for a moment attending Concord."
  • Reviewed: 12/29/2021
  • Degree: Law
"I love this school. God calls me into criminal justice system so I attended this law school. The tuition is a little pricy but it's totally worth it. Many of my classmates are successful lawyers now! Give it a try! It prepares you to be a successful lawyer! Mat God bless!"
  • Reviewed: 4/22/2021
  • Degree: Law
"Any school - and I have been to many and have taught at a few - is only as good as its students. If you are unmotivated, need to be spoonfed because you failed to read assignments before class or have an entitlement mindset, Concord is not for you. It requires that you put in the work and often more than a traditional brick and mortar school. My daughter is a practicing attorney who went to school in Boston. With the likely exception of her given focus, I guarantee you that I know more than she learned as a 1L. Someone below stated a similar review. Graduate, pass the CA bar and work toward your goal. Contrary to popular belief, you and you alone are in control of your destiny. So get out the can-do spirit, get motivated, have a goal and go for it. The curriculum is no different elsewhere - it is what you do with it."
Gene Cisewski
  • Reviewed: 2/16/2021
  • Degree: Law
"It is not a place for everybody -- you have to be motivated and a self-starter to make this program work. But if you really want to become a lawyer while also working full time, this program is designed for you. I took advantage of an internship program where I was able to clerk for a Wisconsin Circuit Court Judge, which was one of the most incredibly practical parts of my education with Concord. And if you can get through the California bar exam, the rest are a breeze."
  • Reviewed: 10/15/2020
  • Degree: Law
"1) Concord law school failed to report my In school status to student loan servicing agency. This resulted in lower credit worthiness. All other accounts have been payed on time. (2) after the second year of my studies Concord failed to make one mandatory course available to me. Then they offered to either transfer to a non practicing path or restart the year and pay them Full tuition again. They did not take any responsibility for mismanaging the online program for me. ( I have Passed the baby bar after the first year and potentially could have passed the bar. Because of the school’s actions I am responsible for huge debt and have no way to utilize the worthless EJD law degree. I am considering class action."
Out of $40,000!
  • Reviewed: 7/2/2020
  • Degree: Law
"I attended online law school with Concord Law school. The federal government gave them alot of money for absolutely NOTHING! I spent money on a laptop and books that only applied to California law. I live in NC! They failed to tell me that the degree is no good elsewhere! I applied for loan forgiveness and it was denied! Now I am stuck with paying a debt I should not be paying. The government needs to ask Concord to repay them! SCAM!!"
Kessiah Young
  • Reviewed: 10/30/2019
  • Degree: Law
"I graduated from Appalachian State University (B.A.-undergraduate) and Wake Forest University (MDiv.-masters program. These were seated classes and two of the best universities out there. Professors genuinely cared and the programs were superior. Conversely, this online law degree at Concord Law School under the guise of distinguished university of Purdue is a scam! SCAM SCAM SCAM! The federal student loans department should not pay for these courses or this program. It is a joke. You are pretty much on your own without a proper foundation from which to truly learn the law. Also, if you have learning disabilities or have ADA qualifications, this school will be of no help to you. The disabilities department is a joke. They do not advocate for their students. I have never experienced this before either. This program originated from a for-profit Kaplan University. In my opinion, that is exactly what this still is. I have never been to a university with so little advocacy. There are no phone numbers to really call. You are at the mercy of email. Good luck getting professors to answer your questions. One never even responded to a question I had concerning the law. Oh, I almost forgot, the admissions/advisor person I had my first semester was like a high pressure car salesman. Although I told her I was not ready to start, she pressured me. This was not a true advisor like at other institutions. They just want your federal loan money. It was a truly disappointing experience. Also, because it is online, if you have computer issues, you are on your own. It was a waste of time. I recommend trying to get into a regular seated program. Everything seemed like an abstract concept without foundation. Just a rip-off if you ask me. I regret ever attending. I honestly feel like I was robbed and am now left with college debt I did not need."
Miss C
  • Reviewed: 9/24/2019
  • Degree: Law
"I just finished my first term at Concord Law school and I can say that they try to scam you by giving you lower grades than you deserve. They have one teacher that teaches three of your classes and her job is to fail you no matter how perfectly you complete you assignments. Her name is Shandrea Williams and she is rude and dismissive to students. She writes exam questions and grades them herself and you even when you can't question her about your grades even when she is blatantly wrong. She contradicts herself all the time. You write essay exams and follow their IRAC format but they will still tell you that you are doing everything wrong. In fact you are doing things exactly how they told you to do it. There is no accountability so if this one teacher says you are wrong-then you're wrong as she is judge, jury, and executioner. She takes personal phone calls during class, teaches class in her hotel room, feeds her dog, babysits her niece and everything else, all while teaching a seminar, but we as students aren't even allowed to speak. This school could have been awesome for working professionals if they didnt have such unethical practices!"