Dorsey Schools Reviews
5 Reviews - Roseville (MI) (and 8 others)
- Annual Tuition: $22,320 - $31,680

0% of 5 students said this degree improved their career prospects
0% of 5 students said they would recommend this program to others
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Write a Review Tee
- Reviewed: 10/27/2021
- Degree: Licensed Practical Nurse
- Graduation Year: 2020
"Dorsey is a SCAM. I passed the entire program after this they added a new program that students must pass twice at a level 7 or you can not go to the state boards. This program was 38,000 which 12,000 of it I was responsible for. This school should be CLOSED AND yes I called the board of education"
Cohort 23
- Reviewed: 8/9/2021
- Degree: Licensed Practical Nurse
- Graduation Year: 2022
"Do not attend this school, it is a SCAM! The DON do not care about complaints of students as a whole who complained about teacher not teaching and being computer dumb. Then gave teacher to us again the next mod. And if you don’t pass this ATI exam with 62.2% you will be FAILED. Even if you pass all previous mods with no bad grades. They sit you out for 5 weeks after you fail if spots are filled and transferred to another school (campus) they do not disclose of this in the beginning.. also they Exposed students to covid and let us come back on campus with no covid test done."
Listen up
- Reviewed: 5/24/2021
- Degree: Licensed Practical Nurse
- Graduation Year: 2015
"Don't waist your money to go to Dorsey, they are so unprofessional, and once they get your financial aid you are on your own. If you want to do Nursing, go to a community college you will save money and time, I pray the close it down cause it's a scam."
- Reviewed: 10/4/2018
- Degree: Licensed Practical Nurse
- Graduation Year: 2018
"Where do I begin? The Wayne campus is completely unorganized or its an act to not have to deal with the problems. I never had a problem with financial aide because I paid my bill on time every month but I did not receive statements only 2 and they were several months late. The clinicals were a complete joke and waste of time, one clinical (5 weeks) we sat in the conference room every week and did nothing. Supposed to be lab on fridays, never did anything outside of the first 2 cohorts. Another wasted class day. There was cheating...cheating and cheating but they turned a blind eye even though there was evidence. Good teachers were leaving because they did not want to deal with the BS going on within the dept. During our labs they did not even have the correct equipment to teach and no experience at clinicals. They invited us to the pinning ceremony by group text which I wasn't a part of therefore missed pinning. I passed my boards and have myself to pat on the back for that. When you opt out of receiving actual books they give you a tablet that is the Walmart special, I couldn't download all the books because it ran so slow. This is a money mill school, I do not recommend it to anyone, and that is just about the school. The director and such have bad attitudes and I honestly never wanted to ask a question because i didnt want to deal with the snarky responses. Please consider a different school that will cost you way less money. Also on a sidenote we were told not to leave a bad review as we could be sued?? I would love for the owner of this school to contact me but I'm pretty sure he won't."
angry student
- Reviewed: 9/8/2017
- Degree: Licensed Practical Nurse
- Graduation Year: 2017
"Dorsey Instructors are Great, but they are all about money. Not just money but the fact that they will hold your diploma to prevent you from taking your Nclex is unfair. You pay 30 grand for this program and after graduating they have something called ati that you have to complete in order to sit for your exam. They will not tell you when you enroll but after you have invested all of your time and money that you must complete this online program that is very much like going to school all over again. I get that it helps us prepare for Nclex but it should be our choice to utilize it. Dorsey does not pay for our testing so why do they feel the need to hold you up for testing. Dont expect to be working right after you graduate because its going to be a at least 6 weeks before you complete ati then you have to wait on test date. 3 months later I just got my license and nothing was on the nclex that we studied from ATI."