Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary Reviews
10 Reviews - South Hamilton (MA)
- Annual Tuition: $23,895

0% of 10 students said this degree improved their career prospects
90% of 10 students said they would recommend this school to others
Student Reviews
- Reviewed: 9/29/2021
- Degree: Ministry
- Graduation Year: 2023
"I was a little disappointed in GCTS. In my experience, both the Hamilton and CUME campuses had sexual harassment and diversity issues, and while I know people and schools are not perfect, I expected more from both the students and the administration. The school is concerned with preserving its self-image first and foremost, actions on anything else after this is an after-thought. As far as my program, most of the courses offered in the MDiv program prepare clergy for missions, church planting, and pastoring a church. I appreciate the changes to the requirements, but I do feel like other course varieties mixed in would be beneficial to the students."
- Reviewed: 4/6/2015
- Degree: Religious Studies
- Graduation Year: 2015
"Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary does an excellent job of preparing seminarians for ministry in the real world. Their strengths lie in biblical exegesis and in equipping men and women to becoming pastors and faithful servants of the Bible. If desired, this place can become a real gold mine for anyone with the right attitude and skills to learn and be a good student. The cons of this place might be its location and lack of adequate transportation. For students without cars, it can feel lonesome and separated from the real world."
Katherine Hampson
- Reviewed: 2/27/2015
- Degree: Religious Studies
- Graduation Year: 2018
"Great network, great academics, great school. However, the studies feel isolated and very theoretical sometimes."
Daniel Cobbins
- Reviewed: 5/26/2014
- Degree: Counseling
- Graduation Year: 2019
"GCTS is a great school to learn more about God and an equally great place to meet like minded individuals who push each other and pray for one another. The course work is hard, but the end result is rewarding"
Ronda Perry
- Reviewed: 2/14/2014
- Degree: Religious Studies
- Graduation Year: 2018
"There is a great deal of support and encouragement for you to succeed, unlike undergraduate school where it was a process of "weeding you out." The staff and professors are extremely approachable and unpretentious. The curriculum is very challenging and immediately applicable. I'm enjoying GCTS very much!"
Benjamin Kim
- Reviewed: 11/2/2013
- Degree: Education
- Graduation Year: 2016
"Pros. friendly faculty and staff. excellence in academia. great social environment. con. slightly expensive compare to other seminaries"
Paul DuPont
- Reviewed: 2/18/2013
- Degree: Religious Studies
- Graduation Year: 2012
"Provided students with knowledge and tools to grow in competence and proficiency; excellent scholars and teachers. However, it can be tough to develop relationships with professors and students."
Muoki Musau
- Reviewed: 2/13/2013
- Degree: Religious Studies
- Graduation Year: 2015
"For me, Gordon-Conwell offers an opportunity for students to develop into individuals of character, with an ethically sound worldview that acknowledges the reality of the twenty-first century, and works to find ways to change people's minds, thereby influencing better decisions. Another positive is that in the seminar community, we work with the same textual tradition for the most part, so all students can relate to one another on more than one level, making the community a brotherhood. The most noticeable con is the cost of education. It is no secret that pastors, professors, etc do not make exorbitant amounts of money in their professions, so the amount of accrued debt can be a serious burden in the future if it is not managed correctly. All things considered, it is an investment that I am willing to make because I believe the returns will be worth the effort and sacrifice."
Jonathan Beattie
- Reviewed: 1/29/2013
- Degree: Education
- Graduation Year: 2015
"The Masters of Divinity Program at Gordon-Conwell is the most well-rounded program that they offer. The only downside of the degree program (MDiv.) is that the structure is fairly rigid and there are not many elective slots to fill. The faculty and staff here are phenomenal and the education is truly top-notch. The course-load is pretty heavy, but the education that comes with it, is great. The surrounding area is beautiful and there is a lot to see in this historic part of the country. The school's great and I'd recommend it to anyone considering seminary education."