Harris School of Business Reviews
20 Reviews - Multiple Locations
- Annual Tuition: $11,450 - $16,735

21% of 20 students said this degree improved their career prospects
10% of 20 students said they would recommend this program to others
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- Reviewed: 1/23/2023
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2020
"I went to and graduated with a 4.0 from Harris. I loved my instructors. They were passionate about what they taught and I was passionate about learning Anatomy. I absolutely loved learning what I learned. My instructors were completely supportive.The school would recruit these horrible "troubled" students, who had to be enrolled in a program in order to stay out of prison. They were disruptive and disrespectful, got physical with the teachers, yelled at them, etc. It was a nightmare to deal with on a daily basis. One student actually cheated using one of my test papers. She was so stupid that she got exactly the same two answers wrong that I did. Hmmm.........When I did my externship, I was placed in an optometrist/opthalmologist private practice where I didn't get to exercise one thing that I learned at the school. I hated being there, due to the staff being so backbiting and unprofessional. Now I am trying to persue a Radiology degree and I'm working at a local hospital and I'm trying to track down my transcripts. Crossing fingers. You get out of life, what you put into it. With all of the disruptions and issues, I still got excellent grades and loved what I studied."
alumni (what a joke)
- Reviewed: 8/9/2018
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2017
"Do not waste your time with this place, they will promise you everything and get you nothing. My class waited till our second 5 weeks before we got most of our supplies, teachers all leave. Had two out of all that actually taught me something. You'll never get the job they say you will, career services does nothing to help. I have requested transcripts to be sent to my current college and almost 2 months later, they still don't have them. My advice to you is RUN LIKE HELL! Do not let them talk you into it with all their promises, nothing will happen. The only good thing I took from here was some great friends I made in my class."
Jennifer Gagnon
- Reviewed: 4/20/2017
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2017
"I absolutely love the school not only did I finish school with all A' s. I got my certification before I even went to extern!! I enjoyed all of the staff they are awesome i learned some very good skills while i was there. If you really want to change your career I recommend going to Harris they treat you like family. If u want to be productive you have to want it you have to strive for the best. Harris school of business was a awesome choice I made and I wouldn't change it if I could....."
- Reviewed: 3/21/2017
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2016
"I am still looking for work!!!! I graduated in 2016, was told you'll get this job--just show up. Well I did, went in early, stayed late and the girl told me that the doctor never hires a student from HARRIS only uses them to file and do filing. When I called to switch sites I was told no. I spent 16k to learn to file. I am still at my previous job (cashier). They never call you back and all the good teachers are gone!!!!!!! This place is a joke and I am so very sorry I went to them. The girls on the westside was right--this place is a joke and only want your money. From what I hear, the teachers they have now are not real teachers, not one of them are certified or experienced. DON'T GO HERE!!! THEY ONLY WANT TO MAKE YOU PAY A LARGE STUDENT BILL AND LAUGH AT YOU BEHIND CLOSE DOORS."
- Reviewed: 3/21/2017
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2017
"Run!!!! These people are preditors. They prey on the poor and they will lie to you deceive you, tell you that are YOUR HARRIS family and as soon as they get ALL your money-no HELP or return calls, especially that ghetto b they have in career services. The school is so ghetto-from admission to the loud mouth director and the smart mouth short miserable person. I was told by a potentuial employer I should've went to another school--they WONT hire a Harris graduate--not the lie I was told. DO NOT GO HERE---YOU ARE BETTER GOING TO DEL TECH OR SOME OTHER SCHOOL BUT NOT THIS SCHOOL--THEY ARE CROOKS and you will be their sucker!!!!!!"
- Reviewed: 6/3/2016
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2016
"I would not recommend this school at all, it is a waste of time and money. The school has no supplies, no working scales or appliances. All they worry about is getting there money. Please do yourself a favor and DO NOT attend this school. I wish i did not waste my money on this school at all."
- Reviewed: 7/6/2015
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2012
"Graduated a few years ago and if you're reading this here's the breakdown. Some of the teachers (back then) are great but the education you get there is very basic. You do not get credit for any of the classes you take. You can take a full accredited program at MCCC which is down the block and it will cost you less than Harris. The only thing I got out of this school is phlebotomy. They tell you that you can make $19 per hour as an MA which is false, you start off at $12 and after 20 years maybe you will make $19. You may be able to get a job but for the price they charge for a certification it is not worth it. Instead try looking at MCCC or other accredited schools that you can actually use in the future if you plan on becoming something worthwhile (like St. Francis school of nursing). Don't rush into things until you do your research, I wasted $11,000 on this program and could not get a decent job for more then $13.50 per hour."
- Reviewed: 1/21/2015
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2015
"This place was not worth it... total joke learned nothing... feels like in a prision... school is not even worth one star."
- Reviewed: 12/14/2014
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2015
"Cherryhill, NJ Harris School of Business is defiantly a good choice. My instructors have been very helpful and caring and the staff well they are very informative and they know you and always put a pleasant personal greeting as they pass you in the hall. One downfall is SOME enroll just to go whenever they want and make it seem as if the school is bad however that is far from the truth maybe if they apply themselves 4 days a week instead of 1 day a week and miss the other 3 days they will benefit from the program offered. I say its only a few who like to play the foul card and thats because its obvious they can not apply themselves to what they signed up for so those few are the only ones who will not make it in the school or a place of employment. YOU!! have to treat this school as a job because it is IT IS your first step towards the medical field and patients will not wait on those who think time is at their leasure. For the most part those who are there taking this carreer choice serious are extremly helpful, friendly and will always greet you in a pleasant way. I have had a great time so far and I am looking forward to graduating in 2015. So approach this positive and Harris will give you the tools to success. Cherryhill Harris is a good start and its up to you to absorb it all and direct it towards your future. I read some of these reviews and everyone is entitled to their opinions but honestly most are from those who could not handle their choice like an adult. staff is wonderful students are amazing and the instructors are your key to the future and they will always be there for you."
- Reviewed: 9/19/2014
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2015
"I just recently started Harris in July. My first MOD was the best. Some work was difficult but the teachers who taught the class made sure everyone understood. Second MOD I had a previous teacher so i knew what to expect, the other class we had a new teacher and it was HORRIBLE !!! All they did was preach to the class about how we needed to act like adults and this and that when the teacher was the o e causing the most drama. Not only did we not learn anything helpful, we the class got talked to like we were a bunch of kids all MOD. Not only did the teacher disrespect us as adults she disrespected us as humans as well. She did not have any problems talking about our religion views, our personal life, etc. If a student tried to speak she would have a problem about that, if we chewed gum that was a problem, if we laughed that was a problem, if we breathed to loud that was a problem. But did I forget to mention this was a typing class !!! I just hope our next MOD is not this intense, I came to learn an education as an adult not be belittled or treated like a child."
- Reviewed: 8/15/2014
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 0
"I went for orientation on July 14th 2014 and I was disgusted I will not pay over 17,000 for a school who wants to give you one set of scrubs and you only get that one after you start attendingI was promised things in the beginning and when I approached them about it yesterday now they have to check into it.. well huge red flag!! why do they not have supplies on hand for students for the amount of money that they charge they should have the supplies on why do students have to wait I am NOT going to go to the school and I highly recommend no one at end of school this is absolutely a disgrace the staff look like they rolled out of a pure trailer park so unprofessional and all they're doing is selling themselves might as well be on a corner staff members because I will not be attending your school I could not believe how disgraceful this business is and how they can be allowed to be in this on just absolutely disgusting"
- Reviewed: 8/6/2014
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2015
"This school is out of hand the first day I went someone was smoking weed in the bathroom and the some of turned staff are very ghetto. The security people let people get away with anything. There was also a fight the first day I went there."
Essie Robinson
- Reviewed: 7/27/2014
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2007
"I went to Harris school in 2007. I went to the Harris school in Wilmington Delaware. This was the worst school. They pretty much accept anyone, welfare moms who don't want to work but have to either work or go to school/training program. The teachers are very rude also with very limited teaching experience. We never got uniforms, or stethoscopes. But we were never reimbursed for this we still owe the same amount of loan. I wish there was a way to have this loan forgiven cause I could have spent $8,000 going to a real school or community college."
- Reviewed: 7/25/2014
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 0
"I seriously can't believe I almost went to that school can't believe that they didn't give me copies of none of the papers I signed. Thank god I was smart enough to tell them to cancel me. The dude was basically making me pick what I should study I really wanted to go for medical coding but he told me what he thought I want it. They really make u think they care but all they care about is money. & that's all there is. I seen half of the students were talking nonsense in the classrooms. The teachers weren't even teaching. It's super ghetto there I wouldn't even try to step a foot their."
- Reviewed: 5/1/2014
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2014
"This place is the biggest joke of a school ever. Out of the 4 teachers I've had so far 2 were a disgrace. You practically have to teach yourself. If you have Ms Woodard RUN!!!!! She only leaves you confused and dazed. It's obvious she has no clue as to what she is teaching or talking about. And regardless of the number of complaints they get on her they won't get rid of her because there are no other teachers out there who want to deal w Harris because of how disorganized the entire administration is. Save yourself."
- Reviewed: 9/19/2013
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year:
"I was so excited about attending Harris and becoming a certified Medical Assistant. The first Mod was good, then it all went down hill. We had a person in the class who had kidnapping charges and other felony's on his/her record, and caused a lot of trouble with the class. Then, the second MOD was a pure nightmare. We did not get the books for our A & P and Medical Terminology classes until the last day of our third week. For most of us it was very difficult to learn, but that was not the biggest problem, the biggest problem was there was so much b@tching about the books, that we did not get anything out of our classes. After, hearing about all of the negative things about the school, (I still tried to keep a positive outlook), I started researching and found that I could attend a community college and receive an associates degree for only $5,000 less than I am paying Harris for a certification. I have meant the most interesting people in while attending Harris and the instructors are great, but they are not trained instructors (and they were not happy and let it be known). So, I would not recommend Harris, just because if you really want to be successful, you need to be able to learn and practice what you are suppose to be learning and not being distracted by all of the negativity."
- Reviewed: 4/16/2013
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2011
"I went here expecting a quality education, instead this school is very unorganized and does not prepare you well for the work force. I am left with this huge college loan I have to pay back when I could have gone somewhere cheaper. Not to mention medical assistants do not get paid well. I am very happy with my job that I got but the school did not at all help me find my job. When I needed help with my resume because I had an interview coming up, they did not respond for 3 days, by then I had already had the interview. I could go on and on but I will just say that the school is completely unorganized, the education is not at all challenging, and I would not recommend anybody going here. Go to a community college if you want to be a medical assistant, or better yet, go to a community college with a major that will pay you well when you're done."