Hult International Business School Reviews

  • 34 Reviews
  • Cambridge (MA)
  • Annual Tuition: $50,825
74% of 34 students said this degree improved their career prospects
71% of 34 students said they would recommend this school to others
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Student & Graduate Reviews

  • Reviewed: 5/18/2024
  • Degree: Business Administration
"Hult offers an amazing experience, representing the culmination of academic rigor and professional practicality. The institution is hungry for innovation and fosters an environment of creativity. The cohorts are spread across the world, making the experience truly international; I made friends in Berlin, Rome, Paris, Dubai, and London. The professors are bright and will challenge you with amazing creative projects. You can continue your education by taking in-person or online electives designed for alumni. After Hult, I will be continuing my studies at Columbia University and would recommend Hult to anyone looking for a small school experience but with a truly global worldview of business and education,"
Yahya Odeh
  • Reviewed: 1/24/2024
  • Degree: Business
"Having recently completed my MBA at Hult International Business School, I am thrilled to share a brief yet impactful overview of my experience. Hult's unique and globally-focused program stands out for its rigorous academic curriculum, blending real-world case studies and simulations. The faculty, composed of seasoned professionals, fosters an intellectually stimulating environment. The commitment to a global perspective, with campuses in key business hubs, offers a unique immersion into diverse cultures. The emphasis on practical application through industry collaborations and networking events enriches the learning journey. Hult's dedication to diversity, state-of-the-art facilities, and robust career services further enhance the program's value. In conclusion, Hult's MBA has been a transformative journey, equipping me to excel in the dynamic realm of global business, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to those seeking a comprehensive and impactful educational experience."
Matteo Mori
  • Reviewed: 1/19/2024
  • Degree: Marketing
"It has been a beautiful experience, great peers, fantastic professors and simply a remarkable environment to be in! I am very happy to have chosen Hult International Business School as my first stepping stone in my career which has definitely helped me to sharp all the necessary skills to be a great professional. Thank you Hult Community!"
  • Reviewed: 1/13/2024
  • Degree: MBA
"“Hult International Business School” (based in Boston) is a very theoretical school that does not have any type of connection with the real and professional world. The students spend a lot of money on this expensive business school and then it neither supports nor helps the students to get a suitable job in the US. Most of its students have to return to their countries after having gone into debt or having spent a lot of money in the US. How could we not be outrageous when faced with a Hult's system that denies our MBA's graduates the job opportunities and fulfillment? Finally, Hult Business School should greatly improve and increase its relations with the business world, since it lacks an adequate business relations department as other Business Schools have. The “Hult Prize” after some very serious controversies is very devalued and discredited too. In conclusion, the Hult family, the Hult family, owners of “Hult International Business School”, which also owns the language schools and the “EF” cycling team, should invest more in the “Hult” business school and make a profound change in its strategy that begins to connect and relate to the world. business to improve the employability of its MBAs and the return on investment and effort of Hult MBA graduates. In other words, the family that owns Hult should significantly and immediately change the Board and Management Team of Hult International Business School.-"
  • Reviewed: 1/12/2024
  • Degree: Project Management
"I remember highly disliking the higher education system in my home country Germany, to such a degree that I thought I would never take up studies again. After working for a few years, I realized that a graduate degree might actually be the exact thing that my career needed to level up. I cast my reservations aside and chose Hult, as their practical approach and small classes promised to be exactly what I needed. And what can I say, my expectations were fulfilled. The faculty is incredibly passionate and involved, to such a degree that you can rely on them helping you outside of classes too - they never refrain from also sharing experiences from their careers (mind you, all Business professionals, not just academics). The way knowledge is conveyed is just incredbily effective, as you always have an opportunity to apply it in a practical situation shortly after digesting it. I have to say, this MBA has not just equipped me with new knowledge, but it also gave me a huge boost of confidence in my own skills, as had so many opportunities to apply them and get feedback. Wholeheartedly recommend Hult to anyone that is looking for a less traditional Business School with a pioneering vision!"
  • Reviewed: 1/11/2024
  • Degree: International Business
"Hult was a really transformational experience for me. It gave me exposure to different markets and industries. I started thinking about things more critically and this helped me grow in my career. My biggest learning from the course was the ability to adapt to different situations easily. The professors are top notch. They bring their real world experience into the classroom which really helps in the learning process. I also had classmates from all over the world and every team I was put in, there was a different combination of nationalities."
  • Reviewed: 1/11/2024
  • Degree: Business Administration
"I recently completed my MBA at Hult, and I am genuinely pleased with the overall experience. It turned out to be a very positive experience that surpassed my expectations. The highlight of the program for me was the Leadership Development classes. These sessions significantly contributed to refining my soft skills and gaining a better understanding of myself, preparing me for future leadership roles. The personal growth I experienced was quite notable. I also appreciated the program's incorporation of companies throughout the curriculum. This involvement offered real-world insights and constant feedback, contributing to noticeable improvements in my skill set and performance in my current job. In summary, I am quite satisfied with my Hult MBA experience and would recommend it to those seeking a program focused on skill development and personal growth."
Anne G.
  • Reviewed: 1/11/2024
  • Degree: Marketing
"Hult International Business School has been a complete game-changer for me. The global community here has opened my eyes to a whole new world, and the faculty's expertise keeps things current with industry trends. Networking at Hult is like nowhere else. I've been mingling with some impressive professionals in the program - lots of industry leaders sharpening their skills, although there's a bunch of us starting our careers too. (So, if you're in that boat, don't worry, you won't feel out of place. Trust me.) What really sets Hult apart is the community vibe. Whether I'm tackling tough courses or figuring out my career path, there's this genuine "family feel". There's always someone there to support you and motivate you. There's a huge focus on soft skills, entrepreneurship, and a global mindset, which is what people look for in the real world. Basically, Hult not only nails the academic stuff but also hones in on practical skills and a global outlook - the real-world essentials. If you're a young professional hungry for a forward-thinking business education, Hult is where it's at. Everyone has their own reasons for coming here. I joined to prove myself that "I could". And guess what - I absolutely CAN. I'm learning so much and my confidence has also reached new highs. I cannot wait to walk at graduation and make myself proud. 10/10 Highly recommend."
  • Reviewed: 12/28/2023
  • Degree: MBA
"Hult promises the moon and delivers very little. You’ll attend great parties and get a diploma. You won’t learn much or experience career growth. The hardest part about being a Hult alumni is realizing you wasted your time, money and enthusiasm on a bogus sales pitch. Buyer beware."
Lediana A
  • Reviewed: 11/16/2023
  • Degree: Marketing
"I am a final year student, persuading a degree on BBA majoring in Marketing. Hult environment has helped me shape my future and have a better understanding and knowledge of the future of my career. What you learn at Hult, it not only theory, but real business world practice application, where you fit yourself in the society and the business challenges. An important practice they use, is encouragement of teamwork while using real companies and cases to shape the understanding of the problem in order to find the most beneficial solution. Classes are not traditional lectures, but interactive environment where the student learn from peer students, alumni, teachers and guest speakers; offering a wide range of industry experts and guests to share their journey, motivate and enlighten the students. The courses challenge the students but prepare you for a safer journey in the business world."
Fationa Shasivari
  • Reviewed: 11/16/2023
  • Degree: Business Analytics
"highly recommend!! i had the best experience her on my overall four your of undergrad degree. i would definitely attend master as well. the faculty, staff and campus is very immersive and has the best technology as well as curriculum. friendly students and good group works!"
  • Reviewed: 9/5/2023
  • Degree: International Business
"I joined the Dual Degree Program at Hult International Business School between September 2021 and May 2022. I did first a MIB (Master in International Business) at the London campus followed by a MDI (Master in Disruptive Innovation) at the San Francisco Campus. Never have I experienced a more diverse, international and cross-cultural classroom in my life. It has been a truly life-changing experience as I am originally from France and never really had abroad or international experiences before. I really enjoyed the rich diversity of the student body as well as the academic body. Coming from a very traditional academic background (Classe préparatoire at Lycée Henri IV, Paris), I particularly enjoyed the practical-oriented curriculum that Hult offers. Instead of spending hundred of hours working alone and writing papers, I was able to thrive in team assignments (usually worth 80% of the final grade) and learn a lot from my teammates. I learnt how to cooperate work efficiently with an international team, which helped me a great deal in my personal and professional growth, as I am now working at an international company in London. Hult Faculty is composed of one-of-a-kind professors that are not only teaching but also former or part-time professionals, providing students with a concrete and practical approach of business. It was drastically different than was I experienced during my Classe préparatoire in Paris, as I was used to sit and listen to a Professor doing a monologue for 2 hours, without any interaction with my fellow classmates. I would recommend Hult International Business School to anyone looking to learn a skill set that they will actually put in practice during their studies, while evolving in a rich and international environment."
  • Reviewed: 7/11/2023
  • Degree: International Business
"recently graduated from Hult International Business School with an MIB, and I would highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for a world-class business education. Hult is a unique school in that it offers a globalized curriculum that allows students to study in multiple cities around the world. This was one of the main reasons why I chose Hult, as I wanted to get a truly international perspective on business. During my time at Hult, I had the opportunity to study in London, Boston, Shanghai and Dubai. I learned from world-renowned faculty and had the chance to network with students from over 100 countries. One of the things that I appreciated most about Hult was the emphasis on practical learning. In addition to the classroom lectures, we had the opportunity to participate in consulting projects with real companies, live simulations, and hackathons. This gave us the opportunity to apply our learnings to real-world problems and develop our problem-solving skills. I also appreciated the strong emphasis on entrepreneurship at Hult. We had the opportunity to take entrepreneurship courses, participate in startup competitions, and work with Hult's own accelerator program. This helped me to develop my entrepreneurial skills and gave me the confidence to launch my own business. Overall, I had an amazing experience at Hult. I learned a lot, made great friends, and had the opportunity to travel the world. If you are looking for a world-class business education that will prepare you for a successful career, I highly recommend Hult. Here are some specific things that I loved about Hult: The globalized curriculum: I had the opportunity to study in three different cities, which gave me a truly international perspective on business. The emphasis on practical learning: I had the opportunity to participate in consulting projects, live simulations, and hackathons. This gave me the opportunity to apply my learnings to real-world problems and develop my problem-solving skills. The strong emphasis on entrepreneurship: I had the opportunity to take entrepreneurship courses, participate in startup competitions, and work with Hult's own accelerator program. This helped me to develop my entrepreneurial skills and gave me the confidence to launch my own business. The faculty: The faculty at Hult are world-renowned experts in their field. They are passionate about teaching and are always willing to help students succeed. The students: The students at Hult are from all over the world, with a wide range of backgrounds and experiences. This makes for a diverse and stimulating learning environment. The location: Hult has campuses in five major cities around the world. This gives students the opportunity to live and study in a global city. Overall, I would highly recommend Hult to anyone who is looking for a world-class business education. It was an amazing experience that I will never forget. Here are some tips for prospective students who are considering Hult: Be prepared to work hard. Hult is a demanding program, but it is also very rewarding. Take advantage of all the opportunities that Hult has to offer. There are so many ways to get involved and learn outside of the classroom. Network with your classmates. The people you meet at Hult will be your lifelong friends and colleagues. Don't be afraid to ask for help. The faculty and staff at Hult are always there to support you."
  • Reviewed: 7/5/2023
  • Degree: Marketing
"I did my bachelor's at an orthodox state university in Germany with a class of 300, so I truly did not know what to expect from a private business school before starting my master and I was so pleasantly surprised. For me, the best part of going to Hult wasn't the international environment, which although crucial to building a career in a metropolitan multicultural city, and something that Hult does very well, can easily be found at most universities in a city like London. For me, the most impressive part was the dedication and involvement of the faculty towards the students - whether it be teaching faculty, campus staff or the deanery. Every single professor who taught me knew me by my first name and would check up on me if I happened to miss a lecture. If there was a topic I was particularly interested in, I could ask them to spend a little more time elaborating on it in the next lecture - sometimes they even let me make small changes to the coursework and assignments so I could explore a topic of my choosing! Campus staff paid close attention to our dietary and cultural needs when planning monthly networking and social events. The career advising service was one of the most valuable things I took away from my master's. Overall, I would say consider Hult if what you're looking for is an educational experience customised to your needs and curiosity, and if you want to belong to a globally present alumni network and the Hult family."
  • Reviewed: 5/11/2023
  • Degree: Executive MBA
"My experience with Hult was amazing as an EMBA student. The diversity of the student body and faculty made me feel like a global citizen. The professors were always willing to go the extra mile to ensure that we were engaged and learning, which made all the difference. Learn by doing method Hult practices made the learning so much more enjoyable and engaging. Moreover, my amazing peers from different corners of the world brought with them a wealth of knowledge and experiences, which added a lot of value to my learning journey. I also had a great experience with the career services team at Hult. They were wonderful in helping me navigate the job search process, from crafting my resume and cover letters to preparing me for interviews and networking events. Their guidance and support were instrumental in positioning me in front of employers, which led me to situations where I could choose from multiple challenges to pursue. In summary, I would highly recommend Hult's EMBA program to anyone looking for an incredible community of people who are passionate about learning, growing, and making a positive impact in the world. Thank you, Hult, for providing me with an unforgettable experience and changing my life for the better!"
  • Reviewed: 3/23/2023
  • Degree: Business Analytics
"Hult is a life changing experience, not only a school that offers a range of undergarduate and postgraduate degrees. It pioneers the approach of "learning by doing" and it's extremely practical in the classrom. Professors areleading experts in their field, almost always practitioners and all students have what Hult defines as "the HULT DNA". I would highly recommend the school to anyone that feels they learn better by doing things rather than purely studying theory in textbooks."
Sanskriti Chaturvedi
  • Reviewed: 12/29/2022
  • Degree: Marketing
"I had one of the best experiences at Hult, with the amount of information & knowledge provided by the professor in class and learning materials after that is immense, you get to experience a really life simulation around business as they not only organise brand collaborations for education but also help you develop your own idea in Future Challenge. With the amazing career advisory team onboard it is so easy to get into networking groups and learn about corporate lives. I say, it is an absolute value for money, they don’t just provide knowledge but help you retain it by introducing a new way of learning, experiencing the education. There is a huge diversity at Hult, my cohort had 39 nationalities that helped me understand how to work in teams with cultural diversities. It was an amazing experience and I would recommend Hult, it is a life changing experience. An institute that helps you grow personally and professionally, from George at the reception to professors in classes, coffee at student hub to virtual sessions with teams, it is worth experiencing."
  • Reviewed: 12/21/2022
  • Degree: Business Analytics
"I am doing an MBA with Hult and overall I am happy. I like how it's split between academical, leadership and challenges modules. I am in the middle of the studying year and I can say I appreciate more now the tough courses that we have because the new information but also some real life applications. So far my favourite courses were "Financial Statement Analysis" and "Data Management". Behind the generic terms there were practical exercises selected from real life. I guess that's where I can say the difference is made. I also like the leadership modules and business simulations. I am not 100% sure if the skills gained can be called "hard skills" because to my mind those have to be learned and practiced for a decent amount of time in the workplace, but it's a very good introduction to the skill - pretty much the best a school can do. And yes, I agree that they can be presented as skills in a CV, for the younger ones or the ones wanting to change their career. I am 40 now, so maybe to late for that for me. I am already applying at work things that I've learnt. One thing I want to mention for someone enrolling: "Make sure you really want to invest your time in this degree, because the school will not make you brilliant or smart, it's just providing a frame and guidance. It's more about the time invested and your dedication, the outcome will be proportionate with that!". I have felt it myself, initially I didn't take it very seriously but after I've changed my approach I could see the change in grades but also a personal satisfaction of work being properly done!"
Ayush Mishra
  • Reviewed: 6/7/2021
  • Degree: International Business
"Hult has personally changed my life because I have received effective empathy on all levels from this institution. From Michael up at reception with the broadest smile in the world, to Professor Bhalla and James (the 2 most unique and life-changing) Professors I have ever had. Might I not forget Dean Sam who very kindly helped me with my visa related issues in the midst of the pandemic and the list simply goes on and on! This school cultivates an enriching environment for all students to incubate their learnings and create something that can change the world. This was especially expressed through the manifestation of several business plans during the Future Mindset & Challenge (capstone project). I have genuinely loved my time at Hult London, and would be extremely happy to talk about any questions or queries anyone might have!!!!"
  • Reviewed: 3/1/2021
  • Degree: International Business
"I am studying the Master in International Business at Hult International Business School and my experience is terrible. The courses are really basic and if you took business classes in the past, you will learn nothing. You have one course at a time and only two hours a day. Student services are unhelpful and you cannot get a clear answer on anything. Plus, you can go weeks without getting an answer. Communication is the worst part at Hult. It seems like nobody knows anything and what they are doing. Everything is decided last minute. The campus housing in Boston “Hult House” is no worth it and you can get cheaper and better options around. Hult focuses more on student private life than on academics or careers. They are investigating what students are doing outside of campus and issue sanctions up to dismissal and breaking student visas. If you are thinking about choosing Hult to get access to employment in the United States. You can find way better business schools that will look better on your resume."