ITT Technical Institute Reviews
20 Reviews - Nationwide

31% of 20 students said this degree improved their career prospects
25% of 20 students said they would recommend this program to others
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Write a Review Angela Mae Bridger
- Reviewed: 6/1/2023
- Degree: Computer Networking
- Graduation Year: 2017
"I was learning network, I enjoy going to school, meeting new people, had great teacher, great class mates, I wish the school was still going on, never missed of school, I would have graduated on September 2017, I had three months to go before the school closed down, I would had my associates degree in 18 months"
Chris Ciero
- Reviewed: 1/28/2019
- Degree: Computer Networking
- Graduation Year: 2002
"I am a firm believer in education for many reasons. The foremost in thought is furthering one's abilities by learning from others in an education setting. This being said, as long as the institution follows the guidelines for teaching I believe that the student interaction with instructors is critical. Online, offline, in person, brick and mortar institutions are good, but an avid learner can learn anytime anywhere. This is what I did at school. I was paying for it, so I got the most out of it I could. While the institution no longer exists I credit them for helping me learn as they should. School helped me improve my job prospects. I met some excellent people and ended up deciding to go further with my education, but the key to my success was my attitude to learn and understand everything I could and is why I still am doing so to this day."
- Reviewed: 2/11/2016
- Degree: Computer Networking
- Graduation Year: 2002
"I graduated from ITT in 2002 with an AAS in Computer Networking Technologies. This allowed me to enter the networking and telecommunications industry. Within 5 years I was a senior consultant with a regional IT consulting firm in the Rocky Mountain region. Now I'm a CIO for a mid size community bank making a very good salary. I'll admit that the courses were not super challenging as I graduated with a 4.0, but the experience and knowledge gained from my instructors was paramount. Each of them worked in the field and were eager to pass on the knowledge they had gained from their experiences. I had children at a young age before the time of online courses, so the university and community college were not an option for me. In my experience, most of the students were there for the degree, not the knowledge being imparted by the faculty. Reading these reviews only enforces the strong feeling I had 15 years ago that most of the people that attend these schools will not be successful. However, if one does embrace the knowledge being imparted and actually learn and understand their field of study, you can be successful with a degree from ITT Technical Institute. The biggest complaint I have is about the expense. My two year degree was close to $50,000, I'm glad it paid off."
- Reviewed: 2/2/2016
- Degree: Computer Networking
- Graduation Year: 2017
"I currently attend the school and from what I see people do drop out frequently I started with 25 people in class now down to 11. The teaching methods do semi suck because there is a lot of work in this school. As for people saying its a scam I think they are simply the ones who could not handle the workload. This school is basically like life it's all about who you know and if you doing good then I'm pretty sure that they will actually help you. I mean why would they give someone a job who flunked half their classes?"
- Reviewed: 12/30/2015
- Degree: Computer Networking
- Graduation Year: 2013
"I started at itt with the hope i could avance my self in the world. I was rushed through admissions and told that they gaurenteed me a job making 60k a year. First week i had 6 different teachers for my classes because they quit. I am not 50k in debt and cant make more then 15 bucks an hour in the field. All these positive reviews should be questioned. If you want more info just google itt tech and you can find the multiple investigations that are being done and have been done. Itt is on advanced cash monitoring status and enrollment is dropping. They are publically traded on stock market as itt esi. So that being said they dont care and will lie and steal from you. Dont enroll and stay away."
Former Student
- Reviewed: 12/29/2015
- Degree: Computer Networking
- Graduation Year: 2008
"I graduated over 7 years ago and I've never been hired using the 'degree' I got from this school. I have several times been told during interviews that I could not be hired because of my degree from ITT. All I got was debt that'll never go away. I also don't actually have the paper degree. Right before I was set to graduate they told me I still owed the school $1400 and I could walk in the ceremony but I wouldn't get the actual degree until I paid. I don't want it so they can keep it. Avoid this school. Go to a community collage and get their 2 year degree and transfer to a university. ITT credits DO NOT transfer to any other school. If they told you they do, they lied. Avoid this scam of a school at all cost. My credit is ruined because of them."
- Reviewed: 12/29/2015
- Degree: Computer Networking
- Graduation Year: 2006
"Attending ITT was the worst decision I have ever made. I used to to work in a lot of blue collar jobs, factories, driving jobs etc. I went to ITT because I wanted a brighter future. I worked hard for two years and graduated. I sent out hundreds upon hundreds of resumes. I applied for positions all over the country and some out of the country. If I received a response at all it was typically that my degree was not good enough and would need further education to even be considered for interview. Eventually the "Career Assistance Department" at ITT found a position for which I could apply. I ended up taking the job because I needed any kind of job. It was a job that had nothing to do with my degree and was a position I could have attained with a high school diploma. I was naive and ill prepared when I applied for classes. I should have searched for grants/aid, things like that. When I spoke to the financial people at ITT they asked me if I was a veteran (no), if I was married (no), if I had any children (no), so they stated I would probably not qualify for aid so they set me up with loans. In the end the loans were not enough and I had to borrow $800.00 from family to be able to graduate. I would never recommend anyone going to this "school". They only want your money and nothing else."
Previous Student
- Reviewed: 12/29/2015
- Degree: Computer Networking
- Graduation Year: 2011
"Only positive thing I can say about the school is that the instructors were great. Their degrees are viewed at by most companies as worthless. Good luck getting a job to pay off your 52K loan. Plus most schools do not accept ITT credits if you're looking to get your Bachelors at another school. Thankfully I had a good job with a top company and am still with the today. I cannot use the ITT Associates degree to advance within my own company. Plus I'm not even working in my degree field. ITT was the worst financial decision I have ever made."
If you like debt, go to ITT Tech.
- Reviewed: 10/12/2015
- Degree: Computer Networking
- Graduation Year: 2010
"The school is a profit machine, pure and simple. Driven by greed and deception that comes from the top down. The CEO, he resigned after indictment, of ITT Tech faces fraud and racketeering charging along with other top officers. This school will bury you and leave you in debt for a lifetime. Do yourself a favor and start at your local Junior or Community College."
Avoid like the plague
- Reviewed: 10/12/2015
- Degree: Computer Networking
- Graduation Year: 2012
"Instructors are sub-par, lab equipment is garbage and the place is a diploma mill. You can learn more on your own through self study. You can gain employment in the I.T. field by earning a few industry certs on your own and save a ton of money. The C.E.O. and top executives of I.T.T. Tech are under Federal indictment and face criminal charges by the Government for fraud and racketeering. Four years separated from the rat-hole I am still trying to recover financially. As part of ITT Tech's ongoing fraud between 2009 and 2012 the school took out private student loans on behalf of (and without knowledge) students and lined their pockets. Today I have a great job in the IT field, no thanks to ITT tech. My credit was destroyed by them and these private student loans. I have recovered, for the most part. I have a credit scores in the high 600's and low 700's and make $78k a year but can't but a house because of the derogs from these P.S. Loans. I have been on my job for over four years. I work for a Fortune 100 company, it's an opportunity that I found on my own. ITT's job placement services are worthless."
- Reviewed: 5/22/2015
- Degree: Computer Networking
- Graduation Year: 2014
"This school was awful. They cared about nothing and taught nothing. I would sit in class prepared and ready, but instead, I would have to sit and wait for TWO hours for other classmates to get caught up and do what they should have done a week ago. It was terrible. It is not my fault that they can't get their school work done on time. Don't punish me for that and waste MY TIME! I would ask a teacher for help when I have already tried everything in my power to figure it out on my own, and the teacher had the nerves to tell me to GOOGLE IT! I cold have rung his neck. That was my last straw. I then withdrew from the school. I informed the Director and he seemed to not care at all. As long as these people are getting paid, they do not care one bit. This was ITT Technical Institute in Columbia, SC Terrible school. DO NO ATTEND!"
Rodney T.
- Reviewed: 9/12/2014
- Degree: Computer Networking
- Graduation Year: 2015
"I am a student in Center City Philadelphia and this will be my last year. I wrote about this school in 2013 when I started and I'm still going strong. This school will make you work for your grades. You will not pass if you do not do the work and they don't pass you for just showing up. I've seen people get dropped or having to repeat a class if they don't get there work in. And attendance is a must or you will be getting a phone call from your teacher. They do try to work with you and help you to pass but it's up to you. They won't give it to you, you must earn it trust me because I had a hech of a time with math 1 and 2 but passed with a c and a c+ and they didn't give that to me one bit. Right now I am holding a gpa of 3.5 all I can say is do the work, come to class and you will be fine. ITT TECH has a lot to offer you just have to put the efford in. Maybe the other ITT TECH schools are run of the mill but the one here in Philly I still think it is all that. Good luck..."
- Reviewed: 6/3/2014
- Degree: Computer Networking
- Graduation Year: 2010
"Admission was easy. They make you take some test but you could write on the screen with crayon and you'd still get "accepted". Curriculum was stupid for the most part. They were still teaching Windows 2K3 in 2010. If you find something you're interested in go with that and do the research on your own in addition to the half assed books and powerpoint that get shoved down your throat. You can learn a lot, but you can also not. They'll pass anyone. Instructors are 50/50 awesome/awful. A smart one that cares has a lot of knowledge and can be very helpful. A bad one if just the opposite and can be more detrimental to your education than being on crack while trying to learn the OSI model. Schedule is pretty flexible. The days are 5 hour single classes generally. You can show up and leave whenever for the most part. Nobody cares. Career services sucks. Period. If you're expecting them to get you a job, don't. You have to research and do the work yourself. It works if you try hard enough. (source: experience) Cost is insane. It cost me 40K to go there. Started out at 32K right out of school and after 3 years moved on to around 45K. The jobs are out there. Sallie Mae sucks the MOST and will be a great nuisance to your entire life once you graduate. Overall don't go there. Spend your money on something specialized. This place is like Everest Institute with better marketing. Although I did get a good job right away and have moved up. Don't listen to me. I don't know anything."
- Reviewed: 5/10/2013
- Degree: Computer Networking
- Graduation Year: 2010
"In September 2008 at the age of 29 I decided to go back to school. I chose ITT-Tech because their schedule made it easy for me. I was driving a truck working 60 hours a week but I was off of work by 5pm so I could make 6pm classes. The recruiter did try and sell me on the school by telling me that I was going to double my income as soon as I graduated. Luckily for me, my best friend works in IT so I knew that was a lie from the beginning. I will be the first to admit that you get out of a school what you put into it. I learned to go on very little sleep and it was during this time that my son became addicted to video games because I tended to sit him in front of a game while I was working on homework. I am not blaming ITT for that, just pointing out that I did sacrifice for the sake of my education. The first three semesters were not that bad. There were issues with some of the labs not working but at that point, we had not hit the classes with a lot of labs yet. By the fourth semester it was becoming obvious that ITT was a for profit business and not an educational institution. What should have been lab intensive classes became vocabulary lessons because none of the labs worked. Moving back and forth from virtual networks to physical networks, trying to get some sort of functioning lab environment, we constantly lost several weeks of class time. Each time the chair would tell you that they knew what the problems were and by next quarter the lab class rooms would be fixed. In my two years there we went through four IT department chairs. The fifth quarter was even worse. I finally talked my friend into teaching at the school to see if he could figure out what was going on with this school. He taught one semester and told me that he wishes that he would have taught there before I enrolled, he said that he would have told me to stay away. His words were that the IT Chair was a "Bumbling Idiot who was teaching because he could not do IT work in the real world." He also told me that the reason that none of the labs worked was because the classes were not set up to do the labs as specified in the books and that the IT guy there on site did not know how to set the room up for labs. He went on to say that none of the IT teachers knew how either so they were not about to let the students mess with the network. He offered to help but they would not let him. But at this point I was too far along to quit. They did hire a IT guy later who could have fixed the network so that our labs would work but he told us that corporate would not allow him to separate the lab rooms from the network so that we could run labs. We continued to struggle with virtual networks that did not work correctly. We did have several good teachers there it was just that none of them stayed. The teachers that stayed were the ones who had no clue what they were talking about. We had clueless teachers paired with labs that did not work. One of the most infuriating things that happened was in my last two quarters they hired a guy to teach the Cisco classes. He had not touched a router or a switch in years and was sitting up all night reading the book so he could try and teach us something despite the fact that as usual, the labs did not work. But that was not the worst part. The worst part was that the guy was a server admin who had experience with windows and Linux servers. The guy would have been perfect for one of our server classes but he even admitted that he didn't know what he was doing with routers and switches. The guy who taught us Windows server 03 was a glorified help desk guy who had limited knowledge of some AD work. We also went through 3 Linux teachers, each one worse than the other and run off from the school. I landed my first IT job in January of 2010. It was a contract job and I took a substantial pay cut to get into the field. I don't blame ITT for that. I knew that was going to have to happen. It was an entry level position on a very large help desk. I was working with people from all of the 2 year vocational schools from around the city as well as a few self taught guys. Most of those guys were way ahead of the ITT guys. I could personally attest for all of the ITT guys on that job, we all went to class and tried as hard as we could to make the labs work. We had all taken the stuff home and tried to learn it there. We were all honors students but the fact was it was showing how poor of an education we were receiving. We were watching guys from the state run vo-tech school. They paid about a tenth of what we paid, their labs worked and they were even getting certifications while still in school. Certifications where part of their course. Several of them started after us and quickly advanced ahead of us. While I was happy for them, it did show what a poor choice I made in my school. I graduated in September of 2010. There were about 40-50 of us and more than ¾ of the class graduated with honors. I had a 3.83 GPA. It wasn't very hard at all. If you show up, do the home work and show that you care about your career, you made a B at worst. I knew several people who graduated with honors and would not even apply for jobs in their fields because they did not have the confidence to go for an interview. I am in the process of going back to school again. This time I knew enough to chose a school that was not a for profit business and one that had an accreditation that was actually worth having. My ITT degree is hung above my toilet paper holder in the bathroom at my house. The sign says "If out of toilet paper, use this degree." What I have also learned is that the financial aid department at ITT really needs to be investigated. I ended up in a ton of private student loans at ITT when there was plenty of Pell Grant and government subsidized loans to cover my education. This go around, going to a real University, I ended up with no private student loans. And if you do any research on the private loan companies ITT gets your money from, you learn that the companies are owned by ITT. It is a scam. I have been in IT for three years now and have added certifications to my resume so that I could drop ITT from it. That name on your resume is a career killer. I have an A+ as well as several Microsoft certs. I have a MCITP and hold dual MCSA certifications. I have not advanced as far as I feel I should have. No matter how much I learn, I still feel like I am behind others with same amount of time in IT as I have. I feel like I started with a disadvantage because I went to ITT. I could have done better had I just bought the books and studied for the certs myself. A degree is not needed to be an IT Tech. I can think of a lot of things to call ITT but Educational Institution is not one of them."
- Reviewed: 5/9/2013
- Degree: Computer Networking
- Graduation Year: 2013
"I'm about to graduate from ITT it would be from another college had I looked here first.The only thing the local ITT has is a lady in career services she has actually helped me. I am now going to be in debt over 40,000 dollars while making less than 30k currently with no change in sight. She was able to place me in my field just not a great position. As for classes they were a joke. Many of the labs and projects we were unable to complete due to lack in equipment and materials. Questa the online program they use is horrible only works with IE and you have to enable pop-ups. The professors online can't help you if Google can't. Because that is pretty much the same thing they give you is what Yahoo answers said or some other site. I may attend another college to feel as though I have actually achieved a degree and not just paid dearly for 2 yrs. for a piece of paper that may or may not help me to achieve gainful employment.Oh and most of the online professors are only online and available from 9-5 while you're at work. A limited few of the professors cared. They do change frequently and the online classes are by far the worst I've heard of or personally had the pleasure in dealing with. Had my credits been able to transfer I would have left long ago but the amount I have already paid put me so far in debt the only option I feel I have is to complete the course and hope that it will be helpful in the future and not laughed at and discarded. I hope everyone considering going to ITT does their research I didn't and it cost me dearly, 40,000 dollars, two years, and a lot of headaches for a degree that may be next to worthless when trying to obtain a good position at a decent company."
- Reviewed: 3/26/2013
- Degree: Computer Networking
- Graduation Year: 2014
"I was hoping to get some people's help on this. I currently go to ITT and I'm only in my 2nd quarter and I'm going to school on my post 9/11 gi bill. I know big mistake and i'm trying to make a get away soon. When this quarter I'm in right now which is only my 2nd quarter is over I'm planning to leave and go to a community college. I was trying to see if anyone else on here has left like that and if they give you crap as you leave or anything like that. I have heard a rumor that if you discontinue school there they will make you pay a fine?? I'm just hoping it's a rumor."
- Reviewed: 3/7/2013
- Degree: Computer Networking
- Graduation Year: 2010
"My decision to go to ITT was based on the course list, ads, visiting the campus, and seeing the layout of the school.Quarter one went well, it was the basic classes, I expected them to be easy. Second quarter...just as easy. I received my Associates in Computer Networking with a 3.95 GPA and learned almost nothing. It would of been a 4.0 but honestly it was just hard to come waste my time in classes. 95% of the labs did not work. They are 11 weeks courses. The teacher I had for my linux admin class had never used linux before. My windows system admin class labs didn't work. The teacher had us try to get it to work for the first 6 classes. The problem was the VM software we were using didn't have the capability that lab needed. They were using free VM software. Tuition was around $44k. We rarely used the books that were included in this tuition. The "tutors" were just students with A's or B's (in which should be everyone). After I had my associates I went to start my bachelors degree (no other school would transfer over my degree). I took one quarter and had to move out of state for work. I was told my classes would transfer into any other ITT. This was not the case. The classes I was taking were not offered where I was moving therefore I was giving F's as it was past the drop deadline and they had no other way to let me finish these classes.I did have two good teachers while I attended. Only two. This is the only good thing I can say about this school."
- Reviewed: 12/5/2012
- Degree: Computer Networking
- Graduation Year: 2012
"This school is the biggest waste of money. It gets you know where in life and puts you thousands of dollars in debt. You can't do anything with an ITT degree and their credits don't transfer so if you decided to high your degree you can't unless you retake the years spent at ITT."