ITT Technical Institute Reviews
11 Reviews - Nationwide

56% of 11 students said this degree improved their career prospects
36% of 11 students said they would recommend this program to others
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Write a Review Anton McCullough
- Reviewed: 2/18/2017
- Degree: Network Administration
- Graduation Year: 2015
"I wish they did not close my school. That school helped me, and now I do not have a chance to go and get my Bachelor degree.I really learn a whole lot the instructors. The staff was so friendly. The staff tried their best to make sure all the students had everything to succeed."
Carlos Sosa
- Reviewed: 9/2/2016
- Degree: Network Administration
- Graduation Year: 2015
"I attended this school hoping I would learn a few things about Internet security. I did, but also accrued over $20,000 in debt, which wasn't worth it in the least. They gave me a computer for all my troubles and it even included Widows. However it was a pirated version, which tells you a lot about the school itself. If you're going to go into debt for school, it might as well be legitimate. I switched to Linux. You might want to do the same thing. Instead of going to this school just learn it on your own."
NSA (Network system administration) great school WORTH IT
- Reviewed: 8/18/2016
- Degree: Network Administration
- Graduation Year: 2016
"Why do people keep saying negative things about ITT tech , it does teach you a lot of things , as far as I know I'm on my way to success when I hear people talk about how its a scam , or how it doesn't teach you anything , it makes wonder what you actually did in class while i was learning all the it stuff , I remember thinking it was a scam but its not , its the fact that people get lazy and careless and decide to look up the answers and then complaining how they didnt' learn anything or how the teachers should be fired. it bugs me because , this school teaches you a lot so far I learned a little of , information system security, Sub-netting , LINUX networking , CLI ,bash ,how DHCP works , how active directory works ,DC, IPS,IDS, lans , wans , gateways, how to configure static ip's, how to script both in Linux and windows, and entering in some of how to script with routers ,switches etc. simulation for Cisco, FRAME, IP PACKETS, vm-ware , so I hope when people tell you that its a scam its NOT , I hope this encourages you to go and pay attention and learn as much as you can lead yourself . IT IS A VERY WELL TAUGHT SCHOOL DON'T BE LIKE THE REST AND LOOK UP STUFF OR DON'T STUDY ,I ASSURE YOU I HAVE SEEN IT ALL BUT I CHOSE TO LEAD MYSELF AND PURSUE MY KNOWLEDGE , because in the end it will pay off and its all about you and how you want to succeed ."
- Reviewed: 4/26/2015
- Degree: Network Administration
- Graduation Year: 2018
"I started ITT Tech San Bernardino in March 2014. I was forced to withdraw due to financial aid issues. However I chose to go back June 2014 and pursue my career. I'm in the middle of my 4th quarter now holding a 4.0 GPA. My chairs really do know their specific fields as the associate dean was a math major in college and an excellent math professor. My IT chair is just brilliant and makes it her personal mission her students succeed and she helps place them with employers.. all the complaints I see about ITT tech, well to say the least, it is a matter of perception. It was what you do with your education. I do know there are good instructors and terrible ones. I also had this experience in a community college. Expensive as this school may be I am proud to say I attend there. I was recently brought on as a federal work study in academics and I have a lot of support from various professors when ever I need it."
- Reviewed: 4/14/2015
- Degree: Network Administration
- Graduation Year: 2015
"At first, I thought this school was pretty good. Students, like myself, were pretty cool to talk to and the teachers seemed to know what they were doing. At least, that's how it was during the first quarter. The second quarter came around and that's when things got sloppy. The Intro to Networking teacher was pretty much reading off of the slides, that were made in '07, not going into detail about some important aspects of the field selected, and when lab came around, he pretty much did all of the work for the students, not challenging their knowledge. When he spoke to the class, it was pretty much the students that were directly ahead of him he was speaking to. Everyone else had a hard time following what he was saying. The College Mathematics teacher did not know what he was doing. Every time I started to get the hang of his techniques, I was immediately thrown off as the teacher himself screwed up the whole equation, EVERY time. I was surprisingly passed by the teacher, near end of the quarter.. Which was odd to me. Honestly, the question surfaced to mind, that he HAD to pass me or he, himself, would get into trouble. After reading the past comments, turns out that's the truth. The teachers do not seem to have any teaching degrees either. I am only in my 3rd quarter, and am not going any further with ITT-Tech. By June, I will be free from them and going to a community college. I owe 9.5k and will be paying that off for the next couple of years. However, I'm glad I read the past reviews, or I would be in a greater amount of debt of at least 40k. I wouldn't recommend this school to anyone. They promise hands-on training, show you a high percentage of graduates, and persuade you that they can get you a job. All of those are false. Heed the warnings of your peers."
- Reviewed: 2/25/2015
- Degree: Network Administration
- Graduation Year: 2013
"This school was awful I am very good with computers and work well with others. This school did not make any sense, The work was unnecessarily hard, the teachers either gave me attitude or didn't know what they were talking about. In order for me to get a job in Chicago I had to delete the school from my resume. At one interview an employer said he would never hire those from itt tech because they do not support any current technology. I am stuck with a $13000 bill that has only diminished my opportunity in a big city. I am telling anyone that reads these reviews please take every review into consideration."
- Reviewed: 8/13/2014
- Degree: Network Administration
- Graduation Year: 2016
"Hanover, MD is a new ITT tech campus. The teachers are atrocious except for a spare few. I am only in my first quarter and will be doing my best to bail out of this contract. It is not worth the time. I am learning nothing, I know all this information, and my teacher's are sub-par at best. Those who are in their last quarter tell me it does not get better."