ITT Technical Institute Reviews
11 Reviews - Nationwide

25% of 11 students said this degree improved their career prospects
18% of 11 students said they would recommend this program to others
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Write a Review Jeffery Johnson
- Reviewed: 12/15/2015
- Degree: CAD/Computer Aided Drafting
- Graduation Year: 2016
"I recently enrolled in this college to improve my computer aided drafting skills. It is becoming clear that this is not as good of a school as I had previously thought. The school has some good instructors, however they recruit and accept any student that will knock on their door, and is a contributing factor for the low morale and poor student attendance. The recruiters prey on students that are economically disadvantaged, they are not looking at the person as a whole their concern to build more revenue for ITT tech. Classes are scheduled to begin at 530 and over by 1030 in the evening, I have not been in a class that has gone beyond 930 PM. Do more research and find a school that is smaller in scale."
Do NOT Be Deceived
- Reviewed: 9/10/2015
- Degree: CAD/Computer Aided Drafting
- Graduation Year: 2008
"For those of you considering attending ITT Technical Institute, please read this review before you do. I attended ITT Tech from 2006 - 2008 studying Computer Drafting and Design. For starters, the amount of useful information you will receive is of no real use in the real world. Some of this information is common sense and is not necessary for a career in CDD. You will learn more on your own than you will in class. For example, one of the courses you will take is College Physics. I learned 20 times as much AFTER graduation just from studying on my own. DO NOT be lured in by the casual way they make student loans sound. They will tell you "You can pay all the interest while you're in school and that will help tremendously." The price for a two year education at ITT is $40,000+. While this doesn't seem like a lot, you could go to a junior college for less than 10% of that. I started working at a job and my supervisor at the time had gone to a junior college who earned the SAME degree for just over $2,500 dollars!!! PLEASE consider cheaper alternatives to ITT....and PLEASE DO NOT believe the stories you hear on TV! If you do not plan on starting a business after ITT, it will leave you in a pit of debt! It's a sad testament when people ask me what's the biggest thing I regret in my life and I tell them....going to school at ITT Tech!"
Drafting and Design
- Reviewed: 7/24/2015
- Degree: CAD/Computer Aided Drafting
- Graduation Year: 2016
"This is the worst school ever and I am so mad that I have to pay for this crap. The teachers don't teach anything the either just pass you or you have to find a way to learn it on your own. And they ha sign up and register for the classes without telling me they took what I wanted to do out the school. I'm really considering leaving during my fourth quarter cause I can't honestly do this anymore or I'm just gonna flunk out at this point. Please do not go here."
Unhappy Veteran
- Reviewed: 1/15/2015
- Degree: CAD/Computer Aided Drafting
- Graduation Year: 2016
"I go to ITT to get an Associates in Drafting and Design. I'm A Military Veteran and am using my GI Bill. This place is a joke. I'm still waiting for my PELL Grant that the government sent to my school months ago. My GI Bill pays for EVERYTHING but yet ITT feels it's necessary to keep my PELL Grant money in they're account to earn interest off of it, instead of sending it to me like promised. The school is misusing money from government programs. I will be contacting the Dept of Education and BBB. I think everyone else should too! Let's get this place shut down, sued, and get our hard earned money back!!"
- Reviewed: 1/10/2015
- Degree: CAD/Computer Aided Drafting
- Graduation Year: 2013
"Waste of time and costs far too much money. I have an Associate Degree and cant find employment in my field because an Assoc. isnt good enough despite what they tell you."
- Reviewed: 4/4/2013
- Degree: CAD/Computer Aided Drafting
- Graduation Year: 1998
"I graduated ITT Tech in 1998 with a 3.8 Gpa in the field of Comupter aided drafting. The years I went to school are the same years CAD and 3D Modeling were really heating up. After graduating I stayed on at my current job for 2 years because I liked it. I did use some of what I learned at ITT at my current job. My boss quit and they pulled in a dude that I really didn't see eye to eye with. Went for a new job in 2001 with my degree and landed one. After 9-11 and the economy crashed I lost my job and it seemed all of the CAD jobs dried up. I was left with a degree and no job with Students loans. Currently I paid off my loans and I still have not landed a job with my degree. I gave up around 2003 anyway. Now I work anywhere I can find a job. WORST MISTAKE EVER! IF I COULD GO BACK AND DO IT AGAIN, I WOULD NEVER GO TO ITT."
- Reviewed: 1/13/2013
- Degree: CAD/Computer Aided Drafting
- Graduation Year: 2014
"I'm going to ITT right now, and I'm wanting to get out, But with me being under 24, I'm stuck here, since my parents won't allow me to leave. I knew from the start it was too much money, and from what I've been hearing. I'm not finding it worth staying. I went to the career service to ask about a job, he suggested I go apply being a waitress? During class the instructor tries to help me, but I don't understand it. Is this school worth going to? No. If I could I would drop out right now. Wish me luck on paying $45K."
- Reviewed: 1/4/2013
- Degree: CAD/Computer Aided Drafting
- Graduation Year: 2006
"guys if i was happy with itt tech i would not be writing here, but honestly if i can go back in time i would not walked the same path please save ur time and attend a better school with alot less loans it's very expensive and the quality of teaching sucks. if you want or know someone who wants to go to itt tech please think twice !!!"