ITT Technical Institute Reviews
8 Reviews - Nationwide

0% of 8 students said this degree improved their career prospects
0% of 8 students said they would recommend this program to others
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Write a Review Scam
- Reviewed: 12/30/2015
- Degree: Computer Engineering
- Graduation Year: 2009
"THIS SCHOOL IS A SCAM!!!!! If you are thinking of paying for this school and attending.... Pick another school. ITT degrees are worthless. This school is a crap shoot. I wasted a lot of my time and money at this school, got no degree, and am still paying off the loans 6 years later."
- Reviewed: 12/29/2015
- Degree: Computer Engineering
- Graduation Year: 2007
"Absolute mistake going to this school. I restarted at a university after this useless degree. It was a complete waste of 35000 dollars. It cost me the same amount of money for my bachelors degree. Do not! I repeat do not waste the time or money on this degree. I really hope you take this seriously just Google information on Itt Tech if you do not believe. They are being sued by multiple government agencies for fraud. It will not help you it is a huge risk. If you have been wronged join ITT Tech warriors Facebook page there are a lot of good people trying to help those who have been wronged."
ITT Tech Grad
- Reviewed: 9/2/2015
- Degree: Computer Engineering
- Graduation Year: 2010
"Being all honest and upfront. I would not recommend going to ITT for school. The price you pay for your degree is ridiculous, you WILL be owing A LOT of money. Do research on COST not just commercial BS. Don't be fooled by commercials. I got my Associates from ITT, but then went on to UMUC to get my Bachelors degree, I am earning 23K more a year just by getting my Bachelors and getting a new job. Look into online schools and you will pay much less for them than for ITT and have a much wider range of job opportunities. You are limited to job opportunities when graduate from a Technical school compared to a non-technical."
- Reviewed: 6/12/2013
- Degree: Computer Engineering
- Graduation Year: 2006
"I attended ITT Technical University for the purpose of starting a new career, and augmenting my computer technology skills. Upon enrollment I took the tour of the school and was impressed with what I saw. The Recruiter was very friendly and accommodating to me and tailored my program to my needs. That was the beginning of my nightmare in education. There were a few instructors, who really cared about students learning for the most part, but there were times when there was not enough equipment to go around for all of the labs, and much of the classes were online. I am an in-your-face kind of person and interfacing with instructors is what I most prefer. But I do understand that because I was working fulltime, I needed to take some classes on line. Math, Physics and technical classes should not be online. When you have problems and needed to contact an instructor online you had to wait at least 48 hours before you got a response and because you were testing out of subjects every week; if the instructor contacted you 48 hours later and they did not answer your question, you would have to e-mail them again and wait another 48 hours before you got that response. By the time you got a response to your second request you were already taking an exam and you would have to pretty much fin for yourself. This happened several times to me. I drove a tour bus while attending ITT and it was convenient for me to travel because all I had to do was find a campus location and do my work. But the online classes were so difficult when it came to math and physics, that I had a tour group in Indiana, and while I was there I went to ITT headquarters and spoke to the director who put these subjects online. I explained to him that the way the classes were set up online were too difficult for students who were in need of interfacing with the instructors. He apologized and told me that the classes were going to stay online even though they were experiencing over a 65% failure rate with their student body. I started a petition drive to have the technical and math, physics classes put into a classroom. Over 75% of the student body signed those petition at my location and by the time I graduated from the school, those classes were slated to be brought back into the classroom. The director from what I understand was fired or forced to resign. I graduated with a 3.88 GPA, would have had a 3.9 if the instructor would have corrected an error in m Physics final. The formula that was in the poorly written text books that we used was presented wrong and this is the formula that I used when working out the problem on my final. When I brought it to the attention of the instructor that the formula in the book was wrong and that was the basis for my answer, they refused to change my grade. ITT technical Institute is nothing more than a for profit school and it cost me $40,000.00 dollars in student loans to attend. I am still paying the loan off to this day. I would not recommend this school to anyone; they are only interested in getting a warm qualified butt into the seats and sign the student loan affidavits. From there you are on your own for the most part."
- Reviewed: 5/28/2013
- Degree: Computer Engineering
- Graduation Year: 2013
"I read a lot of the reviews, so sad wish I would have read them before I enrolled. Enrolled because of the ITT name and accreditation, what a mistake. Feel I wasted 45,000 and Two years of my life. I believe that its like a car lot and your another sucker, should have just bought a car."
- Reviewed: 4/2/2013
- Degree: Computer Engineering
- Graduation Year: 2007
"I enrolled in ITT thinking it would give me the skills I needed to get a decent entry-level job as an engineering technician. Instead, I got a second rate education and a $50k note to carry. My credits wouldn't carry over to any other school and in order to get a job, I had to go back and start all over. Don't waste your time on this school. They are only after your money. My community college education got me a starting salary of $50k plus bonuses and benefits. I still stay in touch with a few of my classmates. Most are not working or not using their degrees."
- Reviewed: 1/24/2013
- Degree: Computer Engineering
- Graduation Year: 2007
"Itt-Technical Institute was by far the worst educational experience I have ever had, the (sales man) treats you as if you have walked in to the car lot promising you everything in the world, but providing very little. I started off with a loan for 2 years worth of school at an astonishing $40,000 the career field average doesn't even pay this amount annually, but I figured the more you spend on your education the better the education right??...Wrong! Not only was the education very lacking you paid a very large lump sum for it along with the credits being unable to transfer which of course was never mentioned just located in the fine print. I believe that it really doesn't matter how you preformed in class as long as they were receiving money you were going to pass. I am now almost $70,000 dollars in debt with Itt-tech and harassed constantly by them and Sallie Mae, this is quiet the debt for someone who makes $40,000 a year. As with everyone I was promised a job and ended up getting job offers from Itt-Technical institutes career services that I was not qualified for nor where they even in the same field."
J. Crown
- Reviewed: 12/27/2012
- Degree: Computer Engineering
- Graduation Year: 2008
"For the amount of money I owed 6 months after my graduation date with an AAS ($53k), I could've went to a much, much better, honest, and noteworthy school and had at least my Bachelor's, possibly more.There wasn't a single job I could find once I got out of ITT. The first job I had was as a computer hardware tech, making minimum wage ($6/hr), barely able to afford gas in my car. After that was a crappy T-Mobile call center at $8.50. Neither one of those salaries could pay the $910 a month that Sallie Mae now wants from me a month.Needless to say, the only way I am able to afford those insane monthly payments for a USELESS degree, was to join the military. Don't get me wrong, I love my job now, but hate that I wasted my time and money at ITT."