Kaplan Career Institute Reviews
0 Reviews - Multiple Locations
- Annual Tuition: $14,585 - $33,024

0% of 0 students said this degree improved their career prospects
0% of 0 students said they would recommend this school to others
Student Reviews
- Reviewed: 8/8/2018
- Degree: Business
- Graduation Year: 2012
"I attended Kaplan a few years ago and I was having some medical problems and notify the counselor. I told her that I need to take time off because I would not be able to successfully complete with my medical condition. She inform me that its best to finish off the class I was in and then take the leave. I did mention that I would not be able to pass because I do not have time to get online and complete all the assignments. Well, I fail the class and was dismiss from the masters program. I tried to get back in but I was denied. I only had a few classes left to get my Master Degree when they would not let me back. So, now I have this huge college debt from Kaplan and no Master degree."
- Reviewed: 6/7/2017
- Degree: Business Administration
- Graduation Year: 2020
"I have been getting the run around regarding my financial aid I have been doing well on all my classes I have been calling everyday financial aid keeps telling me its takes 10 days them 3-5 I have been attending for two months this will be my last semester I will be attending somewhere else"
They are wolves
- Reviewed: 7/11/2016
- Degree: Business
- Graduation Year: 2011
"I went in with high hopes. I came out as a fraud. The degree states in Healthcare Management, but I had NO HEALTHCARE Management classes at all. Just generic classes. So my degree should not have listed a focus. Some of the classes felt pushed like they wanted you in and out, but nothing felt real, so retaining the information from the classes was not easy. I graduated in 2011. I had no help in finding a job using my degree at all. Because of the competition, and because I have little experience, I am still without a job that allows me to use my degree. In addition, they changed the curriculum classes from the time I went in, and about half-way through, so the classes I thought I would originally get was nulled."
- Reviewed: 6/22/2016
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2016
"The technology at this location could use some updates. Clinicals were taught the old way which is different than today with every respect. There needs to be an update of curriculum, because we were given a lot of downtime during the course, but lots of homework. Efficiency is the best one word summary suggestion."
Pamela Coleman
- Reviewed: 2/24/2015
- Degree:
- Graduation Year: 2011
"Waist of time and $. When you can get a better paying job working retail or even at McDonald's lol. This program is a laughing stock... When you learn that NO education is needed to easily attained the desired position really makes you feel robbed. Especially with a crap ass paycheck!! Really wish they would stop flooding the job market. How many jobs do they actually think are out there compared to how many "workers" they are mass producing."
Josh F.
- Reviewed: 1/26/2015
- Degree: Multimedia Design
- Graduation Year: 2010
"So let's start off with a little background. I come from low income broken house hold. In situations like this, financial aid is readily available. I got financial aid for a full tuition, great. 18 months of school paid for, awesome. Did you know you can get the same financial aid going anywhere else since they use Bank of America subsidized and unsubsidized loans? I didn't, because the financial aid department had told me that it was privately funded. Anyone with little to no credit can get the same loans for any school they choose. With that being said about the shady information they tell prospecting students, let's talk about the actual programs. Now I understand that it's an "accelerated" degree program, but my teachers spent the whole semester reiterating the same lessons, over and over again. Constant, redundant ramblings of the same material, over and over again. Not to mention have to retake 4 high school level, yes HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL, classes(algebra, basic geometry, intro to information technology, psychology that is more of a writing class than anything). Now to the core classes, Kaplan claims to get you trained and educated for the working world. That may have been an accurate statement, say 15 years ago. The school hadn't updated any of their computers or software in years. I had to work with Adobe CS2 Basic collection. My high school was using CS3 before I graduated and was attempting to obtain CS4. I had taken classes at a technical school in my senior year of high school. These classes were, again, using Adobe CS3 Master Collection (that's 4 times as many programs and features than the Basic). I also earned college credits at this technical school. 9 hourly credits for Kaplan specifically, which I brought in with my transcripts. I was then told that I would need to pay to "test out" of the courses I already earned credits in. $300 per test is what I was quoted. I would have to test out of a total of the 4 basic high school level classes and then the 3 I earned credits in. Not to mention still having to pay for the supplies for the classes I'm testing out of. Adding it all up. To test out of all the classes I would need to pay half up front ($1750) out of pocket because, "financial aid doesn't cover pre-testing." It wasn't until I was a semester in that I found out Kaplan had purchased Thompson Institute. They kept the same standards as Thompson(which was below high school standards). I had found previous students of all ages from Kaplan and Thompson. Majority(80%) of the previous students I found said they were either enrolled in a Community College or back to working a dead end job because employers compared their "degrees" as equivalent to high school diplomas. I myself failed in researching colleges before making a decision. I just hope some one will read this and educate themselves before making a major decision."