Lincoln Tech Reviews
41 Reviews - Multiple Locations
- Annual Tuition: $12,950 - $33,939

31% of 41 students said this degree improved their career prospects
29% of 41 students said they would recommend this program to others
Programs with 5+ Reviews
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Write a Review Keith Philpot
- Reviewed: 3/11/2022
- Degree: Automotive Technology
- Graduation Year: 1996
"I graduated from Lincoln Tech in 1996. With the training I received from the instructors helped me in my automotive career. After I was done I started working for a Napleton dealership. With that experience I became a Shop manager for a tire shop with 5 techs. I just turned 60 and I'm finishing my career as a Sr. Fleet Admin for Metra Railroad. We handle 700 pieces of equipment (from sedans to forklifts to 10 wheel trucks. Lincoln Tech enhanced my knowledge of vehicles (gas and diesel) from my Army experience, and allowed me to raise my kids to men and buy the cars and house I've always dreamed of. I will be retiring in about 7 years and I can't complain on how my career turned out."
- Reviewed: 10/3/2021
- Degree: Automotive Technology
- Graduation Year: 1992
"They lied to me about the student loan payback..tgey said i didnt have to start paying until i graduated..2 weeks in they wanted 150 a week or they would kick me out..i stayed for one course and was told i was done for failure to pay..i returned the tools and they still charged me 4000 dollars for one course...i would not recomend this place to anyone"
Jamal Harvey
- Reviewed: 6/5/2021
- Degree: Automotive Technology
- Graduation Year: 2004
"Lincoln Tech was the right choice for me. I spent 4 years pursuing a Bachelors. I was older when I enrolled and made the most of my money spent. I am now a successful HS auto instructor. I push my students to the community college because of price and their age but let them know that they will get out what they put in. I got a good education from LTI. Nobody will hold your hand and make you learn. I also tell them that they will pay more for a car than they will for an education there so the tuition cost is not bad if you look at it that way. Far less in tuition than a 4 year college and the need for auto techs is great."
- Reviewed: 1/10/2020
- Degree: Automotive Technology
- Graduation Year: 2014
"Lincoln Tech in Whitestone Queens is a terrible school. They want your money and nothing else, they do not prepare you for much of anything. They push you to take your ASE's. They force you to pay more for classes if you miss a certain amount of minutes. They do not help you after graduating to provide you with a decent job. They are a front for money. The treat their instructors terribly. They don't have enough instructors for a classroom of 15-20 anymore. They will group you into classes of 40 and the hands on training is a joke. The instructors are always off doing who knows what while the students are just hanging around like high school kids, and those who are actually trying to learn something, are provided with no assistance. I finished the program with high honors and a 99.8% attendance and excellent grades. When I left the institute, it was difficult to find a job. I was unprepared for the real world. Everything they feed you is a fairy tale. They push you to take the ASE's and get certifications. You can just buy the textbook yourself for $150 and teach yourself. Then grab a job at any basic repair shop and learn from there. Save yourself from going to this useless institute."
George wheeler
- Reviewed: 8/7/2019
- Degree: Automotive Technology
- Graduation Year: 2020
"I go to the coulumbia campus in Maryland and would like to thank Mark baile he has taught me alot first in a intro class and in basic electric he is a wonderful teacher and a awesome person my time at Lincoln tech has been amazing as I love to learn and grow they are helping me make my dream come true. Thank you for your time"
- Reviewed: 6/25/2019
- Degree: Automotive Technology
- Graduation Year: 2019
"DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY IN THIS SCHOOL!! I wish I would of read the reviews before coming to this school. This school could careless about the students. They make it seem like the school is the best and you get this and that but it's all an act just to get you to enroll. They dont put effort into working with the students. The school president Mr.Dawkins does not do anything at that school. Hes never involved with the students and barely engages with them and not even abit concerned about them. You never see him unless it's time for him to promote the school to get more students enrolled and trying to show as if he is involved. They only give you a certain amount of time you can miss school or be late for each class. If you miss all those minutes, you have to retake the class no matter what your grade is and have your graduation date pushed back, and you have to pay an extra thousands of dollars to retake the class. They dont care if your sick, If your mourning, if you dont have nobody to watch your kids, nothing, they still take that time away that you missed, and you only get to do the work that you missed IF you have a excuse but your grade still goes down. The grading system they have is horrible. You could have gotten 80 to 95of your assignments passed but it only moves your grade THE MOST 5 but if you get low grade on a assignment or did alright you grade drops drastically. They rather you fail and repeat a class instead of actually passing the class to make more money off of you. They have us paying for books but the classes dont use the books. Everything is done on the computer, the text book is on the computer. They lack heat in the school. They put the heat on the lowest setting. So if your cold, you HAVE to buy a Lincoln tech jacket. They wont let you wear your own or sweater and if you can't afford to buy they jacket at the moment you either get suspend or asked to leave the school. They barely want to spend money on new tools and equipment. We have to use old equipment that's been reused and broken apart for months and years, and have missing tools. They bought a "few" new tools a few months ago because students were complaining about it. Students made petitions with that school and have meetings with the staff to hear students out on how they can make the school better but they never changed anything or comprised with what some students tried asking for. Many students dropped from this school because of reasons like these, and even staff has left that school because of how they are treated. This school dosnt think we are adults that have big responsibilities we are sacrificing to be apart of that school. They think we are children and most times treat students as if we are. The female staff in the education department let some guys get away with certain things that the school says are against the rules but when it came to me, a female student, they bug me about every little thing. Some instructors in that school brag and are proud that they are failing students. It's so unprofessional and sad.I've had an instructor tell me and other students he doesn't care about us or our grades. That just shows that this school could careless about you. The higher up staff and some instructors are friends on a personal level and will side more with each other than the students. They also make graduating students to write a "good review" about them. As long as they are receiving money from you, and raising tuition like its nothing, they just sit back and enjoy it all while students are suffering because of the school."
- Reviewed: 5/1/2019
- Degree: Automotive Technology
- Graduation Year: 2020
"Great place to come to to get a quality education, with helpful and well trained staff to meet the growing needs of the students at Lincoln tech. You will get all of the necessary training and experience you need to be a professional automotive technician."
- Reviewed: 4/12/2019
- Degree: Automotive Technology
- Graduation Year: 2006
"Columbia MD campus. Great instructors but I feel like I wasted a year of my life. I ended up getting a job there working in the education office. It was a great work environment but not a good learning environment. Most of the instructors are very nice and try to explain atuff in terms you would understand."
- Reviewed: 2/7/2019
- Degree: Automotive Technology
- Graduation Year: 2019
"Dont come to this school it is a scam you are barely ever touching a car or working on it you cant even bring in your own car or family members cars and all the teachers dont care about their job you better of on your own finding a job then this school. The campus president also has the power to kick anyone out at anytime if he chooses they didnt add that part so watch out for that if you go check out a Lincoln school talk to the students they will tell you themselves not to come the campus president is a oversized baby and if babies get their feelings hurt they throw a tantrum. What happen to me. Bathrooms are nasty the guy closes have the bathroom from Access to the students just cause he can and he feels like it. Teachers are highly undereducated on being teachers and have terrible grading methods and teaching methods majority of your time will be sitting in front of a laptop while everyone around you goofs off not a serious college its a scam dont go!"
- Reviewed: 1/3/2019
- Degree: Automotive Technology
- Graduation Year: 2019
"This is a horrible school. Reason is because there are instructors that are currently in this school Mr. Degraff that before teaching the lessons they give a test and then its counted towards your grade. This is his style not effective. I you as a student want to learn this is not the best way for you to learn. This is something that other students complained about but no results. Now I'm writing you to help a situation so that you don't make the same mistake as I did. This is really the only Teacher that does this but he gets away with it. No school is perfect but this instructor takes the cake. I currently has my own business and I hire and fire techs on a regular basis and based on how this instructor is instructing the class is not learning anything and its a shame. Because these students are are going out in the field an they will not be able to cope with such a challenging field. I have noticed great instructors leave and the reason for that is because of other instructers which as adults that is suppose to be setting examples for the students they are worse than the students. This school is always short of staff because of this. Students please reconsider going to lincoln tech in whitstone."
- Reviewed: 2/7/2018
- Degree: Automotive Technology
- Graduation Year: 2017
"The Absolute worst worst worst school ever! If you really want a job in the industry just sign up for ICAR and put your money in that. I went to Lincoln Tech for 4 months and it was terrible. Instructors not only like to tell you how great they are every second but really they haven't worked in the industry for a long time. Nothing to work on, they gave answers to the tests because all the kids do is watch the phones or listen to music. You are being set up for failure if you go here. They not only give you the answers but it doesn't matter because you're not being certified for anything at all. You can come out of that school and be an apprentice maybe. I left after being physically touched by an instructor, disrespected by the horrible staff and I spent more time reading magazines because the instructors don't have their stuff together and the material was 20yrs old that they teach. They didn't even have a back up instructor and I had to step in and instruct a class. If you're a veteran please don't waste your GI bill, I'm a retired Army MSG and I was shocked and appalled at how this school does business and how their instructors teach. After 4 months of nothing I left the school. I brought concerns to the Dean, Dept of Education, and the school President, they would rather have blinders on then fix the problem because every poor student is a paycheck. So, I found my own Body shop job and I'm a ICAR Certified Platinum Estimator that I did with no or training from Lincoln Tech. Please be aware of this place they are "for profit" for a reason."
- Reviewed: 1/5/2018
- Degree: Automotive Technology
- Graduation Year: 2009
"This place is a joke.Dont do it for the love of God!! Dont waste ur time. I wasted a year of life at this place and they didn't even help me find a job! They don't teach you s*** and give random drug test which I got suspended for a month for a refusal. That bald f*** boy "pricipal" is an arrogant f*** boy worries about a check. The teachers s***** and half a** knew what they were doing. The secretary at the front building where auto mechanics is is an old rude hag. Don't do it I swear it is a scam for ur money. 25,000$$ -30,000$$"
Student, victim
- Reviewed: 3/23/2017
- Degree: Automotive Technology
- Graduation Year: 2015
"The worst experience, they told me from the beginning that they will able to help me in case that i don't pass any exam. Well, I passed all the test but no't one. They didn't let me know on time frame for them. They did it on purpose so when this frame time was over, you are no longer considered a student therefore you have to pay 2000 dollars again to take this class. They didn't give me the chance to take another exam like they offered me in the beginning. I don't have this money to pay therefore I cant find a job but I am in deep debt with 25,000 loan .and no career they should shut down this school like they did with ITT they are the same."
Ashley Guillaume
- Reviewed: 9/12/2016
- Degree: Automotive Technology
- Graduation Year: 2016
"WOW!!! Where do I begin? First and foremost, DO NOT GO TO ANY LINCOLN TECH SCHOOL!!! That is a good place to start. This school will leave you uneducated and in HUGE amounts of debt. I have such a long story that I would love to share, but it will be WAY too long. However, I will say this: They feed off of your desire to learn and accomplish your goals but will rape you at the end. How did I go to that school for only 4 months (or three classes) and out of the ridiculous $32,000 tuition, I am left paying a little over $10,000???!!! They give you sooo much paperwork to sign that you become so overwhelmed and decide to just sign everything. The school I went to was terrible. It was the Queens campus in New York. I was in the evening class, 6:30pm-10:30pm, Monday - Friday. Attendance was INSANELY important to the school, but not as important as getting their money though. In other words, they did not care about you, your job, your children, your family or any emergency that you might have been in. They want you in school no matter what!!! They treated us like inmates. Mind you, many of us are grown adults with jobs, family and other major responsibility. To avoid myself going on and on, do yourself a favor and learn about cars by interning/volunteering at a shop. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY, TIME AND FREEDOM BY ATTENDING LINCOLN TECH. They will change your life but in a very negative way. I wish I had the time to tell my entire story, but one day I will. Also, I did not graduate from the school. I quit it. So please ignore my graduation date as I had to enter a valid date."
Alicia Turcic
- Reviewed: 4/5/2016
- Degree: Automotive Technology
- Graduation Year: 2014
"Going here was the worst decision I ever made. The school does not offer the information you need to actually work in the field nor do they do it at a reasonable price for students. On top of all of that you get hounded relentlessly to make sure that you're paying your bill on time every time and make sure that you never have any problems. I broke my hand shortly after graduating I was unable to work for over a year and in between my workman's comp and unemployment payments there was a gap I explained this to Lincoln Technical Institute and they told me that I was still going to be considered delinquent and even though I've made payments on time every month since then they still continue to send past-due notices every single month. My suggestion to anyone looking into the school is to completely disregard this school and go with UTI you may spend more money but your education is a lot better than what you would receive at Lincoln Tech and the people dealing with that company are much more professional. I just spoke with someone from Lincoln Tech and the persons treated me like I was worthless."
South Windsor, CT
- Reviewed: 3/29/2016
- Degree: Automotive Technology
- Graduation Year: 2015
"I do not recommend this school to anyone. Why? Because they care more about payments than your education. I was receiving a lot of hype from the staff and my "Mentor" (By the way he somehow vanished when I began classes). Filled not only my ears but my parents ears with lies, very sad. This school will only dig you a deep whole and the craziest part is that they know their digging you that whole."
- Reviewed: 11/23/2015
- Degree: Automotive Technology
- Graduation Year: 2016
"I am like everyone else read the reviews and thought it was people just being negative. But I should've listened this school is a joke it's so bad it should be considered fraud or theft because they just steal your money and give you nothing in return but a paper I know countless people have graduated top of class and are lube techs because additional training and ASE are required for anything else if I could give it -5 stars I would I have learned absolutely nothing I learned more in high school auto shop than this school and the whole hands on thing is BS the only thing your hands are on is your book I have been in the shop 4 times don't listen to the recruiter I know he's good at making you think it's the best think for you but it's not just please don't be like me listen to the reviews which are all almost negative YES the so called teachers have all been mechanics sorry I mean technicians as they say and are ASE certified but that doesn't mean they can teach there not teachers there technicians and when I asked to be showed another way because I didn't understand he couldn't help me why ?? Because that's how he done it his whole life in the field. It's frustrating to be $20,000+ in dept and get nothing from it this school needs to get its act together and go back to its old ways I hope I save someone from going threw the same trouble I did"
Kate P
- Reviewed: 5/26/2015
- Degree: Automotive Technology
- Graduation Year: 2007
"Not worth it! School has a horrible reputation which makes finding a job impossible. They completely mislead you when interviews. Instructors were drunk and just sent us home most of the time. Over priced and Sallie Mae loans will ruin you. Don't do it"
- Reviewed: 2/26/2015
- Degree: Automotive Technology
- Graduation Year: 2013
"Good program, you have to show up to class, cause it's mostly hands on. Instructors all ASE Certified. Got a job before I was out. My brother is now attending after seeing what it did for me. You will hear the people tells you you get out what you put into it, very true. Pay attention and be serious and you will do well. Wasted 2 yrs at Ivy Tech, should have come here first."
LTI Indianapolis
- Reviewed: 1/28/2015
- Degree: Automotive Technology
- Graduation Year: 2008
"I attend Lincoln College of Technology of Indianapolis for automotive I was all in to make someone of my self. But my youth n ignorance let me into lots of debt. I made the mistake by not looking into the school more. Their financial aid were very fast in getting me in the school. I was excited to begin! In total it was $23,000 for 1yr n 3 months. NOT WORTH IT...... I noticed they had a high amount of students coming in every month but only half would stay. They do that just to make money they don't care about u. When I started they gave me my books,uniforms,Napa basic tools n a cheap tool box. Yes they overly charged me for those things. We were required to were uniforms if not we were not allowed in class n if u wanted to stay they would sell u a shirt so u can stay. Also if u were late u would not be let in class. It was hard for me because I had a job at the time with a landscaping company worked 6am to 5pm then I would go to college 530pm to 1130pm. I thought it was going to be worth it at the end. But it wasn't. Classes were very poorly teached. Mostly read your book n do worksheets. I went in here for hands on training not book reading work that was 90% of the time. Teachers were not be very knowledgeable they would read off the book mostly. I understand its part of learning but this was suppose to be more of a hands on school like they talked so much. Then when we would have shop time the teachers would get us using all data software then they would get lost. All data was just videos of how to do anything in a car whatever brand. It would let u know what tool u would need n what to do. Yes the software is really good n helpful. But were is my teacher that is suppose to be teaching the class. I felt like I was teaching my self when I was there. I should of just googled it got some used books and saved me the money. Besides the credits are not transferable to other colleges. You would change class every month to cover a specific area of the car. If u ask me how can u master a specific area of a car in one month. U just cant there is too much to learn. It's sad to say but when I was there the only thing I looked forward for was lunch break cuz they wouldn't b***s*** me. Students were always on something n would try to start wanting to fight for anything stupid. Also if u left anything unattended things.would.go missing. Good thing I rent by myself cuz I would hear alot about roommates stealing each other things. I did really good in class while there n applied for the bmw didn't get in even though I had all A's in my classes. I think it was all lies about the program cuz no one ever got in it while I was there. So prepare to be disappointed.. I did finish the n graduate cuz it was too late for me to quit. I was still going to pay full price anyway. Im still at the landscaping company as a pesticide applicator n making good money. Please don't go here cuz it's not worth it..."