Porter and Chester Institute Reviews
16 Reviews - Multiple Locations
- Annual Tuition: $14,337 - $14,349

0% of 16 students said this degree improved their career prospects
6% of 16 students said they would recommend this school to others
Student Reviews
- Reviewed: 3/13/2024
- Degree: Electrician
- Graduation Year: 2024
"Firstly, I came to Porter and Chester with the idea that the career services department would find me an apprenticeship after my education. However, this is not the way it works here. The career services department does absolutely nothing to help you find a job. The class itself is very unorganized. When I came into the program, I had zero electrical skill, however I was put into a class where I was expected to know electrical terminology and material from day 1. The way the terms are organized is with a rolling enrollment, so new students come into the class at a different level than the students that are already there. Since I've been here I've had 5 different instructors, as the instructors quit due to a variety of reasoning. The material we are taught is all based on old code, however we are expected to know current and old code, however our tests and such are based off of old code. When these are addressed to the director, she has said that it didn't matter, the code doesn't change that much, which it does. For the price of the class, you could expect a better lab space and material to work with, however this is also not the case. There is constantly a shortage of materials to use and broken or inept equipment for the applications they expect us to use. The other issue is the lab spaces are completely destroyed, with no known plan to replace them. The stock room for the equipment is completely unorganized. I would say try to get into the electrical union or go a different route because this school is not it. Your future as an apprentice electrician will be completely halted by coming to Porter and Chester. Save your money, do your research, and go somewhere else. Don't listen to their false promises, because that's exactly what they are, false."
Evelyn Rodriguez
- Reviewed: 1/20/2024
- Degree: Licensed Practical Nurse
- Graduation Year: 2025
"I just started at Porter and Chester campus in Waterbury thank god for the grace period that I’m able to leave the school in the couple of days I’ve been there with out any issues this school is very disorganized from the directors to the instructor no communication skills had a appointment with my instructor at 9 am and was a no show didn’t even call me or anything about her no coming could have save me time and energy if she had called and told me she was not going to make our appointment neither did the school called me so I am withdrawing from this school because I refuse to put my money into a school that doesn’t appreciate my time and effort the school director couldn’t even help and had no answer for me when I talked to him about withdrawing"
Taylor Keith
- Reviewed: 7/26/2023
- Degree: Nursing
- Graduation Year: 2024
"This school is very unorganized, save yourself the time and aggravation. There's nobody to talk to when you have a problem. Students are showing up to class with no instructor to teach them. Just found out my graduation will be extended by 3 months and no it's not due to covid. They even erased all of my clinical hours that I completed for the first term because they miscommunicated when those hours are suppose to be completed. I'm dropping out a long with a handful of other students."
Nurse Grad
- Reviewed: 7/20/2021
- Degree: Nursing
- Graduation Year: 2021
"Thank you Porter Chester Rocky Hill!!! Perfect name for this road We’ve been on Especially during this covid Pandemic.. Definitely rocky indeed, but I passed my NCLEX PN on July 6, 2021 on my first try. This could not have been possible without the vision, support and encouragement of great leadership. The new LPN management team empowered and fostered progressive change within the past few months and resulted in the success of our cohort. Nursing school is an overwhelming and challenging journey, which cultivates and transforms ones awareness to the value of providing care to a diverse population. The team instilled a positive mind set for the students to achieve milestones beyond what we believed was possible and aspired us to go out and do great things. The past few months were the most challenging; without the hard work of our LPN mentors; their presence, teaching philosophy, inspirational words, and encouragement I would not be writing this. Mrs. Pinto Thank you for coming to Porter Chester-Rocky Hill and Thank you for believing in us, we are forever grateful. *Even the follow up after graduation has been on point! Felisa Mestre, the career service advisor has been very pleasant, prompt and efficient in ensuring my current career need/desires are being addressed and met. I have multiple employers and recruiters calling me to conduct interviews, to my surprise and totally unexpected! -Ps. They didn’t pay me to say this lol and i’m not the AType /kiss up to the teacher, you know the extra one. There’s always that one in the class. SMH I’m just very happy in my decision to choose this school and location and I think that prospective students should give them a try. They won’t regret it. I’m a review girl, I literally read the reviews on everything! I got commitment issues lol. If your anything like me I thought to give the tea:) All the best on your search. (Choose Porter Chester tho!) =)"
- Reviewed: 5/21/2021
- Degree: Licensed Practical Nurse
- Graduation Year: 2021
"I am writing this review as a student who completed their Medical Assisting program and then returned a few years later to completed the LPN program. I want to preface this by saying that I completed both of the programs at the top of my class and am successfully working in the medical field. I would like to acknowledge that the only reason that I am even giving this school/program 2 stars is because of the absolutely phenomenal Nursing instructors that did everything they could for us as students to succeed when they were dealt a terrible hand to work with from the organization. I completed both programs at the Rocky Hill campus and while there were some difficulties through my time there with the medical assisting program, those difficulties pale in comparison to the ones my classmates and I faced through the LPN program. To start we never had a consistent program head and never knew who we could go to with our concerns if our instructors were unable to assist them with them. This also caused our class to lose out on opportunities such as having a class representative and being about to apply for induction into the National Technical Honor Society. As Covid worsened and our clinical facilities closed down the lack of communication from the Administration and acting program head (who changed every other week it seemed) worsened to the point that not only was communication nonexistent to us as students but severely lacking to our clinical instructors our selves. We as students felt bad for our clinical instructors because they were working their absolute hardest to support and education us with no answers to any questions about remaining clinical hours and estimated date of completion to our program we were already six months behind on completing. To be honest the issues worsened once I had actually completed the program. At this point I had figured we would not be having any form of a graduation or pinning ceremony to acknowledge our achievements, but emails regarding diplomas, transcripts, and Pins were repeatedly ignored. I even went the campus in person 2 different times requesting these things and was told they were unavailable for me at that time even though I had rightfully earned them. One of the other big issues I have with this program that dates back to my MA program is that the school has taken credit for Job placements that I have ben able to get on my own merit with no aide from the school's career services department. While I am so incredibly greatful to my fantastic instructors who helped mold me into the nurse I am today, a lot of them have since left the school, I would not recommend this program to individuals looking to further their careers into nursing. Until the organization makes some major changes to how things are run I feel as though the education and experience of the students will continue to suffer greatly."
Veronica Carrillo
- Reviewed: 5/21/2021
- Degree: Licensed Practical Nurse
- Graduation Year: 2021
"The worst experience I’ve ever had! I thank God time and time again that I work in a healthcare environment where I was able to learn a lot of the skills I needed to pass the nclex. This school did nothing for me at all. We were put on hold for Covid, then thrown into online classes with a short notification. For our exit exam, we were given little of a weeks notice after being out of school for about 6 months. My entire class finished at different times, when we were supposed to finish July 2020, no pinning ceremony, no graduation, no celebration for completion. We paid for these pins and cap and gown and got nothing. Then less than a month of completing this horrible program, I receive a bill. Not a congratulations or anything of the sort, just a bill with no time to even have taken my nclex to have the funds to pay them. The whole program was a joke. I’m so disappointed in this school. Once again, I am grateful that I was smart enough to be able to find the resources to help teach myself. DO NOT GO HERE!"
Lisa S.
- Reviewed: 3/19/2021
- Degree: Healthcare Administration
- Graduation Year: 2010
"Do not attend this institution! Just as all the other reviewers have said, you don't get hardly anything out of it. I was bullied by my teacher. And nothing was done after repeated complaints made about this teacher! It was an awful experience that left me $15k in debt! It's ridiculous! Thie certificate they give you is worthless! It did nothing for me except put me deep in debt! Grade: F!!"
Angry Hacker
- Reviewed: 2/8/2021
- Degree: Computer Networking
- Graduation Year: 2021
"It's sad to say but my experience with PCI has been nothing but stressful and disappointing. From the beginning before covid hit I could feel that the instructors were lazy, we would barely talk as a class or have any real discussions. The instructor barely went over the assignments and we would sit there in silence (including the "instructor") reading and trying to do the work on our own while occasionally asking him questions when we had them. The only thing I liked was the tools and the laptop I got from them. Then after the covid shutdown we were forced to go online which is something I didn't sign up for. I understand that it's not the school's fault that covid happened but when it did the school should have closed for good and not waste our time. The online classes were a mess from the start. Same vibes I got at the classroom but on zoom now. Not to mention the way they give the courses makes no sense and have you start with something you should be learning last. That being said I do not recommend this school to anyone. It makes you feel like you are getting scammed and you will waste your valuable time and money."
- Reviewed: 9/11/2020
- Degree: Licensed Practical Nurse
- Graduation Year: 2021
"This school gave me so many issues, We barely get any information on whats going on during covid times. We did switch to online. but In the middle of finishing a class it came a time where we didn't have a teacher and no one could tell us anything. From start all the way close to end i would not recommend this school. WHAT SO EVER. they dont not care about your well being just your MONEY. we are still waiting to hear back from administrators on when we are returning to clinical and finishing up our last class which is just a seminar. its been a month maybe almost 2 since we've heard from our director or what you would call a principal at a highschool. The class that was supposed to graduate in july is still on standby also. I am stressed. i feel like i got cheated my two years after high school going to this school. Oh yes while we are waiting to hear back from someone, the students received an exit form saying since we arent in school we will have to start repaying our school loans. When truly it isnt our fault that we arent in school. I wasted my time and money"
- Reviewed: 3/6/2020
- Degree: HVAC
- Graduation Year: 2021
"Current going to porter and Chester for hvac the teacher is very lazy and unhelpful it’s more likely taking a online class than a hand on things no help at all . Been siting on the classroom for about 2 months and and everything you do you have to lock it on YouTube to understand it because no help it’s a self teaching school"
- Reviewed: 11/8/2019
- Degree: Computer Networking
- Graduation Year: 2019
"Worst school ever they are money hungry that’s all it matters to them not the students Teachers at night was terrible reading from a book and that was it no interaction with the students no challenging your knowledge of what was going on homework you turn it in and grades 95% with out even reading what had you summit it better off buying you own books and go and get ready for certification on your own So in another words I pay 30,000.00 dollars for a diploma not for knowledge Knowledge I got it on my own studying with the co students So please don’t come to this school and the director pat O’Brien is the worst he doesn’t even care if you have complaints about anything in school he just give you the yeah yeah yeah sht and that’s it I so regret coming here but now I’m Done"
- Reviewed: 3/7/2019
- Degree: Electrical Engineering
- Graduation Year: 2013
"Do not attened this school they will bury you in debt they are not good and do not go over all the loan terms with you and when you graduate they will report 8000 against your credit they are not professional and just a lowsy school and therd programs dint not get you ready for the real world"
- Reviewed: 12/2/2018
- Degree: Automotive Technology
- Graduation Year: 2018
"First off I'd like to say I've attended Porter And Chester in canton for a year and a half. During my time I graduated from the Automotive program and completed a portion of the first term of my HVAC class. I feel it's important to mention I'm attending this school for free on behalf of my Post 9/11 GI bill. Not only is it free, but I receive $3110.00 a month to attend this school. This review is not applicable to my time in the Automotive Program. Of the time I spent there I will say the class was okay at best. I will leave it at that. since I started HVAC this schools true colors are starting to show! Having been a Military Police officer for 8 1/2 years and attending other schools. I can say for a fact that I would definitely NOT recommend this school to a friend! If I had to pay tuition for this joke I don't know what I would do. Again STAY AWAY FROM THIS SCHOOL. Now onto the reason I will no longer be attending this disgraceful excuse for a financial institution. D. R. was presented as my instructor of HVAC for core refrigeration. He is undoubtedly the most unprofessional individual I have ever come in contact with in all my years of schooling. I'm talking about sexually harassing students, purposely failing students. D. R. made it a point to repeatedly harass me and abuse his position as a teacher. His unprofessionalism is to the likes that I've never seen before. To the point where he even made fun of me for making a sexual harassment complaint. A action he didn't even deny! He said he regretted it to his supervisor H. P. It took the school 6 days to get back to me.. but wait here's the shocker. I had to walk into the superintendents office for him to contact me! I am urging you! If you're reading this just do a little research. The complaints are everywhere! P.S. if anyone wants to verify any of this. Skip calling the school and call the town hall of canton! The town hall knew which school I was talking about before I even told them. That's right! This school is that bad. buyer be warned."
- Reviewed: 11/9/2018
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2013
"I'm sorry I went for medical assistant. The cost for the carrer does not earn a good income Its not worth it to go here. I was place in a dead end internship which did not expose me to continue my trading for passing the certification. I was placed in a hospital emergency department. All I did there was make beds and do ekg's and vital signs. The hospital just uses students for extra help and that was it. I complained to P& C while in my internship and was told they had no where else to place me. I paid 10 grand and was s******!!!!! They robbed me completely!! I was not the only student that went to this hospital. They must of had other students complaining because they stopped using the hospital for internship. Don't go through P&C!! Go through your local college. It's cheaper and successful."
Choose a different school
- Reviewed: 5/22/2017
- Degree: Medical Assistant
- Graduation Year: 2015
"Choose another school. Porter and Chester holds your records. They refuse to release transcripts to you or any institution unless you are paid in full. Not to mention the amount triples when you graduate, and they don't care if you can't afford it. Either pay it or you get nothing. FYI to students MA pay isn't enough to payback these high student loans. McDonald's in NYC pays more hourly."
- Reviewed: 9/6/2015
- Degree: HVAC
- Graduation Year: 2011
"I attended the Watertown "campus" in 2009 for their HVAC/R program. The instructors were knowledgable on the subject. They were all former tradesmen that put a lot of time into their trade. Hence, that's why I gave three stars for that. However, the teacher I had for the heating portion just read off power points and in lab, we never had a set schedule. We would pretty much sit around and told to go find something to do. Now, when you have 25+ people doing that, it's impossible for the instructor to make their rounds and help everybody. So, a lot of time was wasted sitting and waiting to be helped and taught. The people at this school weren't the brightest or most well behaved either. fights, drug use, and classroom disruptions were the norm. You had to look after your tools or they would be stolen. The school just wants your money. We never had enough supplies in the HVAC program. Every student there is spending 24K. Why don't we get new supplies or equipment. To work on? Once they get your money, you're just another number. I left after the first semester. I wasn't going to sink in any more money to this scam. I enrolled in a real university and am much happier. NVCC is very close to this "school" and is cheaper, better equipped, and reputable. Stay away!!"