Saint Mary's College - IN Reviews
12 Reviews - Notre Dame (IN)
- Annual Tuition: $49,930

100% of 12 students said this degree improved their career prospects
100% of 12 students said they would recommend this school to others
Student Reviews
- Reviewed: 6/21/2023
- Degree: Data Science Masters
- Graduation Year: 2023
"I am an unusual graduate of SMC as a much older male. First, I graduated from Notre Dame decades ago. At the time, SMC was all-female. I was a STEM major at Notre Dame and experienced the extreme rigor of courses. I had always understood SMC to have a similar academic rigor since it was the "sister" university of the previously all-male Notre Dame. ND went co-ed back in the 1970s but was still overwhelmingly male when I was there. As an undergraduate, I visited SMC a few times and took a running course that went right near SMC. So, I was familiar with the campus. I graduated from ND and studied science. Years later I was working remotely as a software engineer and felt a need to update my technical skills for machine learning and artificial intelligence. During COVID-19 lockdown, I worked remotely and felt isolated. Around late spring of 2020 I saw a Facebook feed for the new data science program at SMC. I assumed it was still all-female but clicked into the link out of curiosity. I found that modern SMC has a graduate school that now admits men. So, I felt motivated to apply for three reasons: (1) update technical skills for AI/ML, (2) return to ND/SMC after decades away, and (3) enhance communication given real-world demands of industry. For (1), the curriculum at SMC was excellent. The class sizes were small, so the professors often responded quickly within the same day. The presentation of data science topics was very comprehensive and rigorous. The breadth and depth were large for exploring each course agenda. The customary pattern of "15-20 hours for each 3 credits" is common for graduate school, and SMC is not an exception. A sensitive problem that currently exists in industry and online in the "manosphere" of many blogs of social media, YouTube channels, Tik Tok, Twitter, etc. is the male perspective of the "Me Too" movement. Unfortunately, there are male engineers who have decided to irrationally avoid or minimize interaction with females in the work environment - particularly young women. The common fear among such irrational men is the view that any "slightly wrong move" will lead to accusations of sexual harassment. They usually cite anecdotal "evidence" and "overgeneralize". But as a guy I firmly disagree with that irrational view of the "Me Too" movement and working with females. I wanted to force myself to go into a communication medium with female STEM majors in graduate school with training on a professional focus. SMC provides a crucial communication course that is innovative and very strong given the realistic complications of the working world in male-female interactions or general challenges of communication. I communicated in discussions with the instructor and female STEM students about the challenges of communication at work, common problems, personality types, strategies, etc. In particular, the instructor decided to include a major week of study on the "Me Too" movement and resulting needs for communication in the work environment regarding the topic. I found this to be most helpful for real-world communication with female colleagues on the job. So, this course was very strong in the need to fulfill item (2) noted above. Finally, for (3) I was a much older graduate student who felt a desire to return to my undergraduate roots of the ND/SMC environment. I had not been back in years, and I missed my Catholic roots on campus. I returned for graduation and the commencement weekend was extremely active with many alumni, graduating students, and families. As a much older graduation student who had been at ND decades ago for Generation X, I felt awkward initially. But as I met the SMC students, they were very polite and inclusive. I joked with them that I had been at ND when the football team won a championship. I enjoyed the ceremony and excellent speeches. Overall, it was great to be back at ND/SMC with completion of a rigorous graduate curriculum of data science that applies well to the real-world job scenarios I often deal with. In summary, I recommend the data science graduate program to working professional engineers as a viable option for data science now that AI has evolved tremendously throughout multiple industries. (Disclaimer: this is an informal blog post - not a formal submission to an academic journal with specific rubric on format, headings, font, spacing, alignment, etc. using tools such as Overleaf. I just added this disclaimer because I had a recent post that was criticized for minor spacing when I pointed out the informal blogs don't have a rubric. When I did the capstone project for SMC, I used Overleaf for my study with a machine learning group of graduate students and principal investigators that was NSF-funded and submitted studies to various journals and conferences. I know how to use Overleaf and specific rubrics of formatting if I have to.)"
Alexandra Ramsay
- Reviewed: 8/23/2019
- Degree: Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2014
"Saint Mary's College provided me with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to be an agent for change and a well-rounded human. During my time at Saint Mary's, I studied Psychology and Philosophy, and I received so many opportunities to learn and put my knowledge into practice. I worked with children at the Early Childhood Development Center, I interned at a hospice center, and I conducted experiments on campus. I also had the opportunity to be a Teaching Assistant in multiple Psychology courses. I found my voice, created bonds with lifelong friends, and expanded my worldview by studying abroad with their well-established Rome Program. Saint Mary's has so much to offer. I would highly recommend this institution!"
- Reviewed: 6/21/2018
- Degree: Elementary Education
- Graduation Year: 2005
"SMC was amazing! I felt like I was home as soon as I drove down the Avenue. Not only did I meet my very best friends there, I received an amazing education. Call sizes were small- 15-20 people- and professors took an avid interest in our lives. They noticed if we didn't show up and offered to help if our work was lacking. Attending an all girls college was the best decision I've ever made. Women supporting women on a daily basis is empowering. The curriculum was rigorous and I felt prepared for my career."
Toni Marsteller
- Reviewed: 6/29/2017
- Degree: Performing Arts
- Graduation Year: 2013
"My decision to attend Saint Mary's College was the best I ever made. I greatly benefited from the small class sizes and forming genuine relationships with my professors. The liberal arts degree gave me a well-rounded education that has proven valuable in the years since graduation. Student life is a wonderful mix of the all women's college experience at SMC and the opportunities available from the University of Notre Dame across the street."
Mariah Foster
- Reviewed: 3/8/2017
- Degree: Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2016
"Saint Mary's College degree program is extensive. It requires student to take a mixture of courses. For instance, religion, history, biology, math, performing arts, etc. That does not include the main course you must take to earn your degree. This college also requires students to complete a writing proficiency class which shows the college that you are writing on a college level. In addition, the students must also complete an advanced writing proficiency course in order to graduate."
- Reviewed: 5/31/2016
- Degree: Nursing
- Graduation Year: 2011
"Saint Mary's offers women a great learning environment, one that fosters not only learning in the classroom, but also learning in your field, community, and abroad. Saint Mary's teaches women to be strong, independent, well rounded individuals."
- Reviewed: 4/30/2016
- Degree: Biology
- Graduation Year: 2007
"I am currently finishing a Master's Degree from a different university than my undergrad, because my undergrad college did not offer graduate courses. However, I will be reviewing the college I pursued my Bachelor's Degree from. I graduated from Saint Mary's College in Notre Dame, IN in 2007. I thoroughly enjoyed my 4 years at Saint Mary's College (SMC). Attending Saint Mary's was the best decision I made for myself! The lifelong friendships, forever memories and education made me the woman I am today. The professors are always willing to help and they are interested in getting to know their students. I still keep in contact with some of my professors to this day. I also go back to SMC at least once a year to visit the school, meet up with friends, visit my former professors, and attend ND football games. Even though 9 years has passed since I graduated, it still feels like home. I proudly wear my ring everyday and remember all of the experiences and opportunities that were afforded to me through the Saint Mary's community!"
- Reviewed: 11/9/2015
- Degree: Cultural Studies
- Graduation Year: 2008
"There were so many great opportunities to grow as a person and in my major. The all-women environment minimized distractions for me, and helped me to become a strong, capable woman."
- Reviewed: 10/5/2015
- Degree: Chemistry
- Graduation Year: 2008
"I loved the small class sizes and tight-knit community. Doing a science degree at a women's college was fantastic."
2011 nursing grad
- Reviewed: 5/29/2015
- Degree: Nursing
- Graduation Year: 2011
"Saint Mary's pushes its students to explore different and at times nontraditional facets of learning. It encourages girls to become independent, focused, intelligent women who make a difference in the community, classroom, and work place both during college years and after graduation."
- Reviewed: 9/28/2014
- Degree: Communications
- Graduation Year: 2014
"Saint Mary's College really prepared me for the next step in my career: graduate school. The communicative sciences program at Saint Mary's College has a lot to offer an individual who is interested in working with those with special needs, but not necessarily teaching them in a classroom. Becoming at Speech-language pathologist means you get to be an advocate for individuals who cannot advocate for themself. Saint Mary's really prepares your heart and mind for this profession. I know I graduated before a lot of changes occurred due to the new graduate program at Saint Mary's, however, the quality of the program at the undergrad level could never decrease do to the graduate school opening. If anything, opening the graduate school for COMMD will help those in the undergraduate program become even more prepared for graduate school."
emily eash
- Reviewed: 8/6/2014
- Degree: English
- Graduation Year: 2015
"Saint Mary's is a excellent institution that empowers young women to reach thier full potential. While the costs may seem daunting, there is alot of financial aid avalible. The grants and scholarships that I recieved were enough that I paid out - of - pocket the price of a community college. This is an experiance you do not want to miss. The small, close knit community has become my family when my own failed to understand me. Saint Mary's is truly a home away from home. The best experiance I have ever been so blessed to have."