Sherman College of Chiropractic Reviews
8 Reviews - Spartanburg (SC)

100% of 8 students said this degree improved their career prospects
88% of 8 students said they would recommend this program to others
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- Reviewed: 2/24/2019
- Degree: Health Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2021
"I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at Sherman. Having made the mistake of going to Life University, I now am in love with Sherman College. The campus has been remodeled. The technology is up to date and actually works when it's needed! Every one of my professors have a great sense of humor and want to see us succeed. I could brag about this school for hours, and I have. It's a great school!"
Mackey B.
- Reviewed: 3/29/2018
- Degree: Health Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2019
"Pros: Sherman college teaches that chiropractic should be specific and accurate, adjustments only given when necessary, and that true health comes from a nervous system that is free of interference. The power that organized the body heals the body, and when that power is operating at 100% with no interruption, "ease" is achieved and healing takes place. There are a select few professors(maybe 5) who truly want you to maximize your strengths as a doctor, and be awesome at helping people however YOU choose to do so. The campus is small and buildings are easy to navigate. The Farmers Table is the schools eatery and the food they offer is delicious. Cons: The school bashes all of medicine outside of a dire need for something like surgery or other life saving intervention. They say "if you need to see a medical doctor for something then go see one" to cover their butt. However if you exclaim to mostly any faculty member (with a few exceptions of course) that you think you need to see a general or medical practitioner they gasp in disbelief and ask "Have you not had your spine checked?" This extreme has been to the point that last quarter, a student had been sick for months(stated by his classmates), and was then found dead in his room by his roommate after missing several days of school. This comment is not to exploit their passing, its to try and set the tone for truly how brainwashed students become to think that a clear nervous system can allow the body to heal any ailment. To the point where they believe that there is no use for modern medicine. Students stop taking their behavioral medications and end up throwing chairs through windows because they were taught that medication only treats symptoms not the cause. The school is set on subluxation (spinal misalignment) being the ONLY thing that causes disease and correcting them is the only thing that a chiropractor should be doing in their office, and if your beliefs are different you will get heavily scrutinized. Simply wanting to include diet and exercise into a patients care plan tips off your peers, most professors, and definitely administration. I know this first hand because I had to publicly defend my beliefs to a group of my classmates after class when I saw a group of them gossiping about me making it known in class that I planned on implementing exercise and nutrition in my future office. Aside from all the drama, there is no preparation for you to learn how to adjust. Sure in technique classes they teach you how to set up on a segment, how it should move, and theoretically how you would thrust to adjust it. But needless to say there are students that are about to graduate that cannot adjust the spine. The university is blind to this because the few case doctors are so swamped with work to oversee they don't have any time to assist you in your techniques. Which brings me to the reason I transferred out of Sherman. They teach what they call "The Sherman Package" of adjusting. Which is a hand picked combination of about 4 different assessment techniques for analyzing and adjusting the spine(there are roughly 100+ different chiropractic techniques.) None of which are actually congruent with each other, which leaves students with so many questions about what they are finding when checking the spine, leading to "adjustments" being given that may not be necessary. I get that you need to practice to become proficient at something, but they want you to do all of this outside the walls of the institution. The president and vice president actually tell students to secretly practice adjusting outside of school in order to get good, instead of figuring a way to implement that learning in their self proclaimed "Greatest Chiropractic College in the World." (Sherman professors actually exclaim that you wont be proficient at spinal analysis until you're at least 5 years in practice.) So if you choose to practice any technique within its analysis protocol, you have to forge your findings on paperwork to fit the "Sherman Package" analysis. Numerous students sneak their own analysis by case doctors for approval, instead of being honest and asking for real help with the technique they want to use their whole life. Why don't they just ask for help you ask? Because they would either be judged heavily, or there physically isn't a staff member that is understanding or proficient in their technique to refer to. My advice would be to check out schools like Life University or Palmer College in this regard. They allow many avenues for a student to study what they want to, to become the chiropractor that they want to be, and practice doing what they want to do in school. Their clinic systems are much more individualized. If you are certified in a technique through a club or seminar, they acknowledge that you're proficient in something and allow you to practice whatever that is, in school. Sherman would have you ignore whatever your true aspiration is, until you graduate. The reason I attended Sherman in the first place: I visited the college for its Showcase Sherman Weekend. They educate on chiropractic, have you meet the president and vice president, and have professors and students state their experiences in school. They feed you, do team building, and make you feel very welcome. A major plea of theirs is that you're not treated like a number, you're treated like a family member. The school is small, around 400 students, and I assure you that once you are accepted, they stop caring about your individual needs UNLESS you make it a point to brown nose the faculty and administration. If you have a problem of any kind, the school will go to all costs to prove your problem insignificant, and if it has to deal with a professor, Sherman undoubtably takes its employees side (I know this from first hand experience and a handful of friends with their concerns as well.) This is because most of the professors that work there graduated from there, and they know that its hard to hire people who weren't brainwashed from the start and they don't want to ruffle feathers of their beloved workers.. The school completely forgets that the students are the paying customers. Which brings another point to the table, since I had been in school there were 4 tuition raises across the board. To milk students of any last cost they could get right before they were graduated, to pay for a new building. In 2015 ~ 500,000 dollars was awarded for "executive compensation," this is public information that raises only a few eyebrows. Side note, notice how the one other negative review on this site of Sherman is anonymous. I assure you that I am not the only student who feels this way, and the reason there isn't more honesty in online reviews about the college is because they intimidate students into the mindset of "if you disagree with us you're wrong and you will be scrutinized for your thinking" and anyone with the strength to hold onto their own views just keeps their mouth shut and head down until they graduate. LAST POINT: Sherman is not located in Spartanburg South Carolina like they claim. The school uses a PO Box address located in the city. Its actual location is in Boiling Springs South Carolina (about 15 mins from Spartanburg). This town has no sidewalks, no healthy places to eat, housing is a gamble, roads are atrocious, drivers (in SC in general) are DANGEROUS... I could go on. I spent many days wondering why anyone in the world would choose to live there. Do your research, and I hope this post helps anyone who can think for them self avoid wasting their time and money at this school."
- Reviewed: 9/16/2016
- Degree: Health Sciences
- Graduation Year: 1988
"If you are a person who is looking for a career in a field that is dynamic, Chiropractic is a good choice. If you want to belong to a family Sherman is a good choice. If you want to understand Chiropractic and be able to use that knowledge to improve your patients lives in a positive way then Sherman is for you. If you are a person who is principled and would like to live that out through your profession then call Sherman College and start the journey ....."
Brandon Parry
- Reviewed: 9/8/2016
- Degree: Health Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2020
"Over all this is a good program that provides you will a small classroom environment along with a great student to professor ratio. The small setting allows you to grow and have one on one time with the professors and staff. The campus is in the quaint little town of Spartanburg South Carolina. If you like to party then this town will not be for you, but honestly you will be here to study anyway. With the small town though cost of living is extremely inexpensive compared to other schools based in the big cities. With the town being so small traffic is never seems to bad at all. The overall of the program is very involved with a quarterly schedule you are expected to take 360 hours of classes per quarter. This comes to the first quarter alone where you will have seven classes. This course load seems heavy but overall it is doable."
Azucena Sanchez
- Reviewed: 2/13/2015
- Degree: Health Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2015
"Good support to help you pass boards. Limited scope of practice"
Victoria Cunnea
- Reviewed: 11/29/2013
- Degree: Health Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2015
"I transferred to Sherman from another chiropractic school and it has been the best decision of my life."
Wade Skinner
- Reviewed: 4/5/2013
- Degree: Health Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2016
"Sherman is a wonderful school that devotes itself to educating students and creating a chiropractic philosophy that will ensure and graduating student will have the abilities to perform at the top of the chiropractic profession. I will promote this school for the rest if my life."