Texas A&M University - College Station Reviews

  • 14 Reviews
  • College Station (TX)
  • Annual Tuition: $23,395
100% of 14 students said this degree improved their career prospects
100% of 14 students said they would recommend this program to others
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Student Reviews - Master's in Biomedical Sciences

Student Reviews - Master's in Biomedical Sciences

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  • Reviewed: 5/22/2017
  • Degree: Biomedical Sciences
"Great learning environment and fun college town. Lots of great professors to learn from."
Courtney Kaulfus
  • Reviewed: 10/10/2015
  • Degree: Biomedical Sciences
"I do not have many cons to say about the program I am in. Since I have started my MS in Biomedical Sciences the faculty are all so willing to help you learn the material for your courses and offer advice on what students need to do in order to progress forward into transitioning to a professional school. The courses are very challenging but I see it as a good thing because they are trying to prepare us as much as possible for what course load will be like within the professional schools. I love my program because the faculty are excellent and they are not afraid to give you honest feedback. The staff work with you to the best of their abilities so that each person has a chance to succeed but they will not baby you. Texas A&M Masters in Biomedical Sciences program is a program I would recommend to anyone seeking help in getting into their dream professional school whether it is Medical, Vet, or Dental School."
Kristen Streeter
  • Reviewed: 2/2/2015
  • Degree: Biomedical Sciences
"My graduate program is fairly well organized despite being so new. I have access to amazing mentors and advisors who have been incredibly helpful to me and have guided me through the transition to graduate school. However, it is very difficult to become integrated in the social life of Texas A&M University and the surrounding College Station area, as it is oriented towards a younger, less mature crowd. Financial aid in terms of scholarships is very difficult to acquire, as there are few scholarships available for students who are pursuing a non-thesis Masters degree, such as myself. I love the relevancy of the academics and education in preparing me for veterinary school, as my Biomedical Sciences major is primarily for students who are pursuing a medical professional degree following the Masters program."
Jonathan Pierpoline
  • Reviewed: 1/16/2015
  • Degree: Biomedical Sciences
"Great student culture, Everyone is very friendly, overall a great experience"
Joseph Modarelli
  • Reviewed: 1/16/2015
  • Degree: Biomedical Sciences
"The genetics program allows me to contribute in real time to the development of future scientific endeavors to directly benefit both agriculture as well as human medicine."
guillermo obregon
  • Reviewed: 10/15/2014
  • Degree: Biomedical Sciences
"Good program and helpful instructors and staff. Great environment and opportunities to grow."
Michael Faddis
  • Reviewed: 9/24/2014
  • Degree: Biomedical Sciences
"Pros: great faculty & professors who are at the forefront of their research subject and who really genuinely care for your advancement in learning. The school itself has a spirit and feeling that really makes you feel welcome and have pride about being an Aggie. Cons: I feel the school can make improvements in informing & guiding brand new graduate students about all aspects of the program at the beginning or before the program begins. Being a graduate student brings on more challenges compared to an under graduate student, but also being an out of state resident and not knowing much about the ins & outs about the school and program really set me back in my first semester. It wasn't until late in my first semester that formal orientations & guidance was provided as a whole. I survived but it could have been better."
Shakirat Adetunji
  • Reviewed: 9/15/2014
  • Degree: Biomedical Sciences
"Pros: Ideal knowledge and skills required for optimal development and competitiveness in the biomedical research world. Challenging courseworks. Hands on research experience. Willing, qualified and competent advisors and professors. Great Faculty support. Advanced and accessible library resources. Workshops and trainings on research biosafety. Enlightening seminars. Innovative technologies. Cons: Financial burden; difficulty in paying off student loans. Social life; limited time for Family and friends"
Blake Guard
  • Reviewed: 9/15/2014
  • Degree: Biomedical Sciences
"Great academic rigor. However, sometimes it would be nice to have a better understanding of what careers lay ahead in industry."
Sarah Kim
  • Reviewed: 1/8/2014
  • Degree: Biomedical Sciences
"The pros are that the faculty and staff are generally friendly and supportive, and the student body tends to be laid-back and friendly. The education itself is challenging and of great quality for a very affordable price. The campus is very safe and there are many police patrolling around college station. The cons are that there is not much to do in college station, and for the liberal people, college station is generally conservative."
Sarah Kim
  • Reviewed: 9/5/2013
  • Degree: Biomedical Sciences
"I feel that the greatest pros are: the graduate faculty and professors sincerely want to see us succeed and make as much effort as their time allows to guide us toward success. The student body here are all generally pretty friendly and the campus and surrounding areas are very safe. College station and Bryan are still pretty country, but the spirit here is peaceful and laid back. The only con is the sheer amount of course load and information that is required to study here and their stipulations to graduate from the program and to remain in the program is pretty stringent. However, I feel those stipulations only makes me study harder and have a much greater desire to succeed."