University of Michigan - Ann Arbor Reviews
12 Reviews - Ann Arbor (MI)
- Annual Tuition: $55,334

100% of 12 students said this degree improved their career prospects
100% of 12 students said they would recommend this program to others
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- Reviewed: 6/26/2019
- Degree: Biology
- Graduation Year: 2017
"I really liked the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB) program. The program is still newer and is very small which was actually very nice in terms of being able to get to know the students and professors in the program. I learned about it my freshman year and immediately knew that it was the major for me."
- Reviewed: 3/30/2019
- Degree: Biology
- Graduation Year: 2017
"My time at the University of Michigan was filled with wonderful experiences. Here, the microbiology program allows students to gain a diverse plethora of knowledge in and outside of the classroom. Coming from a small high school, the University of Michigan helped me to expand my world view and showed me a variety of possibilities through which I can impact the world."
Maja Tosic
- Reviewed: 2/22/2018
- Degree: Biology
- Graduation Year: 2014
"University of Michigan is a great school that allows you to grow and learn in a challenging environment. There are so many options of classes and programs to be a part of. Anyone can find a community to be a part of here. And there are an endless amount of classes to choose from."
- Reviewed: 2/14/2017
- Degree: Biology
- Graduation Year: 2017
"Most professors and classes are harder than they need to be, but they still try to help you if you seek it. Be prepared for bureaucracy and and other things that take away from your education. The campus life is pretty great. It is very social and there is plenty to do."
Savannah Micunek
- Reviewed: 8/11/2016
- Degree: Biology
- Graduation Year: 2014
"Looking back at my first day on campus at the University of Michigan, I remember being a shy and soft-spoken girl with my eyes wide open in awe of the enormously overwhelming campus and city of Ann Arbor. Frantically scrambling out of the parking garage with my mother attempting to navigate the streets of the biggest city I had ever been to, we were immediately approached by two gentlemen who recognized our loss of direction and kindly pointed us the right way to orientation followed by the statement "you will find that Ann Arbor is the most beautiful city, the city itself bleeds into the campus." That statement stuck with me all throughout my studies. U of M set in a big bustling city where life outside of school existed and thrived gave me the opportunities that I found to be the most stimulating and rewarding component of my education. Because the city of Ann Arbor "bled" right into the campus, I was exposed to real world opportunities and experiences that my isolated, cozy little hometown in Northern Michigan was unable to do. I learned how to confidently present myself in front a room full of people and navigate through a sea of subjects and liberal arts classes to find my true talents and passions. My professors were awe inspiring each day, challenged me to dream bigger, to be a better student, and ultimately a better person. U of M gave me a taste of what was rewarded from real hard work and showed me the global impact that I had the potential to achieve in life. I carry this confidence and ambition into my graduate education as I pursue my Master's in Physician Assistant Studies. This everlasting imprint of Michigan to always dream bigger and do better has inspired me to push my career goals into global medicine and healthcare in hopes of giving back to underserved and small communities such as the one I came from. I dream of helping everyone achieve their greatest potential in the same way I was given the privilege to do so. Forever, Go Blue."
- Reviewed: 7/22/2016
- Degree: Biology
- Graduation Year: 2005
"The honor of attending one of the best Universities in the country is almost worth the terribly steep student loans I will be paying off for the rest of my life. Great faculty. Great campus. Great city. Great programs."
- Reviewed: 7/18/2016
- Degree: Biology
- Graduation Year: 2016
"University of Michigan is an outstanding (although cutthroat) academic environment. While difficult (especially during the first semester), it has prepared me not only academically, but professionally and emotionally. It creates a challenging environment that will mold you to become a functional independent unit that has the ability to take on the "real" world."