University of North Carolina at Charlotte Reviews
112 Reviews - Charlotte (NC)
- Annual Tuition: $21,338

82% of 112 students said this degree improved their career prospects
80% of 112 students said they would recommend this school to others
Student Reviews
- Reviewed: 8/28/2023
- Degree: Cloud Computing
- Graduation Year: 2024
"I was very wonder about university in carolina because i doesn't even dont know annything the america. The infrastructure and the campus is very wonderfull. the faculity are very friendly and helps in studies to study.i have the very good and best friends in the campus.. i will recomend this college to my friends and the my relatives in india"
Jessica Summer Wilburn
- Reviewed: 12/13/2022
- Degree: Psychology
- Graduation Year: 2023
"I cannot believe that I still pay money to go to this school. I am heavily considering transferring because my past year at UNCC has been hell. They do not take students seriously whatsoever, even though they are taking your money. I was almost mocked when trying to receive counseling, I was ignored when I continuously applied (and went in person) to get disability accommodations, I was misled by advisors in how to achieve the degree that I wanted, I was neglected by a few teachers that did not care what I had to say (because I couldn't get disability accommodations), and even when I did find a great teacher and he tried to help me, the school would not let him do so. He wanted to add me into his full class because I reached out to him and he deemed it would be a good opportunity for me, but the school wont even let him control his own classes. This school is a joke and a tremendous waste of money, I wouldn't recommend it to someone I don't even like."
- Reviewed: 4/30/2022
- Degree: Biology
- Graduation Year: 2025
"Oh, where do I start… The campus is dead. If you are looking to have a legitimate college experience, look somewhere else. Everything on campus is always closed. The restaurants are only open weekdays and close at 5pm, and the dining hall closes at 8:30pm. There’s nothing to do around campus besides lame parties, and you can’t even get into those unless you’re a girl or in a frat. The location of the campus unsafe, there’s car break ins at least once every couple months and the university does nothing but issue a statement about it essentially saying “If your car got broke into, here’s how you can avoid it next time”. The Greek life is so pathetic it is actually sad. There’s nothing interesting about the frat guys, and the sorority girls are mid. No social life, everyone goes home on weekends. The office of the registrar is awful, they gave us a spring break in February and make us stay 1-2 weeks after all the other schools finish in April-may. Looking to hit the gym and improve your body? Have fun waiting on a machine. Whoever designed UREC clearly had no clue what they were doing. A ton of unused cardio machines, only 3 barbell benches, only 6 dumbbell benches, only one good lat pull down machine (the other two are awful). I’m nearing the end of my freshman year here, and it’s like I just flushed it down the toilet. Total letdown of my expectations and I hope to get out of here as soon as possible."
- Reviewed: 4/18/2022
- Degree: Criminal Justice
- Graduation Year: 2021
"Please don't waste your time here, focus on your future and attend a non-liberal arts institution. I literally watched students pass classes while receiving failing grades throughout a semester. As long as you're paying, they will push you through. Most of the other students I graduated with are still unemployed a year after graduation, working in retail, or food service. It's truly sad I wasted my military benefits at this school."
Jasper John
- Reviewed: 10/15/2021
- Degree: MBA
- Graduation Year: 2021
"The Masters in Business Administration program at UNCC is quite frankly a waste of time and money. My degree was completely funded by my organization and I felt bad about wasting their money. The program is unorganized and they often do not even offer the courses that are listed as a requirement for your major. The websites and program information is almost always outdated and incorrect. Do not expect much help from your academic advisors who are also quite clueless. I had three decent professors during my time in the program. The others clearly did not care about providing a good experience and often voiced their displeasure with the UNCC MBA program. The one and only shining light is they have halfway decent career services. I did not think this was possible but my undergrad degree provided exponentially more value in comparison to the UNCC MBA program. Although this program might seem well priced, you don't even get what you pay for."
- Reviewed: 12/24/2020
- Degree: Environmental Science
- Graduation Year: 2020
"It is the same cost as if you were to be on campus, which is a disgrace considering how much of tuition goes to on campus amidites that you no longer use being online, and they know that they aren't going online anytime soon. Considering how much money they take from you the classes are not any better and they can't even post grades in a timely manner. All the professors use a different method of teaching online, which makes it harder to keep up with assignments and classwork. They will be happy to charge you for meal plans and parking passes, so be aware of that money trap when applying, you will not use any of them and they know it. Some of the professors are genuinely good people, but when it comes to picking a school in this COVID era, I would not recommend UNCC. They are just another trap to take your money and give you no results."
Abigail Martin
- Reviewed: 9/11/2019
- Degree: Criminal Justice
- Graduation Year: 2019
"The campus is absolutely gorgeous, professors are amazing and actually show interest in your future endeavors, as well as, your understanding of the course material. The classes are flexible, as there are a lot of sections available with varying times, as well as online sections. Not to mention that, the food on campus is very good and a bit cheaper than off campus equivalents. There a plenty of job opportunities available for all class rankings and from what I have heard they pay pretty well for the requirements and are flexible for class times and demands. I never lived on campus, but have not heard anything other than the normal complaints of students missing home and missing pets, since the only thing allowed in the dorms are fish. Parking on campus can be a bit difficult since classes are in the middle and parking decks/lots are on the outskirts, everyone tries to get as close as possible. But as I mentioned before, the campus is just beautiful and it can be very relaxing to have a nice walk between classes and the hectic Charlotte traffic. I never recall having too much of a grudge against the parking predicament, as long as there is enough time to walk rather than run, you should be good. As someone who readmitted for a second degree, I can definitely say I would come back again for graduate school or another undergraduate degree. The college feels very dedicated to each students needs, as well as, counselors are encouraged to help with after college plans."
- Reviewed: 4/25/2019
- Degree: Public Health
- Graduation Year: 1902
"Stay very far away from UNC Charlotte's MPH program. Everyone in my cohort wishes they would have taken classes somewhere else. Very few faculty have actual public health practice experience. Faculty pretend to be supportive but are not. They do not care about students. Assignments were for the benefit of the program getting CEPH accreditation, not for students to learn and gain experience. Faculty are rude and unprofessional. Many do not use rubrics to grade, just give you a grade out of nowhere. Students in the PhD program also frequently complain about the quality of the program. Also there are no relevant electives to take to meet program requirements. Little funding, very few faculty are getting grants."
- Reviewed: 4/8/2019
- Degree: Systems Engineering
- Graduation Year: 2018
"I would like to point out that I did not graduate from this University, but wanted to share my personal experience and frustration within the M.S Systems Engineering program, I would like to point out that this feedback isn't directed solely at every professor or individual on behalf of UNCC. I enrolled at UNCC in the Fall Term of 2018 and I can tell you that for me, it took me no longer than 3 weeks to realize that I wasting my time and money at this educational institution. I was previously a student at the University of Duke, but it was rather too expensive and far of a commute, so I was looking at an alternative school that was more in my budget where I landed at UNCC, but within the first 3 weeks of my online Master's program, I realized that my decision was a mistake. As an online student, I was required to attend or watch later...these web seminars held by these high credible professors who were suppose to educate me about systems engineer, but first web seminar (which was about 2 hrs long) was mainly about the professor and how condescending he was about his career and intellect. Like literally, he spent about 1hr and 45 minutes explaining students how he has a six figure salary and he was telling students (more like a command and control method) on what to do if they want to be like him instead of focusing on main content of the course, I didn't pay my hard earn dollars to hear about some person who gloats about himself for about 2 hrs...reasons like these are what lead me to believe that I was wasting my time at this school because I paid and came to learn...not to hear about the success from some person whom speaks as they have or know all of the keys to success in life. Long-story short, I withdrew from the school WAY early in the term to transfer back to Duke and suck up the expenses to finish off my degree, but I at least I knew that I was paying for a high standard quality education, but needless to say...UNCC decided to slap me with a "Misc" charge on the same day as my withdrawal and reference it as a charge that differs from each Master's program based on x, y, z what? This fee was included within my tuition nor was I made aware of it before committing and the thought that the charge occurred on the same day as my withdrawal? If anything, I was suppose to receive a small partial refund because I withdrew early in the term, but instead...I ended owing UNCC? That's bizarre and beyond ridiculous and what makes matter worse...they capture your personal information as a student such as mailing address and alternative personal email, but they only send you information such as billing only to your school email? What this means is that I withdrew in September, but I receive a billing notification in the mail (physical mail) in February, so that's roughly 6 months later and I had accrued interests on this late bill payment that I was totally unaware of, so I ask the University...does it make sense that students who withdraw from your school will still use their school email address? From a logical sense...the answer is most likely NO! That's why you have their mailing address and secondary email, heck they even had my phone number but UNCC failed to contact me in any other way except through my school email bout this misc bill notice and threaten me that if I didn't pay it, then they would forward it to the collections agency. Of course, I didn't want that to affect my credit, so I sucked it up and paid the balance, but rest assure that I will looking further into this and will take the necessary legal actions as possible. Bottom line is, if you are looking for University where you receive a good quality education, then look somewhere else...I can't say anything for their other programs, but I've received my AA from the University of Florida and my B.S from the University of Purdue and I am in my last term for my M.S at the University of Duke and I'm telling pay for what you get and UNCC is at the bottom of the barrel in my standards."
- Reviewed: 3/28/2019
- Degree: Political Science
- Graduation Year: 2018
"Love the Global Studies department! Fortunately, many of my courses were cross listed, so I very rarely had to leave my departmental professors. Personally, I prefer them to the political science professors, mostly because there is something unique and special about the camaraderie in smaller departments. There is that shared aggravation over funding, the intimate office environments, and the ability to have a continual access to your professors. Finance-wise, there was not really much help besides loans, grants, and the work study I finally got second semester Junior year. The scholarship system was kind of a nightmare to navigate, and they tended to mostly go to those in the scholar programs on campus. It is just an odd atmosphere to navigate, especially if you are politically involved. Many different ideologies co-exist on campus, sometimes to a fault, but Charlotte is a highly political community. You will reconsider your ideologies or at least have someone suggest you should and meet the communitys racist evangelist priest who screams horrific things. All that aside, I met amazing people and came out of undergrad with a better understanding of university politics, my place in that structure, and its shortcomings."
- Reviewed: 3/25/2019
- Degree: Information Systems
- Graduation Year: 2014
"I believe that the University of North Carolina at Charlotte provided me with a decent education. There were some classes that I took and felt that the instructors were engaged and truly cared about the development of their students. There were other instructors that were knowledgeable in what they did, but did not express wanting to truly teach and develop their students. I know the university as a whole is not known for technology, however, I do feel that there is more that they could have done to invest in the student life of those who chose to attend the College of Computing and Informatics. More outreach to technology companies, more student organizations, and more relatable instructors could improve the dynamic. As a Spanish minor, I was impressed with the department and took advantage of getting involved with language immersion. Those that oversaw study abroad trips worked diligently to ensure our experience went great. The school also has some global reach if one is interested in spending some semesters, or even just one week, in a different country for class credit. The school offers many opportunities to get involved with Spanish and Latin groups on and off campus. As far as job placement, I feel that the Belk College of Business has the best outcome. Being in a financial city, the business school has strong ties an connections with many financial institutions. Bank of America, Wells Fargo, TIAA CREF are amongst some of the financial companies that have strong ties to the university."
- Reviewed: 2/5/2019
- Degree: Mechanical Engineering
- Graduation Year: 2019
"This place is an absolute joke. Yes, you will get a "decent" education. But the school itself and their policies are ridiculous. Avoid if at all possible. There are much much better schools out there. Communication and figuring out simple problems with Niner Central is q nightmare."
Worst schools for Engineering
- Reviewed: 5/8/2018
- Degree: Civil Engineering
- Graduation Year: 2011
"I didn't graduate in 2011. I'd transfer to another institution after that year. UNCC is the worst school for "Engineering." I was a transfer student from a 2 year community college. My academic adviser guarantee me that I will be done with my 4 year degree in Fall of 2012. By the end of 2011, I was told that I will graduate in 2016 b/c some of my classes at the community college didn't transfer over. So I just told my adviser, "I will make my moneys' worth is somewhere else. UNCC is a school where professor only care about their 'Researches' more than rather helping their student's educational success. I will never come back to this school anymore." I've graduate at another institution with my B.S. degree in Mechatronics Engineering in 2014 and got a great job in my career field. I brought my B.S. degree back to UNCC, "shoved" it to my old adviser's face, and said "I've graduated 2 year earlier than what you expected me to be.""
Sabrina Campbwll
- Reviewed: 11/15/2017
- Degree: Social Work
- Graduation Year: 2001
"I loved my experience at UNCC. All staff are professional. The campus is beautiful. The faculty are easy to access if needed. I also participated in sports while I was there. The athletic programs take care of their athletes. I would not trade my college experience for the world."
- Reviewed: 9/1/2017
- Degree: Social Work
- Graduation Year: 2016
"My experience in this masters program was great! All of the professors were amazing and were able to take examples from their field practice and incorporate it in the classroom. I would highly recommend this MSW program"
Male Graduate - Class of 2012
- Reviewed: 9/1/2017
- Degree: MBA
- Graduation Year: 2012
"Completing program was a rewarding experience. Curriculum was rigorous and many elective courses were offered."
Caroline Bailey
- Reviewed: 6/1/2017
- Degree: Biology
- Graduation Year: 2011
"I already have a degree and I wanted to returned to school for another so I thought i would use Kaplan to prepare me. Mistake... I was not able to take the course when I signed up to because my car was stolen. So Kaplan lead me to believe that i could retake it later. So I get my life together and they are not willing to work with me at all because my course expired. I full paid for my course and did not get to take it. All that to say RUN they're just into making money."
- Reviewed: 5/22/2017
- Degree: Biology
- Graduation Year: 2017
"The campus is ever-growing and has changed a lot since I began here in 2011. The biology department is finally expanding which allows for students to get into classes easier. I had so much trouble finding classes to register for that would count towards my degree."