University of Northwestern - St. Paul Reviews
9 Reviews - Saint Paul (MN)
- Annual Tuition: $35,340

75% of 9 students said this degree improved their career prospects
100% of 9 students said they would recommend this school to others
Student Reviews
Erin Batchelder
- Reviewed: 11/10/2019
- Degree: Elementary Education
- Graduation Year: 2012
"Northwestern is a small school with small class sizes that really helped me understand my studies and allowed me personal contact with professors who took great strides to make sure all students succeeded in their classes. Everyone was very helpful and understanding. I loved my time there and learned so much about my field of study. With the numerous field experiences I participated in, I felt prepared to when I got my first classroom teaching position."
Aaron Beckman
- Reviewed: 3/23/2017
- Degree: Religious Studies
- Graduation Year: 2020
"As an adult learner, I took considerable time, energy, and research into seminaries that would offer the program and degree I was looking to obtain. Within the Twin Cities of MN, I reviewed and interviewed with schools such as Bethel, Luther, Concordia, TMI, and others. All are fantastic schools that would offer a Master's of Divinity degree. There was however, one distinct difference between all of these other schools vs. University of Northwestern - St. Paul. Upon on arriving on campus for my first interview with the admissions director, I felt an enormous sense of the Holy Spirit at work in this school. It was alive, comforting, full of incredible joy and love. At that singular moment I instantly knew that I had found the school that God wanted me to attend. These terms of endearment carried over into the general atmosphere as well as the staff and students that I have encountered. This is a place that is dedicated to see an individual succeed as well as deepening their Christian faith. The teaching staff are some of the best I have encountered in my educational career. Take for example Dr. Prof. Michael Wise who is internationally recognized as one of the leading experts on the Dead Sea Scrolls. Further, his studies into ancient Judaism and the Hebrew texts as well as Latin and Greek are second to none. The classes that I have taken under his tutelage have been monumental in my own personal spiritual growth as well as education. If I could turn back time and redo where I completed my undergraduate schooling, I would have attended the University of Northwestern - St. Paul in an instant."
- Reviewed: 8/12/2016
- Degree: Social Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2015
"Northwestern is a great school if you are looking to grow in your faith and study the Bible in depth. My ratings are due to the major I chose, so I am not saying don't go to this school. What I am saying is dont choose a ministry degree. A minor might be ok, but overall the ministry classes are essentially the same. You journal about your feelings 90% of the time. My advice is: even if you forsee yourself in full time ministry, it is better to get a degree in something else to give you actual skills. A degree in something such as nursing business or education will give you a valuable tool to use in ministry (and ability to enter certain countries that dont allow missionaries). It will also allow you to get a job if you decide you want one haha! A degree in ministry is not necessary to be a missionary AND it WILL NOT get you a decent job. Nomatter what they tell you. They really try to sell the ministry degrees but dont buy into it! For example, they say with a ministry degree you could work for a christian non-profit. Well guess what! Non-profits are a business that need people with skills such as accounting, HR, marketing, speaking 2 languages, having a teaching license, gaving a social work license, etc. Loving Jesus is not enough to get you a job in a Christian non-profit. They are looking for skills that will contribute to their mission....hope I convinced you not to buy into the ministry degrees. They are bogus Positives od the school in general: Teachers know you and want to help you (good for letters of recommendation) People are friendly and open Good dormlife experiences You really learn the Bibke and how to interpret it. Advice: get off campus and explore the twin cities! (Especially if you are from somewhere else and especially if from a small town or suburb) interact with people that are different from you. This is the best and most fun learning experience"
- Reviewed: 7/22/2016
- Degree: Elementary Education
- Graduation Year: 2006
"I really loved my college experience. I believe I had professors that cared about my future and were diligent to prepare me for becoming the best professional I could be. My college made sure we had clinical time outside the college realm before we were in our program of study to ensure we wanted to continue to major in it and they gave me a very practical, hands-on education."
- Reviewed: 7/13/2015
- Degree: Biology
- Graduation Year: 2012
"I thought the small class sizes where extremely beneficial. I ended up paying more than a state school but I believe the opportunities I had were extremely important for my own professional growth and wouldn't have been as readily available at larger schools. It was also a school with Christian principles. I benefited greatly from learning biology from a Christian prospective so that I was better prepared to present myself in a work environment."
Daniel Johnson
- Reviewed: 2/5/2014
- Degree: Religious Studies
- Graduation Year: 2017
"UNWSP is an excellent seminary program for those wanting to attend in the twin cities. It is affordable, flexible, and prepares you for life in ministry. The hard part of it comes when you are balancing life and are trying to complete one paper a week as part of a weekly cohort program. Overall it is a great experience and I encourage anyone interested in furthering their ministry education to give it a try."
Peter Mayhew
- Reviewed: 3/4/2013
- Degree: Religious Studies
- Graduation Year: 2015
"It has a very flexible schedule and has allowed me to work throughout the week. The interaction with both other students and the faculty has been dynamic. Because it has one class period a week, I really take ownership of my education."