University of Valley Forge Reviews
5 Reviews - Phoenixville (PA)
- Annual Tuition: $23,750

67% of 5 students said this degree improved their career prospects
60% of 5 students said they would recommend this school to others
Student Reviews
- Reviewed: 10/6/2021
- Degree: Ministry
- Graduation Year: 2018
"The professors seem to be the only pro to this school. The president seems to continue making poor decisions and says it must be because God is leading the school elsewhere. There was even a time the president said you should only attend if God is calling you there because it's not the best of schools. Seems like God is his scapegoat for this academic institution taking people's money and giving them a poor experience. I would only recommend this school if constant logistical nightmares don't bother you and the only thing that matters is truly the education ALONE. If anything else matters, please reconsider. Even the education however is suffering due to constant demands beyond the control of the professors. No one that attends here likes to read, a constant complaint by the professors. What does this say about the school, that a majority of the students don't care to learn? This school is a joke, it's more of a disappointing experience than anything. An unfortunate reality considering how fantastic the professors are."
- Reviewed: 2/24/2021
- Degree: Ministry
- Graduation Year: 2018
"Honestly, my experience at UVF was awful. While some people were kind, the administration was —for lack of better words—nasty. I had some pretty awful interactions with them. To my understanding, they are all still there. The president himself told me I was a “fake.” He should be appalled that he said that to someone so young in their faith and ministry. I am a pastor now, and I will never recommend this school to anyone—STAY AWAY."
- Reviewed: 8/16/2018
- Degree: Ministry
- Graduation Year: 2003
"Overall the school has amazing professors! If you want to go into a full time career in ministry, UVF professors will definitely prepare you with what you need to know! Although academically the school is excellent, it does have some flaws. These unfortunate faults are found more so in the non- ministry aspects of the school. (Example... financial, administration, admissions, upper level management/ leadership) As a student it was quite often the "trend" for myself and many peers to have the school consistently make major mistakes with financial aid. The school also has a long history of overspending money outside of their budget and then forcing faculty or staff to "voluntarily " step down from their positions (i.e. quit their jobs) for the greater good. For the most part upper level management/ leadership/ administration do their best. The main problem is that the school mainly hires people knowledgeable in ministry and the Bible to rather than in administration, finances, and other such areas. As far as safety goes, UVF is a fairly safe place to go (probably safer than most secular colleges) . It does however see it's fair share of crimes. Although drinking and drug use is forbidden, it does occur frequently. Part of the problem is that the school accepts the majority of students who apply, and often students who are unwilling to live by the school's standards are accepted anyway. Despite its flaws, however, I would still recommend it to future prospective students if they feel called to serve God and want a good education. I would just suggest that they be wary and not let their guard down just because it's a "Christian College ". I would also suggest that they be very proactive and diligent in regard to their own financial aid and academic planning ( as academic counseling is also one of the school's weak areas."
- Reviewed: 8/6/2017
- Degree: Religious Studies
- Graduation Year: 2011
"This is a wonderful place to be if you're a Christian college student looking to further your education. It is small and seems to be getting even smaller, unfortunately. However, the staff they do tend to have and hire are great and care a lot about your future and well-being. If you don't want to go into ministry, however, I would suggest another school."
- Reviewed: 3/14/2017
- Degree: Counseling
- Graduation Year: 2017
"The University of Valley Forge is a great place for any man or woman who wants to be trained thoroughly in their field of interest and who want to form a strong spiritual relationship with the Lord. The Professors, Faculty and Staff pour into each student that they encounter. The academic success is evident! The University of Valley Forge is focused on helping every student succeed and grow to their fullest potential. The atmosphere is safe, peaceful, and filled with the presence of the Lord. The campus is small but beautiful. Every student on the campus, that I have encountered, has been encouraging. You create friendships with people at this University that are lifelong and are beneficial for future networking that you can trust. The University of Valley Forge is a great place to grow spiritually and a safe place to be created in the image of God. We have daily chapels where we have pastors, teachers, missionaries, etc. ,from all over the world, come and share their hearts and pour into us as future leaders in the world. The academics are challenging in and of themselves but create in you a solid way of thinking and learning. The academics provide you with a solid baseline for your career to help you when you go out into the real world and start fulfilling your call. The dorms are in the process of being upgraded due to the fact that the campus had been a part of an old military hospital. Every year since I have been at the University, campus security has been thoroughly trying to improve to create a safe environment. I personally, have not had any feelings of fear or terror while being on this campus. The library is fully equipped with the resources and tools that are needed for each major. The library is conducive to studying in a quiet, peaceful environment. The alumni are very supportive of their home base as evidenced by the recent purchase of a new student center, supported by the Alumni finances. The University provides each year, mission trips that are student led in and out of the country. I have been blessed by this University and I thank God for it every day! I would recommend this University to any student who wants to have a deep relationship with the Lord, create friendships that last, be poured into by great professors and faculty, and who want to learn to their fullest potential of the calling the Lord has placed on their life!"