WyoTech Reviews

  • 21 Reviews
  • Multiple Locations
  • Annual Tuition: $26,500 - $29,250
23% of 21 students said this degree improved their career prospects
38% of 21 students said they would recommend this program to others
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Student Reviews - Certificate in Automotive Technology

Student Reviews - Certificate in Automotive Technology

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A. Student
  • Reviewed: 1/28/2025
  • Degree: Automotive Technology
"A Warning About WyotechIf you’re considering Wyotech, proceed with caution. The school is not what recruiters make it out to be. Their job is to pull you in and, unfortunately, they’re very good at it.Courses:The courses leave much to be desired. Most of us felt like they were outdated and underwhelming. For example, in High-Performance Powertrain, a significant amount of time is spent on carburated engines—a technology that’s largely obsolete—and very little time is spent on tuning for turbochargers or superchargers. Meanwhile, Motorsports Chassis Fabrication focuses mostly on basic welding practice. Instead of building a chassis or learning advanced fabrication techniques, you’ll spend hours running beads on steel coupons, that is, if you can find a working tool or the steel to weld. Worse, the instructors are inconsistent in what they consider a quality weld, and the techniques taught don’t align with real-world practices. For example, students are discouraged from using proper welding patterns because the school claims they generate too much heat—a notion completely disconnected from industry standards.The Automotive Technology course was equally disappointing. Far too much time was spent in the classroom rather than in the shop, and this imbalance seemed to be a recurring theme across all programs. Instructors largely read from PowerPoint slides, followed by a quiz for homework and a test the next day. Welcome to WyoTech.Many core instructors spend more time sharing “war stories” from their days as techs than teaching key concepts, seemingly in an effort to scare students into compliance rather than fostering understanding or enthusiasm.Administration:The administration is one of the most frustrating aspects of the school. While there are a few good individuals, the majority seem more concerned with enforcing trivial rules than supporting student success.Dress Code:The school enforces petty rules, such as penalizing one male student for their hair touching their eyebrows while simultaneously ignoring more than a half dozen others, some with longer hair. Students lose points for infractions throughout the day or are sent home—only to be docked additional points for their absence.Attendance Micromanagement:The school takes attendance eight times a day. If you’re even a second late, you lose points. And being late twice in one day can result in a “lack of professionalism” penalty.Nitpicking:Points can be deducted for absurd reasons, such as wearing safety shoes that aren’t deemed “blue-collar enough” or clipping your ID card to your belt instead of your shirt pocket. These arbitrary rules feel designed to trip you up rather than help you succeed.The Points System:Wyotech’s point system is unnecessarily punitive. You need 1,400 points to pass a course and 1,800 for a perfect score. While this might sound achievable, the school’s obsession with petty infractions makes it easy to fall short—even if your grades in theory and lab work are solid.There’s little to no flexibility for life’s challenges. Sick kids, doctor’s appointments, or emergencies don’t matter. Even if you are admitted to the hospital, a doctor's note means nothing to them. You lose points, and the amount is often decided arbitrarily.Overpriced and Overhyped:Wyotech feels more like a business than an educational institution. It’s a playground for Snap-On, with the live-in dealer selling students $40,000+ in tools on terrible terms. The course material is outdated, the facilities are underwhelming, and the focus seems to be on enforcing rules rather than fostering learning.Final Thoughts:I cannot confidently recommend Wyotech to anyone. If you’re a passionate gearhead looking for an inspiring learning environment, this isn’t it. Instead, I suggest exploring programs at your local community college. Wyotech prioritizes its image over its students and offers little beyond teaching you how to clock in on time and dress according to their rigid rules.Don’t let the recruiters sell you a dream. The reality is far less exciting."
Regretfull Techer
  • Reviewed: 9/14/2021
  • Degree: Automotive Technology
"Financial aid / housing is terrible, the hours for school is 7-4:15 so it’s practically impossible to get a job and there’s no AC. You are only allowed to miss a couple days per month and a half, so when I got covid they treated me like I failed the class, and refused to give me my monthly check that I live off of. Not to mention you are only in the classroom some days, and when you are in the shop there’s very little instruction. If you have no knowledge of this trade and or your low on money, I would highly recommend you avoid Wyotech."
John smith
  • Reviewed: 8/2/2020
  • Degree: Automotive Technology
"Was a great experience and learned new things. However, no job placement (gave a list of shops picked out of magazines but all just threw them away without opening [went by after graduating to check on employment and was told by the owners]), no company would hire me for anything other than apprenticeship (all places did not accept WyoTec's curriculum), massive debt and useless certificate. Went in not knowing much and had great life experiences but one is better off at the local community college. Majority of people from my class of 40+ are not working in the trade and those that are went in with prior experiences and knowledge."
Joe Rooks
  • Reviewed: 10/2/2019
  • Degree: Automotive Technology
"nothing good to say at all. waste of money waste of time. they make it sound great during interview. do not waste your time and money. they tell you want you want to hear. promise this promise that but its not true. I learned more in high school at the career center in Idaho"
  • Reviewed: 10/7/2017
  • Degree: Automotive Technology
"I attended the Sacramento facility. The place was still very new. They had hired teachers that had just graduated and new nothing but that school. I decided to after attending for 2 months to drop out and get a job working for caterpillar and never looked back. In my opinion looking back this type of school is a wastep of money. Just go to a shop get a job and learn. I started as a 60% apprentice and now work as a field tech for a major crane manufacturer. My point is don't waste your money get a job move arround and you will go from making 50k a year to 145k in just a matter of years like i did."
  • Reviewed: 8/17/2017
  • Degree: Automotive Technology
"I've been in the field for nearly 13 years now. I'm a master tech with one brand, ASE master, and certified specialist with 2 other brands. I'm very well paid, and one step below the foreman. I'm in demand and have a secure future. I owe absolutely zero of this to Wyotech. They in no way helped. Employers see Wyotech or UTI on your resume and rightfully assume the worst. These days I'm the one training kids fresh out of school, and they too are in no way prepared. These schools pocket your money and leave you in debt, no more prepared than when you started. Automotive is a great field... But you don't need to pay tens of thousands to private schools to get a career out of it. Intern at a dealer for a couple months for free, or take very affordable community college courses. I know a great tech who didn't bother with school at all."
  • Reviewed: 7/30/2017
  • Degree: Automotive Technology
"This was the biggest waste of my time and money. They highly exaggerated they placement rates, after graduation I received no help pursuing my career, and at the end of the day I ended up doing jobs I could have done fresh out of high school without the debt to follow. Huge promises from this school that didn't deliver at all. If I could take it back I would. Automotive field is dying anyway."
  • Reviewed: 5/15/2017
  • Degree: Automotive Technology
Hunter Lee
  • Reviewed: 8/14/2016
  • Degree: Automotive Technology
"I went to Wyotech in Laramie and it completely ruined my entire outlook on wanting to be a mechanic. The teachers are great people and great friends. Great teachers they aren't. The school is a joke. Please do not make the same mistake I did. The administration makes it their goal to make you as uncomfortable as possible. You are forced into shaving no matter what your medical condition is. Please don't consider Wyotech unless you want to be depressed and miserable for a minimum of 9 months."
  • Reviewed: 4/27/2016
  • Degree: Automotive Technology
"I graduated top of my class, and for the 30k I paid for my education, it was not worth my salary. I have always worked in automotive, but needed that paper saying I was educated, but my salary did not change. I was getting $10-12 an hour offer.... can you imagine working and supporting a fame with 12 an hour.... I left this occupation and work in sales where I make more money. To me this school is about making money, I regret attending school with wyotech and look forward to getting more in debt and attending a higher education."
  • Reviewed: 3/14/2016
  • Degree: Automotive Technology
"If you apply yourself and try the school will teach you the basics. The elective classes on the other hand will teach you a lot. Mine was chassis fabrication and I make good money on the side welding. Just 2 months into my job I was promoted to lead tech because of the skills I learned at Wyotech. as far as cost goes it really is to much money my loans total $50,000 and when signing up I was informed it would only be 29,000. The core class not enough information electives are really hard but in the end they are an amazing learning experience."
Joseph B
  • Reviewed: 2/10/2015
  • Degree: Automotive Technology
"WyoTech Blairsville-PA Wyotech was an option for me coming out of high school (2006)to have an actual skill to fall back on. Wyotech sent a rep out to my house.to speak to my mother and me. He told me and my mom that the schools is filling up fast, that it was my last opportunity to get into it, being that it is a new school and that it had taken off fast. He gave me the low down on how they have job replacement after graduation, thousand of contacts for the students, like BMW, it was one of their bigger dealers that are excited to get the students coming out of Wyotech, a big chance to be on TV with them like showing the cars that we will build form ground up, and maybe a series on TV. Everyone has an end of the year project where they have to build a car from the ground up, that I would be in big demand by the time I finished my two years…..Impressive Speech!! First lesson: what a crock of crap they feed me and my mother. To an 18 year old he can see his BIG dreams right in front of his eyes. Life is going to be good. I was an impressive speech. My mother and I were told that if I didn’t sign now, that I would have to wait another year if not two, to get into Wyotech-PA or I could go out West to the Wyotech when a spot opened up. Lesson # 2: I signed the papers. MISTAKE!! If it sounds too good to be true, it is. Don’t get me wrong I completely understand it take hard dedicated work to be successful. Not a problem. However, I do not expect to be lied to and it cost me over $40,000 when it is all said and done. On top of that I was unable to get into the classes I wanted and was forced into taking classes I really didn’t want, but to hear them tell you “YOU have no other choice because what you have worked for will count to nothing because you did not finish the program that you signed up for. It was a No-Win situation for me and that is saying it mildly. I don’t know why the classes I want was not available to me, nor did they really explain it to me. Just there is not room. All I do know is, I wanted to switch from the day time class because I was not learning anything from the disorganized teacher to night time, I heard night time was older guys and that class was a slight bit better. So when I went to do that everything went down hill. I was told no problem I could, so we did. What I didn’t know was I couldn’t start that class the next evening. That was the catch. They did not want to hear about how disorganized the class was. They really make you feel like an idiot when you ask about stuff and when you try to explain to them what is going on in the classroom. I did not get what I paid for from this school. I still owe mega money for those loans. I ended up taking a class I did not want, I ended up sitting in an apartment for weeks without being in class and STILL paying for that room, because if I left I would not have a room to rent when the class did open up nor guarantees I would even have the classes because that kind of goes with the rented rooms. How many rooms are rented goes with how many students per classroom, so we were told. They did not contact my mother per signed contact on the chance of the classes, instead they sent a letter weeks down the road, whereas she could not put a stop to what they ere doing. The loans were already in affect, so she was told. She contacted them, and the director of the school said their was nothing he could do, that I would be wasting whatever loan money we took out if I left, that we were still responsible to pay the bill for the two years. I am sorry but I was young and yeah they lied and bullied me all the way. So I am tell you young adults out there, watch what you sign, really listen to what they say and even though you get it in writing doesn’t mean this school will make it right. I would go else where and invest my money into something that is going to benefit you in life. This school did nothing for me except give me a very huge loan to pay. It cost me over $30,000.+ When it is all said and done with and I could have went to a four year college for that amount of money and be able to support my family on a real career."
  • Reviewed: 7/4/2014
  • Degree: Automotive Technology
"Wyotech was a option for me coming out of high school to have a actual skill to fall back on . My family had long been involved with cars drag racing etc, so I had always been interested in cars. My father offer this as a option and talked me into putting a 4 year college & playing div 2 football on the back burner . So we call them and Uti and told them I was interested, wyotechs reps came to my house and signed me up ..... mistake #1 , I was pressured into believing it was now or never type of deal( i blame my parents for not stopping me from signing a contract to go to this school under pressure) . So i was off to PA Blairsville a small town with nothing to do but .....nothing. The moment i arrived I signed all to proper papers to give the school 20k before i could even sit down after taking a 15 hr drive. Classes- I had some good teachers and some bad , YOU will have to teach yourself in order to succeed , the test are daily and will cause you to fail and fail out of school if your not careful. Most people talk and joke during class and its just like highschool all over again . once again in the actual shop you'll need to be determined enough to learn what you are PAYING FOR!!! because the sheet of paper youll recieve at the end with be worthless. I learn a ton while attending , i had a bad attitude about the school once i graduated because i expected so respect for going to the school within the industry but once I relized my education could earn me that repect then I was over the post wyotech hate. LIFESTYLE- its alot like college , you can party your education away , but if your focused you' ll get to have fun and learn about cars . They have more equipement at the school then most shops youll ever work for and you should be well prepared once you grad IF you involve yourself whil in the shop . Most if not all of the certs and cards will mean nothing once you grad, you GPA , honor roll etc will mean nothing , eagle tutor or what ever its called will mean nothing . NO job will ever ask or even care about that . And when you grad you get all the papers and certs and diplomas claiming you got A'sss in everything TRUST ME I DID AND DIDNT MAKE A HONOR ROLL OR EAGLE STUDENT , its all a load of crap to make you feel like your money was well spent. Only if you study and work hard in the shop will you money be spent well. all in all its to expensive , you can buy all the paperback crap ass books off line for a 1k and save yourself 19k and just go to a community college to take classes, or just start working yourself up from oil changes in a shop as a shop hand. I wouldnt do it again , but what did I get from it? educated , im smarter then most mechanics and have made 1,000's of dollars from what Wyotech showed me, did the name wyotech get me a job HELL NOOO!!!! but my skills i learned always earned me a spot and alot of money inside any shop i work in. Now 2014 im out of the field and working as a officer , Ive started my own shop and it has been a growing proccess so hang on its a looooonnnnggg right before you get to be like gas monkey garage ."