University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Rankings by Salary Score

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Salary and Debt by Major at UNC-Chapel Hill

We calculated a Salary Score for each of UNC-Chapel Hill's programs by comparing program-specific median alumni earnings to median alumni earnings for the same program across all schools that provide this data. This way, students can compare the relative salary strength of a specific major at UNC-Chapel Hill to the same major at other schools. A school's overall score by level is based on the school's by-program performance weighted by student enrollment in each program. Data is sourced from the December 2020 release of the U.S. Department of Education's College Scorecard and reflects median alumni debt upon graduation and median alumni earnings in the year after graduation for students who received federal financial aid. Debt and salary numbers are shown rounded to the nearest $10.

Salary Score ™ for UNC-Chapel Hill Bachelor's Degrees

Field of Study Salary Score Employment Rate Median Debt Median Salary Salary Score
Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention, and Treatment Professions 69 100% 100% Not Reported $59,490 69
Anthropology 80 94% 94% $15,000 $30,930 80
Applied Mathematics 79 98% 98% $17,000 $68,670 79
Archeology 94 100% 100% Not Reported $32,930 94
Area Studies 22 94% 94% $15,100 $27,510 22
Biology, General 40 91% 91% $16,250 $27,630 40
Biomedical/Medical Engineering 41 100% 100% $18,000 $55,060 41
Business Administration, Management and Operations 100 98% 98% $15,590 $76,040 100
Chemistry 23 95% 95% $17,170 $32,930 23
Clinical/Medical Laboratory Science/Research and Allied Professions 26 94% 94% Not Reported $50,610 26
Communication and Media Studies 84 97% 97% $15,400 $39,690 84
Computer Science 64 96% 96% $15,750 $74,580 64
Dental Support Services and Allied Professions 42 96% 96% $14,500 $54,660 42
Drama/Theatre Arts and Stagecraft 90 96% 96% $19,000 $28,820 90
Economics 77 97% 97% $15,060 $57,100 77
English Language and Literature, General 25 94% 94% $16,080 $25,580 25
Ethnic, Cultural Minority, Gender, and Group Studies 32 98% 98% $18,650 $27,310 32
Fine and Studio Arts 56 100% 100% $15,000 $27,050 56
Health and Medical Administrative Services 94 100% 100% $17,100 $55,960 94
Health and Physical Education/Fitness 47 95% 95% $16,750 $29,830 47
History 49 93% 93% $13,740 $30,690 49
Human Resources Management and Services 32 98% 98% $17,300 $42,510 32
Information Science/Studies 71 98% 98% $14,010 $59,490 71
Linguistic, Comparative, and Related Language Studies and Services 41 78% 78% $18,950 $28,060 41
Mathematics 76 98% 98% $18,500 $54,050 76
Music 95 100% 100% $18,980 $39,370 95
Natural Resources Conservation and Research 19 98% 98% $15,230 $26,930 19
Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution 49 99% 99% $16,500 $37,900 49
Philosophy 71 93% 93% $15,640 $34,850 71
Physics 48 100% 100% $14,950 $42,910 48
Political Science and Government 66 95% 95% $16,700 $38,210 66
Psychology, General 43 94% 94% $16,500 $29,130 43
Public Health 93 87% 87% Not Reported $43,800 93
Public Policy Analysis 36 98% 98% $16,460 $37,980 36
Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing 27 100% 100% $22,640 $58,840 27
Religion/Religious Studies 69 87% 87% $14,000 $31,130 69
Romance Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics 23 90% 90% $17,270 $27,640 23
Sociology 34 97% 97% $16,400 $30,280 34
Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and Methods 66 96% 96% $15,500 $37,930 66

Salary Score ™ for UNC-Chapel Hill Master's Degrees

Field of Study Salary Score Employment Rate Median Debt Median Salary Salary Score
Accounting and Related Services 42 100% 100% $60,280 $59,950 42
Advanced/Graduate Dentistry and Oral Sciences 60 97% 97% $82,780 $185,820 60
Business Administration, Management and Operations 100 97% 97% $74,870 $135,910 100
City/Urban, Community and Regional Planning 46 98% 98% $35,350 $54,640 46
Communication and Media Studies 28 95% 95% Not Reported $41,570 28
Communication Disorders Sciences and Services 65 100% 100% $42,500 $58,480 65
Drama/Theatre Arts and Stagecraft 27 100% 100% Not Reported $27,440 27
Ecology, Evolution, Systematics, and Population Biology 99 100% 100% Not Reported $117,570 99
Education, General 34 93% 93% $26,500 $46,540 34
Educational Administration and Supervision 56 100% 100% $47,000 $58,670 56
Fine and Studio Arts 13 100% 100% Not Reported $21,510 13
Health and Medical Administrative Services 54 95% 95% $59,730 $72,360 54
Health and Physical Education/Fitness 72 100% 100% Not Reported $46,090 72
Information Science/Studies 14 100% 100% Not Reported $57,320 14
International/Global Studies 34 100% 100% Not Reported $42,680 34
Library Science and Administration 74 97% 97% $48,700 $46,920 74
Medical Clinical Sciences/Graduate Medical Studies 77 100% 100% Not Reported $190,540 77
Nutrition Sciences 59 97% 97% $87,690 $51,270 59
Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Administration 99 100% 100% Not Reported $135,390 99
Public Administration 60 99% 99% $62,190 $57,070 60
Public Health 57 98% 98% $49,830 $56,830 57
Radio, Television, and Digital Communication 91 95% 95% Not Reported $66,170 91
Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing 32 99% 99% $48,000 $89,670 32
Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Professions 29 100% 100% $62,870 $50,230 29
Social Work 36 97% 97% $50,490 $43,800 36
Student Counseling and Personnel Services 59 100% 100% $34,130 $46,250 59

Salary Score ™ for UNC-Chapel Hill Doctoral Degrees

Field of Study Salary Score Employment Rate Median Debt Median Salary Salary Score
Chemistry 25 94% 94% Not Reported $59,350 25
Communication and Media Studies 52 94% 94% Not Reported $62,010 52
Dentistry 74 97% 97% $200,250 $120,660 74
Ecology, Evolution, Systematics, and Population Biology 46 82% 82% $38,980 $63,010 46
Education, General 13 100% 100% Not Reported $61,290 13
Health and Medical Administrative Services 78 94% 94% Not Reported $119,810 78
History 45 100% 100% Not Reported $50,470 45
Law 50 99% 99% $95,390 $68,780 50
Medicine 44 100% 100% $141,750 $57,160 44
Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Administration 16 98% 98% $138,510 $105,630 16
Psychology, General 7 88% 88% Not Reported $52,940 7
Public Health 20 86% 86% Not Reported $63,010 20
Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing 12 95% 95% $55,230 $87,970 12
Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Professions 7 100% 100% $100,110 $62,260 7
Religion/Religious Studies 45 92% 92% Not Reported $44,970 45

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Reviews

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MBAer 10/7/2021

UNC Kenan-Flagler is a great business program. The faculty and staff are engaged and dedicated to creating a great learning environment. Their career services could be better - but there are plenty of great companies that recruit directly from the university. Overall it was a worthwhile experience.

Colin Amos 12/26/2019

I had an incredibly positive experience at University of North Carolina. I was able to establish great connections, socially, academically and professionally. My relationships with my professors helped to steer me down a career path I did not know even existed and helped me to find my passion in urban design. The resources that UNC has to offer are incredibly helpful and the campus culture is something that I have not been able to