York College of Pennsylvania Reviews
7 Reviews - York (PA)
- Annual Tuition: $23,328

100% of 7 students said this degree improved their career prospects
100% of 7 students said they would recommend this school to others
Student Reviews
- Reviewed: 3/16/2017
- Degree: Spanish
- Graduation Year: 2013
"York College was my local school that allowed me to commute instead of live on campus. My primary reason for attending York was to save money and avoid larger amounts of debt. I do feel that with the lower price tag comes less recognition, though. Perhaps I would have attended a more prestigious or well-known school had I known the importance of networking, but I do credit York with my first job as an Education Consultant at a large non-profit organization. I only wish I had taken more advantage of the events, classes and clubs. If you're looking for a lower cost, private school that is smaller and more intimate, then York could be the right choice for you."
Ni Ni
- Reviewed: 3/4/2017
- Degree: Liberal Studies
- Graduation Year: 2016
"The Behavioral Science program has amazing professors. And the advising staff really help you get the schedule that best fits your needs. I've also had experience with the fine art professors they too are very good and they understand what it's like to be a student."
- Reviewed: 7/22/2016
- Degree: Philosophy
- Graduation Year: 2013
"It was nice; small classes allowed professors to have plenty of time for individual students."
- Reviewed: 11/3/2015
- Degree: Marketing
- Graduation Year: 2010
"Great value education for the tuition. Made great friends and had great professors"
Mary Garvey
- Reviewed: 10/26/2015
- Degree: Social Sciences
- Graduation Year: 2012
"I loved my undergraduate college. I had the best experiences there. I always wanted to go away and coming from Long Island Pennsylvania was the best distance, plus I had family that lived only 15 minutes from my college. As soon as I was on campus I loved everything about being away and being on my own. It helps you become more independent and learn a lot. I knew that I was going to miss home and talked to my mom about two-three times a day. I talked to my family a lot and did miss a lot but when you are a close family its easy to still be close. But York College was my first pick and I loved it so much because of the campus. There was a sense of family and closeness that made it easy to feel at home. I joined dance team right away and it was the best decision. I made life long friends and it helped when I felt home sick to have something to turn to for comfort. I than became dance team captain and was someone people could look up to. York's Sociology department had great professors! I learned so much from them. Unfortunately I did not pursue a career path in sociology, however, it has given me the tools to become a great teacher. A recent speaker at the university I currently attend said you take your degree you received in undergrad and all jobs you had after and turn it into positives for your next career path if that is what you chose. I am choosing elementary education and those words are exactly what I am taking. York helped in every way for me to become who I am and what I can be. It is a great institution and has a great curriculum."
- Reviewed: 9/4/2015
- Degree: History
- Graduation Year: 2006
"I loved York College - it was small enough that I didn't feel like a "small fish in a big pond," but large enough that I got the true college experience. My professors and I all knew each other on a first-name basis, they were responsive, helpful and I really enjoyed my classes. I was a part of Greek Life, which was a rewarding and rich experience, but there were also many other extracurricular opportunities in which students could be involved to get the full college experience."
mba student
- Reviewed: 6/30/2015
- Degree: Business
- Graduation Year: 2010
"York College of Pennsylvania's Dual Degree program provided a great opportunity to begin my MBA coursework during my senior year. The real-world knowledge and examples provided by both my professors and fellow classmates helped prepare me for "life after school"."