CUNY New York City College of Technology Rankings by Salary Score™
Salary and Debt by Major at City Tech
We calculated a Salary Score for each of City Tech's programs by comparing program-specific median alumni earnings to median alumni earnings for the same program across all schools that provide this data. This way, students can compare the relative salary strength of a specific major at City Tech to the same major at other schools. A school's overall score by level is based on the school's by-program performance weighted by student enrollment in each program. Data is sourced from the December 2020 release of the U.S. Department of Education's College Scorecard and reflects median alumni debt upon graduation and median alumni earnings in the year after graduation for students who received federal financial aid. Debt and salary numbers are shown rounded to the nearest $10.
Salary Score ™ for City Tech Associate Degrees
Field of Study | Employment Rate | Median Debt | Median Salary |
Accounting and Related Services | Not Reported | $29,690 | |
Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention, and Treatment Professions | $9,500 | $60,430 | |
Computer and Information Sciences, General | $8,710 | $33,280 | |
Dental Support Services and Allied Professions | $11,000 | $45,010 | |
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities | Not Reported | $28,380 | |
Ophthalmic and Optometric Support Services and Allied Professions | Not Reported | $40,280 | |
Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing | $12,000 | $63,330 | |
Specialized Sales, Merchandising and Marketing Operations | Not Reported | $23,650 |
Salary Score ™ for City Tech Bachelor's Degrees
Field of Study | Employment Rate | Median Debt | Median Salary |
Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention, and Treatment Professions | Not Reported | $76,460 | |
Architectural Sciences and Technology | $11,000 | $36,850 | |
Biomathematics, Bioinformatics, and Computational Biology | $11,250 | $23,650 | |
Computer Engineering Technologies/Technicians | $17,640 | $43,290 | |
Construction Engineering Technologies | $26,250 | $66,820 | |
Design and Applied Arts | $8,200 | $31,130 | |
Drama/Theatre Arts and Stagecraft | Not Reported | $30,230 | |
Electrical Engineering Technologies/Technicians | $11,000 | $58,940 | |
Health and Medical Administrative Services | $9,500 | $46,480 | |
Hospitality Administration/Management | $8,230 | $36,640 | |
Housing and Human Environments | Not Reported | $57,320 | |
Human Services, General | $11,150 | $38,120 | |
Information Science/Studies | $11,000 | $43,530 | |
Legal Support Services | Not Reported | $42,310 | |
Mechanical Engineering Related Technologies/Technicians | $15,110 | $40,070 | |
Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing | $13,000 | $86,230 |
Most Recent Reviews
This school is horrible. I am glad its my last year. The architect department is bias and corrupt. They pass students who do little to no work to meet their quota. The desks and computers are filthy. Favoritism is rampant and you have professors that help you cheat to pass. I am a B Arch student here and I graduate next year and I am happy to leave. If you want a good education, do not come here. They do not train you well here. I plan to pursue my masters at a private school. This school is decay.
Very hard to learn in a hostile environment. Instructors enjoy intimidating students. The college is also extremely dirty. The walls and floors are never clean. There are broken blinds on the windows. Even the dental clinic is dirty. I was actually asked by someone who oversees the cleanliness of the college to walk around, take pictures, and to send them to their dept. They know students get stressed, and most will comfort themselves with food. They have vending machines with junk food on every floor, as... Read More