Southwestern College - KS Rankings by Salary Score™
Salary and Debt by Major at Southwestern College - KS
We calculated a Salary Score for each of Southwestern College - KS's programs by comparing program-specific median alumni earnings to median alumni earnings for the same program across all schools that provide this data. This way, students can compare the relative salary strength of a specific major at Southwestern College - KS to the same major at other schools. A school's overall score by level is based on the school's by-program performance weighted by student enrollment in each program. Data is sourced from the December 2020 release of the U.S. Department of Education's College Scorecard and reflects median alumni debt upon graduation and median alumni earnings in the year after graduation for students who received federal financial aid. Debt and salary numbers are shown rounded to the nearest $10.
Salary Score ™ for SC Bachelor's Degrees
Field of Study | Employment Rate | Median Debt | Median Salary |
Accounting and Related Services | Not Reported | $52,520 | |
Business Administration, Management and Operations | $21,000 | $58,220 | |
Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other | Not Reported | $55,510 | |
Computer Programming | Not Reported | $48,430 | |
Criminal Justice and Corrections | Not Reported | $46,790 | |
Health and Medical Administrative Services | Not Reported | $48,040 | |
Human Resources Management and Services | Not Reported | $54,660 | |
Psychology, General | Not Reported | $30,410 | |
Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing | $16,830 | $58,000 | |
Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and Methods | $34,900 | $36,910 |
Salary Score ™ for SC Master's Degrees
Field of Study | Employment Rate | Median Debt | Median Salary |
Business Administration, Management and Operations | $30,050 | $55,710 | |
Curriculum and Instruction | Not Reported | $46,090 | |
Social Sciences, Other | Not Reported | $57,320 | |
Special Education and Teaching | Not Reported | $51,360 |
Most Recent Reviews
The institution could not deliver what it so highly promoted, for their game design program! I can list a number of reasons: -no teacher the first week!! SO TECHNICALLY HE WAS ONLY GETTING COURSES FOR 2 weeks, so we technically were not into our 3 week of courses!!! When I eventually withdrew from there I was only allotted 70% of all my expenses back!! Like I received 3 full weeks of classes!! -no class for storytelling for 3 full weeks!! -teacher that showed up is not a game design instructor, he is a programmer!!... Read More
I enjoyed my experience at Southwestern College. The courses were fast paced and challenging, but manageable. I began attending when I was active duty in the military, and the instructors were extremely flexible. The classes are only 6 weeks long, which can be good and bad. It was beneficial to be able to get through my education quickly, but sometimes it felt like the classes were rushed and we did not have time to touch on everything that we could have. Towards the end of my education it seemed like a few... Read More