2021 Best Colleges in Nebraska by Salary Score™
We calculated a bachelor's degree Salary Score for colleges in Nebraska to show how schools compare in terms of median alumni salary. By comparing alumni outcomes, Salary Score indicates whether alumni from one school tend to have higher salaries than alumni from the same majors at other schools. To determine this, we compared alumni earnings in the first year after graduation for each major at one college to earnings for the same majors across all colleges. Those scores were combined to create an overall Salary Score for each college. Students may want to keep in mind that Nebraska has a lower cost of living than the national average, and alumni may have lower salaries as a result. Even with a lower cost of living, however, more than half of Nebraska schools have higher Salary Score than the median for all colleges in the United States. At the top of this list is the University of Nebraska at Omaha, with a Salary Score of 62.82.
To be considered for our state rankings, schools must offer and provide data for at least 8 bachelor's programs. You can click on a school's name to view individual program scores. Read our methodology to learn more about how schools were ranked.
Rank | School | Annual Tuition | Salary Scoreâ„¢ |
University of Nebraska at Omaha | $8,136 | 62.82 | |
Concordia University - Nebraska | $37,720 | 58.78 | |
University of Nebraska at Kearney | $7,984 | 56.08 | |
University of Nebraska - Lincoln | $9,872 | 55.25 | |
Nebraska Wesleyan University | $39,868 | 53.47 | |
Creighton University | $45,590 | 51.68 | |
Chadron State College | $7,834 | 48.92 | |
Midland University | $38,300 | 41.76 | |
Wayne State College | $7,786 | 40.87 | |
Peru State College | $7,920 | 40.40 | |
Doane College-Crete | $38,990 | 40.21 |