25 Best Aerospace Engineering Schools 2020
We ranked the top 25 schools by median salary one year after college for students who graduate with a Bachelor's Degree in Accounting. Georgetown University is ranked #1 with a salary of $83,100 and also has the lowest median debt on the list, at $15,500. The rest of the schools on this list have median starting salaries ranging from $60,900-$65,300. Washington and Lee University comes in with the second lowest median debt, at $15,763.
Tuition, median salaries, and median debt were reported by the U.S. Department of Education in November 2019. View our methodology for more details about these rankings or read more about the top-ranked schools.
2020 Best Colleges Highlights
Learn more about the top colleges for a Bachelor's in Aerospace Engineering degree. You can also read student reviews of each school by clicking on the stars. Although student reviews were not used as a ranking factor in this list, we provide ratings and reviews so students can consider the experience of alumni in their decision-making process.

Established in 1861, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is a private university located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. MIT students and faculty are known for their ingenuity, innovative research, and breakthrough discoveries. Although the curriculum is demanding and challenging, students are encouraged to have fun as they explore new ideas.
MIT offers many diverse engineering specializations, including a Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering (Course 16) for those interested in engineering aerospace vehicles. Engineering fundamentals are covered in a unified engineering course that is team-taught by multidisciplinary instructors over the course of two semesters. In support of the engineering core, students study differential equations, statistics, computer programming, dynamics, and principles of automatic control. Groups work in a teamwork-oriented environment in design laboratories to foster collaboration and synergy. If they wish, students can choose aerospace information technology as a specialization. Seniors complete a capstone project to demonstrate their abilities to design, build, and test an original project, such as an interactive robot. Employers consider MIT graduates with aerospace degrees to be among the best-trained engineers in the world, according to the MIT website.

Located on the California central coast, California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo is a public university with an applied research focus and a philosophy of “learning by doing.” Engineering is one of the most popular majors offered at Cal Poly. The Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering is ideal for students seeking hands-on experience. Project-based learning helps students hone critical thinking and complex problem-solving skills.
Students pursuing a bachelor’s degree in aerospace engineering learn to manage the high-stakes challenges of designing, manufacturing, and testing aerospace systems and aircraft. Some of the many classes offered include aerospace engineering analysis, gas dynamics and heat transfer, orbital mechanics, and propulsion systems. Students can select a concentration in aeronautics or astronautics. Learning extends beyond the classroom and laboratory. Professional aeronautics organizations such as Sigma Gamma Tau, a national honor society for engineers, help students acclimate to the profession. The program culminates in a Senior Design capstone project that demonstrates the student’s ability to apply engineering theory to spacecraft or aircraft design. The program aims to graduate students with cutting-edge skills that are desired by employers in the fast-paced aerospace industry.
Visit California Polytechnic State University — San Luis Obispo's website.

Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) in Atlanta is a public research and technology institute that offers students in-depth instruction, along with a sense of purpose. The Daniel Guggenheim School of Engineering at Georgia Tech has a reputation for rigorous scholarship, exceptional teaching, and cutting-edge innovation.
Students enrolled in the 132-credit-hour Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering program delve into the design, operation, and testing of aircraft, unmanned vehicles, and satellites. First-year students take courses in advanced math, chemistry, physics, and computing, as well as general education classes. Sophomores take more math and science, along with engineering classes and economics. Juniors and seniors immerse themselves in aerospace engineering classes such as design methods, aerodynamics, circuits, and control systems. Internships enable students to gain experience in an area of special interest to them. The school and local industries sponsor competitions that challenge students to come up with novel plan-build-fly projects. The overall aim of the program is to prepare students for jobs in theoretical research, experimentation, and technical design.

The University of Virginia in Charlottesville is a public research university. Founded by Thomas Jefferson in 1819, the University of Virginia has a storied tradition of bettering society through research and public service. The UVA mission is reflected in the department of mechanical and aerospace engineering’s commitment to preparing engineering students to solve real-world problems through new engineering applications. Several engineering degrees are offered, including a Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering.
The curriculum emphasizes the latest technological advances and inventive laboratory experimentation. New students must complete general education classes before declaring an aerospace engineering major. Aerospace engineering majors start by taking courses in advanced math, chemistry, and physics. Computer courses are also required to familiarize students with the computational methods used by engineers. Throughout the program, students are expected to consider the ethical dimensions of their work, such as consumer safety and product liability. Students are afforded flexibility in choosing technical electives that will support their particular career objectives within the broad field of aerospace engineering.