2020 Best Online Bachelor's in Business Degree Programs
We ranked the top 24 schools by median salary one year after college for students who graduate with a Bachelor's Degree in Business. The school with the highest median salary for this degree is Golden Gate University, at $62,500. The lowest median debt for the top 24 Business Degrees is $15,173, at Western Governors University. Median salaries for the top 24 schools range from $50,600-$62,500. The schools on this list offer online business bachelor's degrees.
Tuition, median salaries, and median debt were reported by the U.S. Department of Education in November 2019. View our methodology for more details about these rankings or read more about the top-ranked schools.
School | Annual Tuition | Median Debt | Median Salary |
Golden Gate University | $19,875 | $29,748 | $62,500 |
Northeastern University | $60,192 | $23,000 | $61,500 |
Colorado State University Global | $8,400 | $25,000 | $59,300 |
Capella University | $14,328 | $26,256 | $59,200 |
Western Governors University | $8,010 | $15,173 | $56,600 |
Drexel University | $58,965 | $29,962 | $56,100 |
Bowling Green State University - Main Campus | $22,212 | $23,575 | $55,900 |
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Daytona Beach | $40,564 | $24,932 | $55,700 |
Baker University | $32,320 | $25,336 | $55,300 |
Pepperdine University | $63,142 | $28,000 | $54,600 |
University of Massachusetts - Amherst | $38,171 | $20,918 | $53,600 |
Concordia University, St. Paul | $24,400 | $20,832 | $53,500 |
University of Mary | $21,062 | $26,125 | $53,500 |
University of Alaska Southeast | $21,096 | $22,160 | $53,000 |
John Brown University | $29,720 | $21,500 | $52,500 |
LeTourneau University | $34,470 | $30,199 | $52,400 |
University of Maryland Global Campus | $12,336 | $21,678 | $52,200 |
Rutgers University | $33,963 | $21,500 | $51,300 |
University of Northwestern - St. Paul | $35,340 | $21,375 | $51,200 |
National University | $13,320 | $29,655 | $51,000 |
Judson University | $30,910 | $23,956 | $50,600 |
2020 Best Colleges Highlights
Learn more about the top colleges for a Bachelor's in Business degree. You can also read student reviews of each school by clicking on the stars. Although student reviews were not used as a ranking factor in this list, we provide ratings and reviews so students can consider the experience of alumni in their decision-making process.

Golden Gate University's online Bachelor of Science in Business degree emphasizes practical skills and career development to prepare students to enter the job market. After earning this degree, students should be able to evaluate data to make business decisions, solve complex problems, and communicate clearly and effectively through persuasive speech and writing. Over 80 percent of the university's instructors are business professionals, so they can share real-world knowledge with students and provide opportunities for networking.
The degree consists of 123 units, including 60 general education units, 30 major units, and 33 elective units. Major requirements include classes like Financial Management, Management Principles, Principles of Operations Management, and Principles of Marketing. The degree also offers 10 distinct concentrations like Accounting, Data Analytics, International Business, and Psychology.

Northeastern University offers an online Bachelor of Science in Management degree completion program through its College of Professional Studies. The program is designed to help students advance into management in their careers, gain additional skills, and position themselves advantageously in the job market.
The program requires 120 semester hours, including up to 60 transfer credits from a previous institution. These required semester hours include 54 general education hours, 25 hours of major requirements, 12 semester hours of professional electives, and additional electives to reach 120 semester hours. Required major courses include Principles of Management, International Business, and a Business Strategy capstone. Students may also choose to complete a concentration in Entrepreneurship, which requires several courses, including Finance for New Ventures and Sustainable Entrepreneurship.
Through its philosophy of experiential learning, Northeastern offers students opportunities for hands-on experiences, which may include completing a project virtually with a sponsor organization, a paid three-to-six month co-op position, or working with a current employer to develop a project that both applies to the business's current needs and lets the student work on an applicable skill or knowledge area from the degree program.

Colorado State University Global offers an online Bachelor's Degree in Business Management, which prepares students to become organizational leaders who can impact change in their workplace and in the global economy. In the program, students will work on improving their skills at applying critical thinking to business decisions, interviewing job candidates, analyzing financial data, and communicating effectively with clients.
The curriculum pulls from areas like Marketing, Operations, and Finance to create a well-rounded program for students. 120 credits are required to complete the degree, including 31 general education credits, 30 credits of core major courses, 15 credits of optional degree specialization courses, and elective courses to reach 120 total credits. Core degree courses include Principles of Management, Principles of Accounting, Business Law, and Introduction to Marketing. CSU Global accepts up to 90 total transfer credits for students who have already completed some coursework at a different institution.

Capella University's online Bachelor of Science in Business program offers several different specializations, including Business Administration, Marketing, Human Resource Management, and Project Management.
The Business Administration track requires 180 quarter credits for completion, of which a maximum of 135 can be transfer credits from another institution. Courses include Fundamentals of Leadership, E-Marketing, and Financial Markets & Institutions. The goal of the Bachelor of Science in Business – Business Administration program is to introduce students to business principles and to grow their skills in business and leadership, preparing students for careers in fields like Marketing, Sales, Project Management, Account Management, and others.
Capella University offers two online learning options: GuidedPath, an option that offers structured deadlines and weekly discussions, and FlexPath, where students pay a flat rate per three months and can move through classes at their own pace.