2020 Best Online Bachelor's in Marketing Degree Programs
These are the best 25 colleges that offer an online Bachelor's Degree in Marketing, based on median salary one year after graduation. The school with the highest median salary for this degree is Western Governors University, at $49,000. The lowest median debt for the top 25 Marketing Degrees is $13,995, at Walsh College of Accountancy and Business Administration. The range of median salaries for the top 25 schools is $40,900-$49,000.
Tuition, median salaries, and median debt were reported by the U.S. Department of Education in November 2019. View our methodology for more details about these rankings or read more about the top-ranked schools.
2020 Best Colleges Highlights
Learn more about the top colleges for a Bachelor's in Marketing degree. You can also read student reviews of each school by clicking on the stars. Although student reviews were not used as a ranking factor in this list, we provide ratings and reviews so students can consider the experience of alumni in their decision-making process.

Western Governors University offers an online Bachelor of Science Business Administration Degree in Marketing. This program offers digital marketing and sales courses to help prepare students for the American Marketing Association Professional Certified Marketer exam. Additionally, the program allows students to move through the material at their own pace and over 65% of graduates finish the degree in just three years. Students are also encouraged to transfer credits, with the average student transferring 32 credits from an associate degree or previous college.
The degree is split up into 122 competency units with a minimum of 12 competency units to be taken each term. In total, the program consists of 38 distinct courses in advertising, promotion, market research, public relations, sales, and marketing. The marketing degree also includes a written capstone assignment to allow students to apply everything they learned in the degree.
Alumni with a BS in Business Administration – Marketing have found roles in both the non-profit and for-profit sectors. These include positions as marketing, sales, and public relations managers at employers such as UPS, eBay, and McGraw-Hill Education. According to the University, 97% of employers have said that graduates of this program exceeded their expectations and 86% of graduates are working full time.

Penn State University offers a Bachelor of Science in Marketing through World Campus in partnership with Penn State Harrisburg. This degree is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business and only the top 5% of online business programs globally receive this distinction. Students also have the opportunity to become a lifetime member of Beta Sigma Gamma, a premier international business student honor society founded in 1913, as part of this accreditation.
Students will be exposed to coursework in advertising, sales promotion, marketing, management, and e-commerce as part of their 120-credit degree. A final capstone project also gives the student an opportunity to leverage the skills they have learned from their degree to develop a fully integrated marketing solution. 45 credits of the 120-total come from general education including courses in the arts, humanities, health and wellness, and the sciences. Once a student is admitted into the program, an assigned program advisor will assist in making an academic plan for the degree.
Upon graduation, students are prepared to develop and execute marketing plans for organizations, use analytical tools to assess online and brick-and-mortar marketing operations, and problem solve interdisciplinary business situations. Graduates can expect careers in various roles including marketing specialists, sales specialists, and research analysts.

The LeBow College of Business at Drexel University offers an online Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a major in Marketing. This major is for students interested in market research, advertising, or branding, and is available for all students accepted into Drexel LeBow. Students also have the ability to combine their BS with an MBA and earn both degrees within five years of study on campus.
This 180-credit degree offers a variety of courses in Business including Financial Accounting, Law, and Micro/Macro Economics, in addition to required marketing courses including marketing insights, consumer behavior, selling and sales management, brand and reputation management, and global marketing. While completing their degree, students can sign up for paid co-op positions and work for companies including Comcast, Blue Cross, and Thomson Reuters. Co-op placements are generally available after the completion of 3 terms. There are also many student organizations at Drexel including the American Marketing Association and Drexel Sales Club. These clubs provide extracurricular sales and marketing opportunities with the ability to network with working professionals in their respective fields.
After graduating there are many specialized jobs in marketing that are available to students. These include pricing analysts, brand managers, marketing planners, sales forecasters, and digital marketers to name a few.
Walsh College of Accountancy and Business Administration offers a fully online Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing. This degree is a 127 credit program with core courses including Advertising and Promotional Management, Strategic Marketing, and Marketing Research. Students can choose to minor in accounting, finance, human resources, or IT.
Walsh offers a high level of flexibility, with year-round registration and a FastTrack option which allows students to take graduate-level classes during their undergraduate degree. Students who take advantage of the FastTrack option can complete a bachelor's and a master's in five years. Walsh allows up to 82 semester credit hours of transfer credits, making it a good option for transfer students seeking an online degree.
Online students at Walsh have access to lifetime career services, as well as free tutoring and mentoring.